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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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Those uggs are the real problem here, Stan should lariat him off the HoF stage.

Socks, Uggs yet no pants or trousers. Which means he's put his socks and Uggs on after he's removed his kecks. Which is just bizarre.

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– The Kingston Whig-Standard recently interviewed WWE Superstar Roman Reigns, who commented on the negative reception he usually gets from WWE crowds. Below is his take on the subject:

“It’s a tough one because there is no one answer. There is no one reason why someone would want to boo me. Maybe they don’t like what I wear, how I sound, maybe I did something to offend them, but for me, it’s hard because I’m under the microscope and I’m dealing with a lot of different things and there’s a lot of things flying my way. For me, I can only continue to stay within myself and worry about the things I can control and the things I can control are, Am I healthy?; Am I showing up to where I need to be on time?; Am I here to perform and do my job? If I do that, then our fans, they can cheer me, they can boo me, as long as we all show up to the arena, everything will be fine. We’ll be able to create that awesome experience, create that energy. As for the reasons why these things happen, I don’t know. I do know I have a lot of supporters. These people have my back. There’s nothing that anybody can say negatively to me that will make me believe you are correct. It’s just your opinions. I’m an ex-football player, so I’ve been in a home environment, I’ve played in an away environment. As long as I know the supporters are still by me, even if they’re not in the arena, I hear them on social media and I know they’re out there. If you’re riding with me, it’s going to be a good ride. If you’re going against me, we’re sorry for what’s going to happen next.”


Minor news press duty but it's tiny little discrepancy like this that add up and amount to the real reason Reigns is never going to be accepted by a large portion of the crowd. Says there is no reason to boo him. Proceeds to list some reasons. 


Wrestlers do tend to be dumbasses, granted, but most top guys are expected to at least appear to pass the Turing test. Reigns just constantly comes off as a bit of a dull idiot. How do you put this guy on talk shows for six months as your champion? Christ. 

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To be honest, that's about as good an answer as he can be expected to give at the moment. In the position he's in, there is no sensible option other than to be diplomatic. He would be an idiot if he was to publicly criticise his employer for booking him awfully and pushing him beyond his abilities or for criticising the fanbase for any reason at all.

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I think he comes across well. Really he's just doing the best he can at what he's being told to do. He's not going to come out and say "well they boo me because the boss makes me say suffering succotash and the cheap cunts won't cough up for decent new entrance music".

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Minor news press duty but it's tiny little discrepancy like this that add up and amount to the real reason Reigns is never going to be accepted by a large portion of the crowd. Says there is no reason to boo him. Proceeds to list some reasons. 


Wrestlers do tend to be dumbasses, granted, but most top guys are expected to at least appear to pass the Turing test. Reigns just constantly comes off as a bit of a dull idiot. How do you put this guy on talk shows for six months as your champion? Christ. 


You've misread the line you've been upset by. Read it again. 

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