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UKFF User Artwork

Richie Freebird

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  • 1 year later...
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Wasn't sure where to put this, and remembered this old thread for sharing work.Ā 


As some of you will know, just over a year ago, I started trading as one of the billions of freelance graphic designers out there doing the rounds and well, some of the countries wrestling promotions were good enough to give me a shot at putting their posters together so I've been living the dream to an extent getting to work in some small capacity, within the industry.


I took some time this week to pull it all together, and this is my portfolio from the past year - as wrestling fans for the most part, genuinely interested in feedback, especially from those of you with a creative background, I make no apologies for being entirely self taught, doing things the long way round and for the most part, at 1am after I've put the kids to bed, so I've an awful lot to learn.


Feel free to take a look hereĀ if you get a moment.

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  • 5 months later...
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I haven't painted a picture or done any drawing in yonks, probably a good 15 years or so in A levels. Anyway, I've recently needed something to do in order to relax so started sketching which lead on to knocking up a canvass painting. It's A2 in size using acrylic paints.

There is a lot wrong with it in terms of real technical skills, shadowing, but I'm not that bothered.

I used an image to get a rough idea of the octopus body/head scale, but it's all pretty much from mind. I'm/was a cartoonist at heart, so attempting something proper was a challenge and the cartoon style won out overall.

It was interesting how much i remembered, how many basic lessons i learned at school, but typically after i'd made a mistake and couldn't really rescue. Anyway, here is a big daft Octopus.



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  • 4 months later...
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I finished my latest painting yesterday - a commission for a friend whose brother's getting married soon. Him and his fiancƩe are both gamers - he plays Mario and she plays Sonic - so I was asked to come up with something combining the two. The wedding theme is "Cadbury's purple" so I had to incorporate that somewhere and tried doing Sonic's shoes but I couldn't mix it properly and it came out too dark. And you need to ignore Sonic's left hand too.


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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 years later...
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Iā€™veĀ had a creative lethargy (canā€™t be arsed to do anything)Ā over the last few weeks but saw the RAF Museum was running a poster competition this week... and they had an over-18s category too! I asked if you could enter more than once (very few T&Cs) as I had a concept for a series of posters but had no response so I knocked these 3 up on Wednesday night. Had some really positive feedback and, even if I donā€™t win, I might do a few more designs and stick them on Redbubble. A friend already wants me to do one with a C-47 on it.






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  • 3 weeks later...

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