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Richie Freebird

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Why is Cody Hall a lost cause? I haven't heard his name for a while but last I heard he was one to watch for the future.

He's terrible. He's the only young boy in New Japan that they don't trust to wrestle in singles matches, even on the house shows. Every match he's buried in multi mans and limited as much as possible. "Lost cause" was probably too strong, but right now he's gash.


Nepotism will probably get him through the door of WWE eventually though.

Edited by Jizzlobber
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Austin's a smart dude who understands the business as well as anyone. There is NO WAY that wasn't intentional to build a match at Mania.



You're having a laugh. Brock Lesnar is a human wrecking ball that only wrestles one way. That way is not conducive to having a safe match with a 50 year old man with a surgically-repaired neck having his first match for 13 years.


I know the sun's come out, but Jesus.

I didn't say it was a good idea or that it's the match I'd make. What I said was that's what they were setting up in the promo. It's ludicrous but that IS what he was doing IMO.

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I'd say he knew exactly what he was doing. However the intention is probably nothing more than to get people talking and help drum up interest in the podcast. Heyman has asked him before about a match with Brock, so he'd have known there was a high chance of it coming when he agreed to do the interview in the first place.

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I didn't say it was a good idea or that it's the match I'd make. What I said was that's what they were setting up in the promo. It's ludicrous but that IS what he was doing IMO.


And what I'm saying is ; no fucking chance. If that match happens at WrestleMania 32, I'll change my avatar to an Arsenal crest and leave it until the new season kicks off.

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Stolen from another forum:


'Lana breaking up with Rusev in the WWE Universe to manage Dolph Ziggler has been a hot topic lately on the F4WOnline audio shows. Dave Meltzer, Bryan Alvarez and others are suggesting that Vince McMahon broke them up on-screen to facilitate a real-breakup, with Vince feeling that someone like Rusev shouldn’t be able to get a girl like Lana.

Normally when a real-life couple that is paired on-screen breaks up in kayfabe, history has shown that life may imitate art. It’s also common for the “new squeeze” to become the real life “new squeeze.” It’s an occupational hazard in both Hollywood and pro wrestling'.

Edited by Callum1993
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What's the problem with Rusev and Lana being together? Or does Vince enforce the "no dating in the workplace" rule, which is bollocks if he's trying to from a romantic laision between Lana and Ziggler to break her away from the Bulgarian brute.

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– The Wrestling Observer has an update on the injured WWE Superstar and former tag team champion Tyson Kidd. Kidd sustained a spinal cord injury in his dark match with Samoa Joe before Raw last week. Kidd will likely need to undergo surgery to treat the injury, which could put him out of action for a year or possibly longer.

Tyson Kidd has reportedly received calls from WWE Hall of Famers Steve Austin and Edge, who gave him some moral support and advice. The report mentions that it is a possibility he might have to undergo a fusion surgery similar to what Austin and Edge had for their necks.

Per the report, Kidd’s injury was apparently a fluke and not a result of how Samoa Joe executed the muscle buster.


Really bad news if true. Could well mean his career is over.

Edited by Callum1993
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Feel terrible for Tyson Kidd. The run he's had with Cesaro over the past year is probably the best he's ever looked and it's such a shame that this is likely the end of their team, if not his career. They were probably my favourite team of the past five to ten years. It was very rare for them to have a match that wasn't loads of fun.

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