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NXT - Post NXT Takeover discussion in progress


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Solomon had something to him, but they just didn't stick with anything. Called him Crowe and had him hashtagging #cawcaw on Twitter, did nothing with it. Debuted with hacker gimmick, did nothing with it. Started calling him NXT's Little Monster, did nothing with it. To be honest, it looks like they saw him as gimmick jobber a la Mikey Whipwreck, and he obviously had other ideas. I thought his trainee promo was pretty guff, but I liked his rope-assisted headbutt. Cool in an 80s-finish sort of way. Good luck to him.

Edited by CavemanLynn
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He's one of the only wrestlers I can think of -- certainly that's been featured in WWE/NXT -- with absolutely zero positives. It's amazing that they kept him on for so long, but fair play to him if he asked to be let go. He was far too shit to do anything substantial with, but they must have been fond of him to keep giving him chances and that. Perhaps Albert saw a kindred spirit.

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His finish in NXT was simply a signature move on the indys. He regularly used the stretch muffler as a submission finish and the lariat as a finishing blow. Both looked pretty good so i was miffed when he using the mini-splash to finish his NXT matches. His run in PWG was great and i've always felt his roughneck snug style was watered down. He's really not as average as he was made out to be. It's a shame but it'll be good to see what he does in Resada now.

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I know he came up through the indies with Ambrose and was good mates with him so that's probably why he ended up around longer than you'd expect. But yeah, nothing he did in NXT was very good to be honest. I guess both sides are to blame in that the WWE never gave him a decent chance and he didn't give them much to take note of really.

Edited by digitalversicolor
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I love Alexa, great reactions to the crowd and other mannerisms, but I agree the match was so-so. When Eva Marie came out I just said aloud "Oh no....oh no...!" I'm happy for her to mix it up with the champ if she's going to get reactions like that, loved it.


I usually watch NXT right through but I skipped most of Emma's match and the Dash/Dawson match. I'm not sold on Nia Jax yet either. She looks like The Shield's mum.


Not been in this thread as I only caught up with a month's worth of NXT over the last few days but that had me in tears, superb!

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I finally got round to watching the Bayley/Bliss match from the last episode. While it was ok, I think it could have been a lot better.


And I know I've given out about the Full Sail crowd in the past, but holy fuck how annoying was the group on the hard camera who were clearly more bothered about chanting than actually watching the match. You can actually see them planning out what they going to chant/sing/jump about around like knobheads before they launch into it. That must have been fucking unbearable to be say near.

The best example of a crowd trying to get themselves over that we've ever been witness to outside of the post-Mania RAW

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I finally got round to watching the Bayley/Bliss match from the last episode. While it was ok, I think it could have been a lot better.


And I know I've given out about the Full Sail crowd in the past, but holy fuck how annoying was the group on the hard camera who were clearly more bothered about chanting than actually watching the match. You can actually see them planning out what they going to chant/sing/jump about around like knobheads before they launch into it. That must have been fucking unbearable to be say near.

The best example of a crowd trying to get themselves over that we've ever been witness to outside of the post-Mania RAW


That's the cretins I was posting about earlier in the thread, I have defended the Full Sail crowd in the past but fucking hell that lot needed shooting.


It's hard to argue with taking NXT out of Full Sail when you had idiots like that stinking the place up.


As for the match it was about as good as I expected to be honest, Bliss has always been ok but nothing special as a wrestler and is much more suited in the manager/valet role IMO. Some here compare her to Trish but personally I see more Sunny.

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What a great show. Every segment furthered a storyline, feud or character. While all the champions were left laying, none of them appeared weaker or irrelevant for it. And every guy or girl on there had a motivation, or a reason for doing what they did. Itā€™s weird when something as fundamental as that is so refreshing.


Michael Cole being out at the start was a great choice. It made sense to have a replacement for William Regal for the contract signing, but it planted the seed for all the shenanigans in the main event ā€“ without Regal there as a barrier or as protection, ā€˜WWE Corporateā€™ can try and influence what happens in NXT. Very clever. The contract signing itself was excellent, one of my favourite ones theyā€™ve done. Finn comes out and starts demanding a proper face off with Joe, so Joe just walks outā€¦ signs the contractā€¦ and walks back. Brilliant. The brawl afterwards was great too, the Kokina Clutch looked brutal and really made you think if he locks that in in London, Finnā€™s done for. Fair play to Finn for being happy to slavver all over himself in the aftermath, as well.


The Vaudevillains/Dash & Dawson was fantastic, just a great tag team match between two proper teams who really, really felt like they were a team ā€“ two people with one mind, almost. Great stuff, and the near falls were so believable I thought the Vaudevillains might win the titles back at a couple of points. Enzo and Cassā€™ return was the icing on the cake, canā€™t wait to see them get their revenge, and the belts.


That music vignette had to be for The Drifter, right? I loved it! The gimmick might crash and burn, but like Adam Rose, there has to be at least some short term fun to get out of it. I donā€™t recall it being done before, either.


Asuka/Dana/Emma and Crews/Corbin were both fine, they did their jobs of furthering the rivalries. Crews wants revenge on Corbin for ruining his title match, Corbinā€™s annoyed that Crews had a title match in the first place. So basic, but again, how refreshing that they have proper reasons to be having a match against each other.


The main event was lovely stuff. Hugely entertaining twisty-turny sports entertainment that totally played on the NXT audienceā€™s fears about Eva Marie. Having Charles Robinson there, Nia Jax at ringside, ref bumps, all of that ā€“ you could sense the genuine fear that Eva might do it. Iā€™m fine with Bayley getting the win, and Jax taking her out afterwards, but can you imagine if Corporate had got their way and Eva had become Champion?


Anyway, great show, and thatā€™s from someone who didnā€™t bother with Survivor Series, or with Raw.

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Yeah, that music vignette was for 'The Drifter' Elias Sampson, which begs the question why they already put the gimmick on TV a few months back, think the last time he was on was in August.


But yeah, cracking episode this week and not ruined by a crowd just out to get themselves over.

This is one of the tapings where they staggered the release of tickets, so that they weren't just snapped up by the same people which can only be a good thing.

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The main event was so perfectly booked. I do like that Eva Marie's dedication to being a heel extends to being shit at talking, too. And how tight were her pants? I felt like I'd passed as a gynaecologist by the end of it.

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