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30 Days of Gaming

Super Cena

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The PC, absolutely the greatest in every department.


Goldeneye is still the most fun with a few people in the same room gaming on a TV.

Absolutely agree. My girlfriend has a PS3 at her house and yet there's a reason my N64 is also under her telly - any time my friends are around, there's only one game that's going on. I absolutely refute the suggestion by some people that it's aged terribly; unless you're looking for silky smooth graphics, there's nothing better as far as first person splitscreen multiplayers go (especially since the N64 has four ports, as every console should've had).


Favourite system? I'd have to go with the PlayStation as well just purely for sentimental reasons: it was the first console I ever owned. That said, the MegaDrive is still a favourite for me, as well as the SNES.

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Ron has it spot on. It simply has to be the original PlayStation. It was the console that absoloutely everyone had when you went into those teenage years and it bridged the gap and turned gaming into a very laddish thing which is now lost again considering the prevelance of gaming in all markets in the mainstream. I still flick through the old magazines for nostalgia and they are full of Lara Croft spreads, walkthroughs relating to shooting guns at stuff and competitions to win a day driving fast cars around a racetrack.


It was the console of the late 90's. I can't even picture it's miserable grey goodness without hearing Firestarter in my head.

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The PC, absolutely the greatest in every department.


Goldeneye is still the most fun with a few people in the same room gaming on a TV.

Absolutely agree. My girlfriend has a PS3 at her house and yet there's a reason my N64 is also under her telly - any time my friends are around, there's only one game that's going on. I absolutely refute the suggestion by some people that it's aged terribly; unless you're looking for silky smooth graphics, there's nothing better as far as first person splitscreen multiplayers go (especially since the N64 has four ports, as every console should've had).


Spot on. I see computer games as a way to wile away a bored half hour, and for that Goldeneye to this day pays off in spades, and is the only game along with EA Hockey and Wii Sports that me and my friends play each other on. Fuck graphics being "Blocky", if I want to see super realism I'll look outside my window. Fact remains that I've never had so much fun playing a multi player computer game in my life.


Anyway, best gaming system is the Mega Drive or the N64 for me. The Mega Drive was supreme, and N64 had Goldeneye and some shit hot wrestling games and ISS.

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That is why PC gaming will always be the nerdy, less interesting brother of console gaming. Nobody wants to gather around a PC screen whilst you whizz your mouse around and fart into your faux-leather chair. Everybody knows you spend more time on WoW anyway, you king nerd.


Consoles are more sociable, swopping controllers and eating pizza, fighting over Bomberman or NHL Hockey 95, or picking off your mate with a missile launcher whilst pulling on a fat bifter during a late-night session of Halo.

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I really couldn't pick a favourite console, I have pretty much all of them and there's games I absolutely adore on each. I don't have a gaming PC, I would love one but it's just ridiculously expensive, it'd be outdated as soon as I got it out the box and I know fuck all about how PC's work.

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That is why PC gaming will always be the nerdy, less interesting brother of console gaming. Nobody wants to gather around a PC screen whilst you whizz your mouse around and fart into your faux-leather chair. Everybody knows you spend more time on WoW anyway, you king nerd.


Consoles are more sociable, swopping controllers and eating pizza, fighting over Bomberman or NHL Hockey 95, or picking off your mate with a missile launcher whilst pulling on a fat bifter during a late-night session of Halo.


I have hardly ever played anything on the PC aside from that free pinball game you used to get with PCs and Championship Manager 97/98 that my brother bought. PC gaming has never interested me one iota outside of that. I guess they're alright for RPG nerds but consoles every single time for me. My favourite ever is the SNES - it was a part of my childhood, just ahead of the Megadrive.

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Agreed with the PC hate. I have a friend who pretty much let games like WoW and Second Life ruin his own life. He went from being a slightly above average student to being thrown out twice and rejected from University, pretty much destroying his hopes of becoming a teacher. He's in college now doing Psychology (I know) but according to his brother the only reason he hasn't been thrown out is because they are evening classes. Not saying that I blame PC gaming entirely but his change from out-going, sociable and intelligent friend to lazy, nerdy, waste-of-space recluse was quite remarkable.


