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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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It's easy enough to explain. He's mates with Mr. H and he's also a 16 time World champion. They can tease a big star presenting the belt, then Flair can come out and cut a promo before handing over the belt.


Anyway, they'll probably have Big Johnny do the honours.

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Why would anybody who doesn't work for WWE Corporate be annoyed at Punk for saying a couple of sincere yet fairly innocuous things at a comic convention? Also - as has been pointed out, similar sentiments have been said in public forums by Vince McMahon and Triple H.


Punk is close to unwatchable at the moment, but its daft to let his on-screen persona colour your perception of things he says out of character. And bellowing about how Triple H has EARNED the right to say things that Punk can't say is precious as fuck.

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And bellowing about how Triple H has EARNED the right to say things that Punk can't say is precious as fuck.


I assume he was getting at him being a high up in the corporate side of actually running the business as opposed to just on screen talent and just said it in a very wank and fucked up way.


I'm not taking agreeing or disagreeing, that's just how I interpret what he was saying.

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Vince McMahon, talking as the Chairman of the company in a meeting with shareholders is a million miles away from on-screen talent and current WWE Champion CM Punk making a personal appearance at a Comic Con and talking in front of fans. He was there in character, effectively- as WWE Champion CM Punk. He shouldn't be saying anything at all that would give fans and potential customers the impression that the current product isn't very good.


I wonder if CM Punk thinks it's beneath him to tow the company line. I'm sure he's said before that he couldn't do what Cena does. If that's the case, I'd suggest that he's beneath holding the WWE Championship.

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That's a good thing for the supposed company figurehead to say. "The belts shite, but the new one is worse".


As far as the new belt goes, I'd have Ric Flair introduce the new heavyweight title on the first ever three hour Raw.


That's not a bad idea. What's The Rock's schedule like? It was only a week or so I was thinking the title will be changed when Rock wins it.


I forgot to mention that I meant Rock would introduce it. Seems it'll be too early for that though. I was predicting Rock would win the title and change it.

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Anyway, speaking of the big news Blackson was talking about earlier, a few TNA personalities like Karen Jarrett are tweeting and replying to each other with words like "Oh shit" and "shits about to get real" and weird stuff like that. I wonder if that has anything to do with anything. Dixie supposedly has a major announcement lined up soon. Maybe we will get some news on it today.

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Anyway, speaking of the big news Blackson was talking about earlier, a few TNA personalities like Karen Jarrett are tweeting and replying to each other with words like "Oh shit" and "shits about to get real" and weird stuff like that. I wonder if that has anything to do with anything. Dixie supposedly has a major announcement lined up soon. Maybe we will get some news on it today.


Completely out of left field and mainly because it's daft. With the reduction of PPV's and the increased paying attendances in the UK.. TNA to move to the UK!


Yeah it's stupid. but hey ho

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Why would anybody who doesn't work for WWE Corporate be annoyed at Punk for saying a couple of sincere yet fairly innocuous things at a comic convention? Also - as has been pointed out, similar sentiments have been said in public forums by Vince McMahon and Triple H.


Punk is close to unwatchable at the moment, but its daft to let his on-screen persona colour your perception of things he says out of character. And bellowing about how Triple H has EARNED the right to say things that Punk can't say is precious as fuck.



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Anyway, speaking of the big news Blackson was talking about earlier, a few TNA personalities like Karen Jarrett are tweeting and replying to each other with words like "Oh shit" and "shits about to get real" and weird stuff like that. I wonder if that has anything to do with anything. Dixie supposedly has a major announcement lined up soon. Maybe we will get some news on it today.


The Flying Elvises are back then.

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The McMahon's are responsible for content. Nobody on TV is forced into anything, but that doesn't mean they should ask them to do it. The original argument from WWF bashers was that the WWF promotes violence towards women and other deviant acts on their TV show.

The mongs must be in a right muddle at the moment, trying to decide whether to go with the standard "PG SUX, ATTITUDE ERA SHUD COME BACK" or the political "DISGUSTING WWE WAS OFFENSIVE AND INAPPROPRIATE."

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Anyway, speaking of the big news Blackson was talking about earlier, a few TNA personalities like Karen Jarrett are tweeting and replying to each other with words like "Oh shit" and "shits about to get real" and weird stuff like that. I wonder if that has anything to do with anything. Dixie supposedly has a major announcement lined up soon. Maybe we will get some news on it today.


Come on Ian, I want you to be the first to land this story, before any of the usual retards c/p it from rajah.com or wherever.

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Here's our Bobby on the red carpet hobnobbing at the MTV Movie Awards. A great man, I'm sure you'll all agree:



And again at the Spike TV Awards:



As well as globetrotting to landmarks over here:



It must be the new haircut giving him all this mainstream attention. Nice to see someone other than Hogan, Sting and Jeff Hardy getting thrown around in the mainstream, though.

Edited by The_BarbarIAN
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