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Richie Freebird

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Did that ESPN 30 for 30 on Ric Flair ever get finished/released?


There are two left to be shown from the current volume and Flairs is one of those. I'd say it'll be out early next year at the soonest and I doubt the other will be shown at all.

Edited by Merzbow
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Why surely? Thats just extending it for no justifiable reason and you end with 10 scrubs making up the numbers. If you bump it upto 40 just because the show is longer, your just throwing out the likes of Curt Hawkins and Bo Dallas to add nothing. Same if you try to bring in any available 'legends'. Sticking out the likes of DDP just to go " member DDP? Ooh I member!" doesn't add anything to it.

Whereas if you have qualifying matches on TV for the right to be in the Rumble Match itself, it has people earn their spot in it. Obviously you don't have to have 30 singles matches for each spot, do tag matches or 6 man matches were 2 or 3 can qualify.

Less is more sometimes, you don't have to Russo it ("But if less is more, how much more would more be!?"- Carl Jones)


Should have a spurt of 10 legends in the middle that turns into a gimmick battle royal, lovely little fun rest bite before Strowman comes in and cleans house/scares everyone off.

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Why surely? Thats just extending it for no justifiable reason and you end with 10 scrubs making up the numbers. If you bump it upto 40 just because the show is longer, your just throwing out the likes of Curt Hawkins and Bo Dallas to add nothing. Same if you try to bring in any available 'legends'. Sticking out the likes of DDP just to go " member DDP? Ooh I member!" doesn't add anything to it.

Whereas if you have qualifying matches on TV for the right to be in the Rumble Match itself, it has people earn their spot in it. Obviously you don't have to have 30 singles matches for each spot, do tag matches or 6 man matches were 2 or 3 can qualify.

Less is more sometimes, you don't have to Russo it ("But if less is more, how much more would more be!?"- Carl Jones)



Should have a spurt of 10 legends in the middle that turns into a gimmick battle royal, lovely little fun rest bite before Strowman comes in and cleans house/scares everyone off.

On the topic of qualifying matches, remember for the Kickoff match this year where it was a Fatal-4-Way Tag Match for 2 Rumble spots consisting of 2 actual teams (Dudleys and Ascension) and 2 throwaway teams (Swagger & Henry (who won) and Young & Sandow) and they were barely in the match for a minute. Did that concept make any sense? Anyway, I think it'll be equal allocations for Raw and SmackDown with a slot for an NXT guy (would be nice to make the TakeOver the final of a tournament for the spot) and a wildcard/legends one.
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Should have a spurt of 10 legends in the middle that turns into a gimmick battle royal, lovely little fun rest bite

Is that when Jake Robert sets Damien on someone for a bit of a breather?

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What's with this upcoming state of the WWE Universe address following Raw on the Network? Apparently it's going to be some kind of debate about Raw and Smackdown. It obviously has something to do with plugging Survivor Series.

Just one extra thing not worth watching.

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Sunny only had about 18 months of proper fame, if you think? She got over huge in 1996 as the girl everyone wanted to shag, and then she was pretty much washed up by March 98. They just got rid. By 2001, she was getting them out on Missy Hyatts website of all things. Its sort of like a child star thing in a way. She was early 20s, got a load of fame, then it went away. What a quick fall of grace she had.


I spent a bit of time with Sunny last year (and no I didn't pay for it) strange lady. She actually comes across as being really nice and pleasant, even down to earth, when you break down this wall she puts up of thinking it's still 1997. I had quite a laugh with her about normal stuff, but when 2 or 3 fans got anywhere within earshot she was back to talking about how she wouldn't fuck any cock over the age of 30 and basically being slutty to sell a few pics. Sad that she can't let that fame go.

In a way she was just a couple of years before what could've been her time. The WWE weren't quite at the big mainstream publicity they were getting 98 / 99. Had they have been I seriously could've seen her cross over into proper TV or Film work. She actually had talent and charisma in bucketloads.

