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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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I think Goldberg V Ryback could've been a decent storyline with a heel Ryback claiming to be better than Goldberg.  Bit of a missed opportunity on WWE's part.

It would have made sense had they built him up like an undefeated wrecking machine. But alas they buried him and he became a no mark like everybody else.



When are people on this forum going to realise they could have pushed Ryback to the moon and he still would have failed . . . he wasn't good in the ring and couldn't cut a promo. I'm sure I wasn't the only one he was complete fast forward material for. 


Nonsense. The crowd were clamouring for him and even if the turncoats would have come out the kids would have kept on loving him. Goldberg was green as grass in the ring and wasn't the best promo ever either but his promoters, bookers and agents worked around that. When will people realise that's what a huge amount of the art of pro wrestling was?


Wrestling needs big colourful bastards. Accentuate the positives, hide the negatives. That Heyman line is the best all around business philosophy there is. 



Watch a Goldberg squash and watch a Ryback squash. Absolute world's apart in terms of intensity. 

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I mean I want Goldberg to get big pops but I fear if they do TV in the build up it could be the whole "it's our indie WWE now fuck off you sad bastard" heat similar to what Batista got.


Yep. I wouldn't have Goldberg appear on screen until Survivor Series itself. Mmmaybe a very quick shot of him backstage or something on the pre-PPV Raw, but any more than that and you risk the crowd turning on him. Dem wans booed him a fair bit in 2003/04 and they've evolved and multiplied massively since then. After the first big pop it won't take long for them to remember that he doesn't do flips and start chanting 'Ryback' at him.

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I would mark out if Goldberg comes back, yeah I know he is old now but he is still a big star in my eyes, I'm not sure what the long plan is though? They will probably do Brock vs Goldberg 2 at Mania anyway and have a controversial finish again much like they did with Orton with a view of Goldberg then chasing Brock all the way to Mania to get his win back.


I've said it before on here but would love Heyman to say something like "If you want to face my client Brock Lesnar, you will need to prove that you are the man you once was and repeat the streak' with a view of Goldberg having to do a streak again all the way to Mania if he is to face Brock Lesnar, then you could do the Braun Strowman somewhere around February almost as the last roadblock (if that is still the PPV? I have no idea). 

Edited by Briefcase
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I've said it before on here but would love Heyman to say something like "If you want to face my client Brock Lesnar, you will need to prove that you are the man you once was and repeat the streak' with a view of Goldberg having to do a streak again all the way to Mania if he is to face Brock Lesnar, then you could do the Braun Strowman somewhere around February almost as the last roadblock (if that is still the PPV? I have no idea). 


If you do that he 100% becomes Boo-berg by the time we get to Mania. Batista '14 all over again.


Wrestling is silly now.

Edited by Pinc
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I've said it before on here but would love Heyman to say something like "If you want to face my client Brock Lesnar, you will need to prove that you are the man you once was and repeat the streak' with a view of Goldberg having to do a streak again all the way to Mania if he is to face Brock Lesnar, then you could do the Braun Strowman somewhere around February almost as the last roadblock (if that is still the PPV? I have no idea). 


If you do that he 100% becomes Boo-berg by the time we get to Mania. Batista '14 all over again.


Wrestling is silly now.




^^This.   How do you do a streak with  Goldberg?  There isn't the time or the roster to properly recreate the original vibe.   (Its the reason why Stowman has been fighting jobbers for much of the start of his run).   Assuming you could find enough opponents for him to squash, can his body hold up to wrestling week in and week out on Raw for three months before the PPV?  

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I'd just big him up with clips of key bits of his career every week. Debut, US title win, beating Hogan, Beating Rock, smashing through everyone in the Elimination Chamber and people bigging up the spear and the streak. Just make him seem like a monster. Don't have him wrestle till he faces Brock.

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Goldberg won the Mania 20 match clean as a sheet, so is the perfect person to face Brock if he gets cocky and says he's beaten everyone and is retiring etc. I'm hoping there'll be some kind of storytelling and not just an announcement graphic.


I doubt that'll happen, Sting even got a shit WWE theme after they'd been playing his original in promos.


I only learnt a few months ago that the reason the Sting promo was so awesome, was because WWE had nothing to do with it. The promo (and the awesome Goldberg one) were totally created by 2K. Once WWE was in charge, Sting gets awful music and Japanese blokes banging drums! (I still have no idea what that was about? Does anyone?)


I expect the original return pop to be incredible, then for it to fall off a cliff from there. When Goldberg's dates are over he'll be even more bitter in interviews and complain that its ten times more mental than when he was there last.


It will be interesting to see how they handle the finish though. If Goldberg loses he'll look like a total mug, but if Brock loses you've blown his aura on a part timer...what am I thinking, it'll just be a double DQ or something wont it? Who cares. I started thinking about what a mismanaged wet fart Sting's run was while writing this,and I got very depressed.


The company that makes your mediocre video games are better story tellers than you!!!

Edited by Rob Lowe
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That's fascinating to hear about the 2K promos, I naively assumed they were WWE,, produced too. WWE should take a leaf out of their book really, they were ace. The Sting one especially really got me excited about a potential Sting appearance in WWE.

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I'm interested but not really in a good way. It's the bottom of the barrell of the "our current roster is shite, who can we bring back who's an actual star" category.


There'll be people on this forum who weren't born during Goldberg's pomp. Can we move the fuck on from the Attitude Era.

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Well this has brightened up my day. I bloody love Goldberg.


I'm also fully aware WWE's version of him last time was a nonsense and a big reason I decided to chuck wrestling for a few years. Who knows, maybe they'll go for the double.


I can only assume Vince traded in the jet and his annual trip to his plastic surgeon to pay Goldberg.

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