I'll have to echo the praise given for the Playstation here, although overall I may have preferred the PS2 purely because I had it for longer and thus played more games for it. The Gameboy Colour was fantastic too but had an awful ratio of good games to shit games in my opinion.




Because I've been so late to the party, here is just a brief response to some of the days I have missed:


Your first video game - Virtua Fighter 2 and Altered Beast for the Megadrive. I much preferred the latter both now and at the time.


Your favourite character - Vega from the Street Fighter series. Just always really dug his character and am enjoying the fact that Cody Rhodes is doing something vaguely similar on Smackdown! at the moment. Shame he always gets his arse handed to him in the movies though.


A game that is underrated - Tekken 4 for the PS2. One of my all-time favorite fighting games, this is the game where I felt Tekken hit its peak. They started putting a lot of detail into the stories for each character, much more than most fighters at the time, and although the results were mixed in regards to quality it gave you a genuine reason to play through the game with every single character. The end videos were fantastic and the actual gameplay itself was very strong for Tekken as the larger stage designs meant it was more forgiving to you if you got knocked to the floor. In the older games (and even the latest one) the fight tends to be over the second your character hits the floor as it's so difficult to get to your feet without being hit back down. This problem happened far less in 4 and, from what I hear, 5 which came out at the time I didn't have a games console so couldn't really play much.


Your guilty pleasure game - Dynasty Warriors 4 for the PS2. I know it's just mindless button-bashing but I have a major soft spot for the Dynasty Warriors game. 4 is my personal favorite as it allowed you to create your own character and take him through the game's main story (Musou) mode. This is probably the game I've wasted most hours on. I'll even admit to doing the incredibly nerdy thing of making up stories for my character while playing the game, which is strange for me as that's something I've never done. Not even for wrestling game titles.


Game character you feel you are most like (or wish you were) - I'd wish to be either Dante from Devil May Cry 4 or maybe Duke Nuke'Em. Basically any character that kicks ass and chews scenery...and they're all out of gum. Who I feel I am most like? I've never given it any thought...maybe Dan from Street Fighter IV. That'd be awesome.

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Gaming System of choice


I would have to say the PC. I had my first PC years before I bought my own console, so my favourite memories from when I started gaming at home were all on the PC. It started with some great games like SWOS and CM2 and then over the years I played some of my favourite ever games on the PC, including the likes of the Max Payne games, Mafia, Rollercoaster Tycoon and The Sims games. My PC nowadays is several years old and only good enough to play the likes of Football Manager, my PS3 and 360 are my main gaming machines nowadays, but I still fondly remember the years I spent playing PC games and hopefully will use a PC for gaming more once I get my next computer at some point in the future.


As I forgot to post my choice for best gameplay yesterday, I'll include that here as well.


Championship Manager 01/02.


Although the recent Football Manager games have exceeded it in terms of features, in my view it remains the most addictive of the Championship Manager/Football Manager series. I wasted a lot of time on this game.

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Sega Megadrive


Must have well over 250/300 games for it including some games that are rare, super rare and quite frankly some I have no right owning even if they are clones and not the real thing.


Have had it since 1990/1 ish and has been the forefront of my gaming ever since.


There are too many games to list as being stand outs, but 20 years on and my original Megadrive is still plodding along, and is in seemingly no danger of giving up the ghost anytime soon



Honourable mentions go to


The Miggy




Atari ST


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This is another tough one, i honestly thought this whole question sheet would be quite easy, in terms of shooting off answers, but it does really get you thinking.


Im going to mention the consoles ive had the most fun on and then pic a winner at the end:


Mega Drive:


This was my first console and based on my previous answers, it may tell why i rank it so highly. Games such as Road Rash paved the way for me with gaming, such an incredible game, i could list all of my fav games but that wouldn't really answer this question.

I remember when i got this console, it was just incredible, it was what.. christmas 1990? 6 years old and being amazed at what this little black box was. First game in the cartridge slot.. Sonic the Hedgehog. Now i dont care what anyone says, i hadn't played or even heard of Mario at this point, so it was never a case of 'which was better?' Sonic the Hedgehog, for someone that had never played a computer game before, was fucking unreal.