What's more sad is seeing her the way she is and thinking, you're not a Mel Gibson who went mental but only after years and years of fame and fortune. And I guess that's why she still has to have that character.


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I met Sunny at wrestlecon in New Orleans in 2014, she was really friendly, very talkative and loves England, she said she loves to spend time in Stratford upon Avon and likes seeing the countryside. Very pleasant. Its a shame shes got so many demons. Hopefully she can pull through and become normal

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Can we get her shipped off down to DDP's? If he can straighten Scott Hall & Jake Roberts out then surely Sunny would be a walk in the park?

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Can we get her shipped off down to DDP's? If he can straighten Scott Hall & Jake Roberts out then surely Sunny would be a walk in the park?

Not a bad idea at all.

Problem is, Tammy will have to want to help herself.

She recently completed 3 months in (enforced) rehab and seemingly does not think she has as much of a problem with alcohol as she does.

I hope she can get sober and sort herself out - she managed it for a while when she was inducted into the HoF and looked great when she showed up on Raw that one time - but it does seem like she is more intent on self destruction, sadly.

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Yoga didnt help Hall and Jake, though. Fitness wise it did (that and the $80,000 fans donated to put new bits in them). It was the fact he was one of their best mates for years, lived with them and babysat them. And more importantly got them away from their lonely houses out in the middle of nowhere and got them back doing appearances and carnying shit up again. Its not like DDP is a miracle worker. Remember years ago when she actually did get her life together? This was like 2006-onwards. She got engaged to a copper, she looked back to how she used to look and WWE even reached out to her again. Then that went tits up and she fell off a cliff again. I mean attacking her ex with a hammer doesnt sound like the kind of problems DDP can sort out. She did that Breaking Kayfabe interview with Sean Oliver, and it sounded like she's incredibly depressed and longs for Chris Candido. She may have fucked around, but he was there since she was 17. He was someone who let her do whatever she wanted and never left her. Must have been a massive deal when he died.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Yoga didnt help Hall and Jake, though. Fitness wise it did (that and the $80,000 fans donated to put new bits in them). It was the fact he was one of their best mates for years, lived with them and babysat them. And more importantly got them away from their lonely houses out in the middle of nowhere and got them back doing appearances and carnying shit up again. Its not like DDP is a miracle worker. Remember years ago when she actually did get her life together? This was like 2006-onwards. She got engaged to a copper, she looked back to how she used to look and WWE even reached out to her again. Then that went tits up and she fell off a cliff again. I mean attacking her ex with a hammer doesnt sound like the kind of problems DDP can sort out. She did that Breaking Kayfabe interview with Sean Oliver, and it sounded like she's incredibly depressed and longs for Chris Candido. She may have fucked around, but he was there since she was 17. He was someone who let her do whatever she wanted and never left her. Must have been a massive deal when he died.

I guess we have to remember that she was thrown into a vipers nest of drugs and drinking (the WWF locker room of the 1990's) at a very young age, at a time when WWF employed only one or two women, so she was surrounded by the likes of Hawk, Scott Hall, Sean Waltman, Jake the Snake, Marty Jannetty, Davey Boy and countless others who are/were legendary for their lifestyles outside of the ring.

Shit, she dated Shawn Michaels at the height of his drugs and alcohol abuse.

She then went to ECW where the drugs and partying scene was even crazier than the WWF.


Sadly, she is a product of her time and, yes, I have no doubt also that the death of Chris Candido hit her extremely hard for the reasons stated above.


Tammy is a sad story, but also an image of how fucked up and crazy the pro wrestling lifestyle used to be.

I love hearing crazy road stories from that time as much as anybody, and todays modern lot might get the piss taken out of them for playing video games and doing cardio in the locker room instead of snorting coke and popping pills, but it is clear to me that the WWE of today is a far safer environment for the long term health and well being of its performers than it was 20+ years ago.



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