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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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There just isn't enough time in the day, sadly. Unlike most games, you play for an hour or 3 and get nowhere fast.


I bought the last one to kill some time on the plane to Berlin, but I was landed by the time I signed Scott Steiner.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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Nattie's dad is a right embarrassing bastard too, shame it's not him in her corner on Sunday, it would be fun to see who was more of a liability out of him and Flair.


At least Flair wouldn't show up in beyond-skintight Tap Out attire. Well, unless he was "Jake at Heroes Of Wrestling" level pissed, then he might.

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There's something really dull about the statistics in TEW, I dunno what it is. They don't feel like they mean anything.


I thought the feature where you could see why was performing well in a match and who was getting carried would add since character to the match write ups but it just seems to be yet another 'C' grade I can't seem to bring myself to care about. It's good as a thing to fantasy book stories in but as a game its never really connected for me.

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