The years went on and i never got bored of the Mega Drive, until one day i heard that the computer game store 'chips' were trading N64 consoles with 1 pad, for peoples Mega Drives providing they traded in... more than 20 games.

Well being a stupid kid, i had to get me some of this deal, so i did, i got home set it up and thought "Mint.. now all i need to do is save up for a month or so and i'll be able to buy a game".. dick head.

Anyway, the lovely people that are my parents decided to be very kind and plash out on a game and second controller for me and my brother to play, class. What game were we going to get though.. Mario Kart 64, obviously. Now, it wasn't exactly the snes version, but bloody hell, it was fun.

This led on to obvious classics such as the incredible.. Mystical Ninja staring Goeman, WCW vs NWO & WrestleMania 2000.


The Joy of this machine was short lived, why..






I dont think i even need to go in to why this machine was brilliant, firstly, the range of games available was insane, secondly, you could get it chipped to play cheap copied games.. BUZZIN!


After all of that, i think i have to go to the Machine which started it all, the machine which kept me entertained for 6-7 years before the next one came my way, the machine i actually still own 2 of and own around 30-40 games for, the machine im currently thinking of buying the hand held version of.



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Nice little read that, Hayashi.


All this retro talk has inspired me to get hold of a Sega Megadrive, I'm gonna get my mits on one next time i'm in town.


In fact, I think I'd like a PS1 as well, I've not got a clue where my old one went. It'd be nice to play on some of those old classics again.

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Its true Super, ive never bothered with emulators yet but the thread 'portable mega drive' has got me right in the retro mood (along with this thread).


Id love to be able to pick up a portable handheld that could emulate my fav systems, preferably Mega Drive, N64 and PS1/PS2 games. It would be completely incredible, i'd swap my 360 for it with games if the handheld was available.

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Its true Super, ive never bothered with emulators yet but the thread 'portable mega drive' has got me right in the retro mood (along with this thread).


Id love to be able to pick up a portable handheld that could emulate my fav systems, preferably Mega Drive, N64 and PS1/PS2 games. It would be completely incredible, i'd swap my 360 for it with games if the handheld was available.


Could you imagine that, being able to play Smackdown 2 and Fifa 99 on the move? It would be incredible.

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Its true Super, ive never bothered with emulators yet but the thread 'portable mega drive' has got me right in the retro mood (along with this thread).


Id love to be able to pick up a portable handheld that could emulate my fav systems, preferably Mega Drive, N64 and PS1/PS2 games. It would be completely incredible, i'd swap my 360 for it with games if the handheld was available.


Could you imagine that, being able to play Smackdown 2 and Fifa 99 on the move? It would be incredible.

Well, branching off from that statement I'll give my CURRENT gaming system of choice. It links directly into my all-time pick:



The PSP-Go


I love my PSP-Go. Being able to play a multitude of PS1 classics portably is absolutely brilliant. You have Final Fantasy VII, VIII, IX, Tekken 2, Crash Bandicoot 1,2 and 3, Metal Gear Solid, Abe's Exodus and Odysee, Tomb Raider 3, Medievil, Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, Crash Team Racing, Kula World, Rayman...so many awesome games that I can play anywhere, any time. More are coming too, slowly but surely.


Then there's a whole host of PSP games on the system that I'm loving - Persona 3 is coming soon, but in the mean time there's God Of War, LittleBigPlanet, Tekken 6, Wipeout, Half Minute Hero, Patchwork Heroes, Daxter, LocoRoco 2, Patapon...it's an exceptionally underrated little console. Best purchase I've made in years.

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I 100% agree with the PS1 love. It's what got me insanely into gaming with a passion rather than playing something because I was bored. Nothing will ever quite compare to it for it's vast range of games and ground breaking games. I remember Tekken 3 coming out and being blown away by the graphics, nowadays you expect new games to visually blow you away. I'm going to dig out my PS2 now and play Kula world, medieval, Spryo, Ridge Racer T4, final fantasy 7/8 and of course, MGS.


Also, what you don't get nowadays, are things like the awesome Net Yarozee!! SuperBub ~~

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