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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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It is getting beyond a joke now.

Just this year there will have been Deadpool, Batman v Superman, Captain America:Civil War, Suicide Squad, X-Men:Apocalypse and Dr Strange in Cinemas. Then you've got Daredevil, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage with their own series' on Netflix whilst on TV you've got Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Arrow, The Flash, Agent Carter, DC's Legends of Tomorrow and (if you want to count it) Gotham.

And that's before you even get to next year and beyond with Guardians of the Galaxy, Ant-Man, Deadpool and Thor sequels, Spider-Man reboot, a standalone Batman reboot, Justice League two parter, Captain Marvel (Brie Larsson has just been cast), Black Panther, ANOTHER SODDING WOLVERINE!, standalones for Wonder Woman, Flash and Aquaman, Shazam, Avengers:Infinity War split over two films, etc.


Tony Hayers would shot them down with a "there's too many of them?" by now

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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Don't forget Supergirl on the TV shows list as well


I enjoy watching them and am involved in the Marvel cinematic universe storys especially and where they are eventually going with that and all the films having some form of link to them but it is getting to the point where its getting so over saturated with Superheros the bubble is surely gonna burst at some point.


I think once Marvel have finsihed the Infinity wars which basically all there films are building up to it might be an idea for them to step back for a bit and see what the landscape is like going forward before announcing any future films beyond that point.

Edited by MVP RULZ
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It is getting beyond a joke now.

Just this year there will have been Deadpool, Batman v Superman, Captain America:Civil War, Suicide Squad, X-Men:Apocalypse and Dr Strange in Cinemas. Then you've got Daredevil, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage with their own series' on Netflix whilst on TV you've got Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Arrow, The Flash, Agent Carter, DC's Legends of Tomorrow and (if you want to count it) Gotham.

And that's before you even get to next year and beyond with Guardians of the Galaxy, Ant-Man, Deadpool and Thor sequels, Spider-Man reboot, a standalone Batman reboot, Justice League two parter, Captain Marvel (Brie Larsson has just been cast), Black Panther, ANOTHER SODDING WOLVERINE!, standalones for Wonder Woman, Flash and Aquaman, Shazam, Avengers:Infinity War split over two films, etc.


Tony Hayers would shot them down with a "there's too many of them?" by now

Why would they not continue to make more and more superhero films, while they are making lots and lots of money for the studios and are still (mostly) well received?

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The thing is though, you have to pick and choose what you watch. I'm ignoring all the DC TV shows and the Netflix series' have been of a genrally high quality so I'm fine with them. I've avoided BvS and Apocalypse, so that just leaves the excellent Deadpool and the very good Civil War I've seen, I will go to see Dr Strange and SS looks interesting, but still not certain if it's going to be another DCU stnker.

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The thing is though, you have to pick and choose what you watch. I'm ignoring all the DC TV shows and the Netflix series' have been of a genrally high quality so I'm fine with them. I've avoided BvS and Apocalypse, so that just leaves the excellent Deadpool and the very good Civil War I've seen, I will go to see Dr Strange and SS looks interesting, but still not certain if it's going to be another DCU stnker.

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That Kong trailer was the bollocks, and I found myself smiling during the Justice League trailer, so job done there.

My mate was over at SDCC and he said the Thor Ragnarok documentary thing was hilarious and incredible in equal measures. He spoiled a few things on me, and it sounds glorious, truth be told.

I’m going to Suicide Squad on Thursday at 1030pm.


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I do think it's a bit weird how they've set it all in the town, whereas in the books it's more of a road trip with characters they meet along the way. I've not fully caught up with the show. 5 episodes in my opinion is that it seems OK, but I'm waiting for something to actually happen. Cassidy and a general curiosity due to my love of the source material is really all that's keeping me coming back to it at the moment.

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That Kong trailer was the bollocks, and I found myself smiling during the Justice League trailer, so job done there.

My mate was over at SDCC and he said the Thor Ragnarok documentary thing was hilarious and incredible in equal measures. He spoiled a few things on me, and it sounds glorious, truth be told.

I’m going to Suicide Squad on Thursday at 1030pm.



Not another early showing Banquers you bastard. 


I'm livid that I'm holiday for 2 weeks in Spain from Sunday and won't get to see it till w/c 15th August at the earliest. Taking the kids for their first trip abroad but my other half's family are going to be there and they are bunch of fucking idiots.


Let us know how it is. Personally, I think it's going to be superb. 

Edited by lambyUK
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The only reason I get to go to these things is coz my mates missus says "I'm not going to sit through hours of that Roger Ramjet shite. You can fuck off with himself to them!"

It's a wonderful wee gig. First one I ever went to was Elysium, I think. And fuck everybody, I absolutely adore that movie!


I'll let you know on Friday how it is! And you also have my deepest sympathies, Muttons. I live right next door to my in laws and her brother and his missus live just down the road. At least I can go to work. I couldn't handle two weeks hanging out of each others' lip and having to listen to them eat every evening. You've never experience anger until you've heard my in laws eat/drink a bowl of soup. It's frightening what it does to the psyche really.

The room could be so loud with bin lids running amok and people chatting...and all you can focus on is the noise of them blowing the spoon containing the soup, then making that breathing in noise like "HOOOWWWFFFF" as they put it in their speakhole, and then the spoon clacks off their teeth and the swallow noise that goes "nnngggllluuuppp".

EDIT - For the record, I love my in laws, but I don't like how they consume soup. And apples.

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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The room could be so loud with bin lids running amok and people chatting...and all you can focus on is the noise of them blowing the spoon containing the soup, then making that breathing in noise like "HOOOWWWFFFF" as they put it in their speakhole, and then the spoon clacks off their teeth and the swallow noise that goes "nnngggllluuuppp".


Jesus, that's terrifying and glorious at the same time. Makes me feel like I'm there, and I don't want to be.


Reminds me of when we were living with my grandad-in-law. He wasn't a problem, my wife's mum was — she was always visiting to stay over late on Friday nights, eating her chow mein like a fucking animal. Just shoveling it right in there with a spoon, slurping and chomping and smacking her chops. Despicable.

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That's spot on. The very fucking word for it. And it's usually the ma's coz they always have that bit more bollox about them coz they've gone through pain we could never comprehend unless we've had a plum stuffed down our japeye.

Like the ones who stand in a queue and pay for a bag of spuds and some youghurt with 5ps, 10ps and the odd 20p at lunchtime when you're on the clock.

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Did anybody else go and see Batman: The Killing Joke last night? They were showing it at Vue cinemas across the country I believe


It was the first DC animated movie I have watched and I loved it, I enjoyed it way more than I thought. The ending was a bit meh but overall I thought it was great.


I never thought a cartoon could make me feel uneasy, scared almost, but there were a few bits that surprised me, especially when

the joker turns up at Batgirls door and shoots her



The little bit with Mark Hammill before the film started was quite interesting although not sure why he spoke about Star Wars for so long. Also enjoyed the bit about the music at the end of the film, especially Hammill signing the looney song! Do they have this on all the films or was it a bit of a one off as it was at the cinema?


How does this one stand against the other animated films? Should I check out any others?



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