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Richie Freebird

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Whats the deal with the Bram TNA contract read people joking about it a couple of times now?


They kept announcing that he'd signed a new contract. About three times in a few months. But each time the contract was for a long period.

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Listening to Meltzer on the Observer Radio saying he got a copy of WWE's advert rates. He's talking about how they're significantly less than the UFCs despite UFC getting a million less viewers on TV. He also postulates the idea that WWE gets around about a tenth of the ad rates than that of a regular cable show, whereas in the past they would get half.


Ad rates matter way more to USA Network and the value of their contract with WWE than any third hour or falling ratings malarky considering the ratings still trash anything that isn't NFL, NBA or Game Of Thrones. It's shocking to find out, really. I always knew advertisers consider wrestling fans to be cheapskate inbreds but if that figure of about a tenth is even close to being true then it's nuts.


WWE have done a really good job of dressing up their shows. They have one of the best production teams bar none in the world and the first few dozen rows on TV are usually full up of a kind of odd wealthy nerd, culture savvy hybrid. I'd started to assume myself that despite the slagging the average fan gets on here - rightfully so in most cases - the average make up of the fans had generally gotten more consumer savvy and self aware in recent years. I guess TV viewership gives a more macroscopic scale but in any case it's interesting to be reminded that Vince's product despite their best efforts is still essentially swamp entertainment.

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I said this in another thread recently but Lesnar guy spent all weekend at Axxess using the disabled queue lines telling WWE staff that he couldn't queue in the normal queue because of fans going up to him asking for pictures.....


Yet he spent most of his time at various events showing off and acting like he was above everyone else anyway.

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Listening to Meltzer on the Observer Radio saying he got a copy of WWE's advert rates. He's talking about how they're significantly less than the UFCs despite UFC getting a million less viewers on TV. He also postulates the idea that WWE gets around about a tenth of the ad rates than that of a regular cable show, whereas in the past they would get half.


Wouldn't surprise me if that's for Smackdown and their other pre-taped shows. I'd be amazed if it's that for Raw though. Live programming is one of the few remaining hotspots for TV advertising. If Raw's getting a tenth of the ad rates, their pre-taped shows would be getting even less. A half or quarter maybe, but I can't see Raw getting only a tenth of the ad rates of regular shows.


I might be wrong but I'm willing to suggest that Meltzer's not referring to Raw; is mistaken, or you've misheard him.

Edited by Undefeated Steak
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Regarding the front few rows, I remember a few years ago at Raw me and my ex were taken to one side and had our seats upgraded to be by the entrance on the hard camera. No real point to this, I just wanted to show off for the sake of it

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Listening to Meltzer on the Observer Radio saying he got a copy of WWE's advert rates. He's talking about how they're significantly less than the UFCs despite UFC getting a million less viewers on TV. He also postulates the idea that WWE gets around about a tenth of the ad rates than that of a regular cable show, whereas in the past they would get half.


Wouldn't surprise me if that's for Smackdown and their other pre-taped shows.



Well it would have to be either Raw or SD as they're the only WWE shows that go out on TV in the US. Their other shows only go out on the Network.

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I once saw a man moved away from his seat at an Impact taping at Universal because he was hideously obese and sat right in the front row for the hard camera to see. They bought him a Coke to say thanks/sorry.

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