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Favourite Simpsons Quotes

Family Guy PMSL

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(Homer trying to play Lisa's sax, to the tune of Beethoven's 5th symphony)


Saxamaphone... Saxamaphone...






Mr. Burns: Remember, your job depends on your successful completion of Nuclear Physics 101. Oh, and one more thing... (ominously) You must find the Jade Monkey before the next full moon.


Smithers: Actually, sir, we found the Jade Monkey. It was in your glove compartment.


Mr. Burns: And the road maps, and ice scraper?


Smithers: They were in there, too, sir.


Mr. Burns: Excellent! It's all falling into place...






Crowd: We need a cure! We need a cure!


Dr. Hibbert: Why, the only cure is bed rest. Anything I give you would only be a placebo.


Woman: Where do we get these placebos?


Man: Maybe there's some in this truck!


(the crowd push over a truck, and boxes labelled "DANGER: KILLER BEES" break open. The bees go everywhere and everyone panics. One man puts a bee in his mouth)


Man: I'm cured! I mean, ouch!






Bart: Hey, G. I. Joe, your sign's broken. We're already in Australia.


Marine: Actually, Sir, the embassy is considered American soil, Sir!


Homer: Really? Look, boy, now I'm in Australia... (hops over the line) Now I'm in America...Australia! America!


Bart: I get it, Dad.


Homer: Australia! America!


Marge: Homer, that's enough!


Homer: Australia! America!


(the Marine punches him in the face)


Marine: Here in America we don't tolerate that kind of crap, Sir!

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Eddie: That sounded like an explosion at the old Simpson place.

Wiggum: Forget it, that's two blocks away.

Eddie: Looks like there's beer coming out of the chimney!

Wiggum: I'm proceeding on foot! Call in a code 8!

Eddie: We need pretzels. Repeat, pretzels.

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All from the 'Fear Of Flying' episode:




Marge: Everybody's afraid of something.


Homer: (smugly) Not everybody.


Marge: Sock puppets.


Homer: (shrieking in terror) Where? Where?






"I wanna shake off the dust of this one-horse town. I wanna explore the world. I wanna watch TV in a different time zone. I wanna visit strange, exotic malls. I'm sick of eating hoagies. I want a grinder, a sub, a foot long hero. I want to LIVE, Marge. Won't you let me live? Won't you, please?"






Homer: This is it. The last bar in Springfield. If they don't let me in, I'll have to quit drinking.


Homer's Liver: YAY.


Homer: Shut up, liver...






(Homer in a lesbian bar)


Homer: Wait a minute... there's something bothering me about this place... I know! This lesbian bar doesn't have a fire exit! Enjoy your death trap, ladies!


Woman: What was her problem?

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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Sometimes a one liner needs the set-up though.


For the last one I posted, I was eating pretzels and that line popped into my head but it really doesn't make sense without the scene setting.

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