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I really enjoyed The Death of WCW. Someone on here made me realise, I think it was Vamp, that it wasn't feasible for WWE to sign the big guys like Goldberg, Hogan, Nash etc. but some of the figures are pretty mind-boggling. I read Eric Bischoff's Controversy Creates Cash first and this complimented it quite well.


I'm reading Eddie Guerrero's book at the moment. I got Gary Hart's book through the post yesterday, so trying to read Eddie's as quick as I can. It's good so far. He hasn't mentioned anything about steroids so far in it which is odd, but he mentions painkiller abuse and drink abuse. I got it for free as well as eBay had some odd offer on where you could get

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The WCW book is like reading that part of the Bret Hart autobiography when it talks about the screw job. Its been told so many times and its so one sided from the authors perceptive, it doesn't interest me at all. I've heard the story countless times, it wasn't really that good. If you haven't heard the story a million times before you might like it, but I'm sick of hearing about it. You won't find anything new that you wouldn't have already heard from or read about in shoot interviews or newsletters

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The problem with WCW is that by the end it was just so completely surreal that even the telling of the story of what happened sounds completely unbelievable. I'm not saying that book has all the answers or that it would have been easy to do things better, but it would be extremely difficult to do things any worse than they were done from about 1999 onwards. Some people would say 1989 onwards...

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On a bit of a splurge at the moment! Just bought Wrestlings 101 strangest matches. Arrived today - nice little book. Can anyone tell me if Eric Bischoffs is a good read?


Good, yes. Great, no. Don't think I'll ever read it again but there are a fair few interesting parts. Recommended if you were/are a WCW fan.

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Bischoff's book is hilarious. It's like he doesn't realise that anyone reading might actually remember what a fucking mess his company was. It seems like Easy E wasn't a character at all - he really was that sleazy, arrogant, slimy and cunt-like.

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Bischoff's book is a brilliant read but parts are questionable, he seems to have a lack of memory at certain parts, he seems to forget things which can be easily googled.


defintly worth a read if you lived through the wcw years, it's a great insight into him, hogan, russo etc but it is bias(then again all wrestling books are)

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The Bischoff book was better than I expected. Particularly in the early bits it's very clear that he's not an idiot and you get some good insight into his thinking. Later in the book when WCW starts going down, the book itself deteriorates as he says whatever it takes to make clear absolutely nothing was his fault at all.

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The Bischoff book was better than I expected. Particularly in the early bits it's very clear that he's not an idiot and you get some good insight into his thinking. Later in the book when WCW starts going down, the book itself deteriorates as he says whatever it takes to make clear absolutely nothing was his fault at all.

That's the best assessment of it. The book is great up until the nWo Souled Out PPV I thought. Because things are going so brilliantly for WCW at the time, he doesn't mind putting his hands up about how much of a mess this one was. The rest of it I can take or leave. Bischoff's always interested me, though. I've no idea why. He just always has.

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Countdown to Lockdown by Mick Foley. I hope this is the last wrestling book Mick Foley writes he's really scraping the barrel with this one and considering how little he has done as of late surely no publisher could convince him again he has enough material for a wrestling book. The only interest came from reading about his feelings about TNA and WWE at the time knowing what happened with TNA and being back in WWE wanting to commentate for HIAC at Wrestlemania.


Listen you pencil neck geek by Freddie Blassie - It took a while to get into becasue like most WWE books I was hearing the ghost writers voice over Blassies. However the career just Wow! Because of the amount of time and areas and charchters his career covers it's a great read in my opinion. In his own words or close enough not many could claim to have been involved in the carny days of the 1930's to the invasion angle of 2001 actually thats no where near his words but still impresive. He was in the promo for Wrestlemania 20 right? Something refreshing about an old school legend who has nothing but good things to say about the Mcmahons. He worked for Jess, Vince and Vince jnr. Even shed a tear on the last page but I'm just a pencil neck geek while he's a legend who's wasn't bitter. There's something so charismatic about him pictures of him just make me smile especially the ones of him with his asian wife half his age.


Also re-read Pure Dynamite which was interesting after reading Bret Harts book things like, Bret telling Billington they would have to move Davey Boy out of his apartment because the were working together and it wouldn't look good to the fans. When Bret says in his book he was actually moved because they were worried about Billington actually killing him because he kept drugging his food as a rib. The picture of Benoit and Dynamite together at Rebellion 2000 is eerie they look so facially similar to me. Benoit idolised him he had more sucess with the wrestling and blew him away in the cunt stakes at the end.


Also really like the 1pw book the format of interviews with people responding to others views this is the style of book that should have been written about ECW and WCW.

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