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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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Universal hold the rights to Hulk solo movies. The Incredible Hulk was made by Marvel and distributed by Universal. It was like a much smaller scale version of the Marvel/Sony/Spider-Man deal.


Before Marvel were in a position to make and distribute their own films they took them to other studios. The rest of the MCU films were made by Marvel and distributed by Paramount. The wording of the deal was for them to be involved in x amount of films (Which ended, I think, with the first Avengers movie) when that finished and Disney purchased Marvel they bought back the distribution rights so they could release them themselves.


The deal with The Hulk is apparently that the wording is open ended, meaning that unless Universal want to give the rights back they don't have to and Disney don't want to make a film that they have to give over to Universal to make money on so they are at an impasse for now.





You can't have 2 hours of Hulk on screen. Hulk turning up and going mental needs to be the payoff, rather than the bulk of the movie and he's a character that works far better if there's people around him to give him context, like Punisher. That and the fact that Ruffalo is awesome and has finally made Banner a great character.

I think that's a bit of an old fashioned view, there have been enough Hulk adaptations that revolve around Banner trying not to Hulk up and it being used sparingly that I think people are ready for something a bit more fun and full on. If this film is indeed going to be Hulk and Thor as gladiators fighting alien menaces I don't think anyone will be thinking I wish Banner was in it more.



I really don't see it like that. Its like the Punisher. As a character you want to see him shooting shit up, thats what he does. But 2 hours of it and you get Punisher: War Zone. 

Same with The Hulk, unless you get a balance of other characters with him (or more importantly Banner) you're running the risk of the film just being CGI stuff smashing each other. And we have Transformers for that. 2 hours of a character that can't speak, tearing things apart just doesn't work. More Hulk is always good. Too much Hulk and it won't work

Edited by chokeout
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Universal hold the rights to Hulk solo movies. The Incredible Hulk was made by Marvel and distributed by Universal. It was like a much smaller scale version of the Marvel/Sony/Spider-Man deal


Arr Right didn't know that, Thanks for clearing that up

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Jeffrey Henderson has posted a few of the early concept storyboards from the scrapped Sam Raimi version of Spider-Man 4 and a little information about what was planned for it.


"Ahhh, Spider-Man 4. Of all the projects I’ve worked on, I get asked about this more often than anything else.

I hope that one day I can, (or somebody can), finally tell the whole story of Sam Raimi’s ‘abandoned’ fourth Spidey movie.

Until then, out of respect for Sam, (and fear that he’d send Bruce Campbell to come after me with a chainsaw…), and everyone that worked on, or contributed to, this project, let me just say this:

It would’ve been one absolutely kick ass movie. Seriously. We were working on some crazy- cool stuff, because everyone, from top to bottom, felt that Spidey 3 was a bit of a ‘missed opportunity’, and we all really wanted to help Sam take SM4 to another level so he could end the series on a high note.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t meant to be, but I did get to spend a few years working on “OZ, The Great and Powerful”, which was just amazing…

but that’s a whole ‘nother post.

Anyway, Sam is almost superstitious about releasing any storyboards for anything, (go back and look at every “The Art Of” book for every movie he’s ever done… you know what’s not gonna be there? Anywhere? That’s right: storyboards), I don’t really know why- but that’s just how he feels about it.

So, having said that, here are some ‘boards I can share, (without pissing Sam off), from the mysterious Spider-Man 4"





Bruce Campell’s cameo in the film would have been as Mysterio. Henderson said in an interview with io9 that hte opening of the film would have been a montage of Spider-Man fighting “C and D-list villains” like Mysterio, the Shocker, the Prowler, the “old school-onesie-wearing version” of the Rhino and Stilt-Man.



In other Marvel news, They are claiming that they once again own the rights to the Namor (Although its Joe Quesada who said it and he's been wrong before)

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There was nothing in that Superman/Batman trailer that made me want to sit through it again.


The original cut was hard enough to sit through.



Nearly everyone is shown with a motivation to their actions. The film could have been great if they had time to flush out why everyone was doing what they where. Im hoping this will fill in the blanks 

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I understood everyone's motives the first time round. It was still a joyless, boring mess with a cave troll.



I must have missed them


What was lexes? As far as i could tell he just hated superman coz....superman? Superman wanted to stop batman because?....he left him alone for 2 years then woke up and was like think i will mess him up today. Maybe Batman showed reasons but again no real reason why he hasnt killed all his villains in his new bad ass state,


If you can explain im all ears. 

Edited by quote the raven
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I loved it too. That opening blew my fucking dick off. And everything following was good fun and progression. One of the best bits of the comic is the banter between Jesse and Cassidy and they've totally nailed it in this. Tulip is nothing like her comic book character but that doesn't matter because she's electric every time she's on screen.


My favorite part:


"No...no it's a shite film."

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