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Richie Freebird

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Someone's had their knuckles rapped.


Jay Briscoe @jaybriscoe84


I feel very strongly about how and who should teach kids about certain things but I showed poor judgment by using that analogy and I'm sorry


I don't think he quite understands what an "analogy" is.


His Twitter has disappeared now as well.

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Oddest news of the day, New Jack is going to be on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart tonight as a correspondent.

That sounds absolutely amazing! Cheers for the heads up


Just watched this on Comedy Central - New Jack's cameo was magnificent. The correspondent had hired him to scare high school students out of going to university, so basically he and his mate turned up, threw some stuff and shouted in students' faces. Magnificent.

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New signings on the way:

The names from the independent scene who are said to be in the process of following the protocol such as testing and waiting to be signed include Sami Callihan, Shaun Ricker, Samuray del Sol and Mike Bennett. Also offered a developmental deal was Smith James, who trained at Taz
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I watched a recent match of Callihan's where he kicked out of the following three moves done on him one after the other. A superkick, release german suplex and a Vertabreaker. He was back on his feet like nothing happened after about 6 seconds and continued wrestling for another 10 minutes where he and his opponent went through every Japanese head drop move they knew and no selled everything. I think all of his matches I've seen have followed this exact same formula. His charisma basically just amounts to him scowling alot. He's fucking shit.

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Yeah but that's against a super worker like Finlay. Everyone has good matches against him.


WWE already has tons of good wrestlers on the payroll doing nothing, what does Callihan really have to offer that no one else has that makes him worth signing?

Edited by LaGoosh
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You could have said that about Jon Moxley and Tyler Black on the indies. Moxley wasn't anything special in the ring and Black wasn't very good at all on the microphone. Their stay in developmental did a shitload for them. And look at them now. Seth Rollins looks so comfortable on the national stage and Ambrose (judging by his stint in FCW) is awesome in the ring. Callihan would be great after a year on NXT.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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When WWE scout guys from the indies these days they don't give much of a shit about what style you work or how good your story telling is. Those are the things they can teach you when you get there. What they look out for are the things you can't teach, like charisma and a great physique or, as in Sami's case, an interesting and potentially marketable look.

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Has anybody been following all the shit with Kid Kash and a UK promoter on Twitter recently?


Apparently the bloke did it with Corino which I recall happening a few months ago and has now pulled the same with Kash who isn't standing for it. Basically the promotion is known as wrestlemidlands and the promoter is Lord GT (Lord Graham Thomas? Is that him? If so he is absolutely diabolical, that man should not be in a wrestling ring). Anyway this bloke has promised to pay Kash's deposit 3 times and hasn't. Kash is kicking off on Twitter and is threatening to post the emails on like that Corino did.


I'd like for Kash to come over and kick the shit out of him. Kash looks tough as fuck these days.

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