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The Metal/Punk/Rock Thread

Egg Shen

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5 minutes ago, Egg Shen said:

Amen were not shit.

Their first record (most would probably say the second, but i always preffered the debut) is a quality piece or angry punk tinged metal.

I was actually at the show you're probably referencing. It was at the old LA2 a week or before Xmas as part of Kerrangs Xmas shows, Raging Speedhorn amd Charger supported. Casey sliced his arm open with a broken whiskey bottle and got rushed to hospital, berk.

To each their own. I revisited them not that long ago, and found it hadn't aged well, but it's only my (pointless) opinion.

That sounds about right. Then I think Frank from OMS spoke about his self harming experience and then Kerrang did a full on feature about it, so fair play.

I often skim read Kerrang if I'm in Smiths with the kids whilst they look at ALL of the kids mags, and it's still a decent read. Their website has been revamped recently, and includes some great content by some really talented freelancers (Ryan De Freitas being one), so that's good to see after the bad press of the last few days.

Oh, and yesterday ended with me listening to Kittie, so WELL done everyone...

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3 hours ago, cobra_gordo said:

15 year old me loved some Kittie. I was also a little bit in love with their bass player which helped.


I saw them at Ozzfest in 2002 and they were fucking terrible. It was only because it was fucking hammering it down outside, that I didn't go to the main stage. It lso took so long for people to be allowed to move between the stages that I ended up missing System Of A Down.

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5 hours ago, Keith Houchen said:

Amen were indeed shit.

Seeing that the bass player from Marilyn Manson has been sacked over sexual abuse claims.

Fucking hell, missed this at first glance. I thought he must have a new bass player for some reason, but no, it’s still twiggy and he’s the one being accused. Crackers.

Well much like the other rape accusation on the previous page, I hope justice is served and if found guilty, they are sentenced accordingly... horrible cunts (if guilty).

Edited by Kaz Hayashi
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Kittie! Bloody hell, that one takes me back...

I used to buy Kerrang from time to time, but was more into Metal Hammer. I never got as big into the nu-metal stuff as most of my mates did; there was the odd song I liked for a while but soon got tired of, and mostly got into "classic rock" and grunge. Of all the songs that were in regular rotation on Kerrang TV in the early '00s, it was "Anger Rising" by Jerry Cantrell that probably had the longest lasting impact, rather than any of the Linkin Parks and Papa Roachs of the world.


I used to be a rock/metal DJ for years, and I've just started going to a rock night organised by a mate of mine, and it baffles me how many people still just request the Kerrang! playlist - "Halo" by Soil, "Chop Suey" by System Of A Down, "Down With The Sickness" by Disturbed, "Wait And Bleed" by Slipknot it's like clockwork. When I did my first gig at least ten years ago, people who were even then complaining in previous weeks that this stuff was overplayed were coming up to me and requesting it, and they still do it now. I'm not sure what confuses me more, the 30 year olds who don't seem to have listened to any new music in the intervening 15 years, or the 18 year olds who were barely even born when this stuff came out but still ask for nothing but.

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Haha, mate, we’re creatures of habit and we reminisce about how cool it was when we finally found our identity. That co-insides with current 32 year olds being about 14-15 at the time. So it makes sense, but I agree it’s boring as fuck, especially for a DJ. I got the same vibe when doing hip hop nights, I’d be introducing new stuff regularly, didn’t always work, so then reverted to hidden gems by well known classic performers, but still people wanted ‘white lines, rapers delight, CREAM, Paid in Full. I mean yeah, all good tracks, but at least let me playing something not obvious as fuck.

Im guilty of this myself as a punter though, if I’m out and let’s say it’s a venue playing modern rock tracks, but then something like Epic by Faith No More comes on, or Would by Alice in Chains, or a plethora of other reminders of how mint being 15 was, I’m all over it.

Regarding kids asking for stuff before their time. I suppose I wouldn’t mind that too much if there was some originality with the requests, but to ask for wait and bleed as a request.. yeah, it unfortunately creates a frustration with your audience.

(no offence to the song by the way, but it’s a bit like going to incredible authentic Indian restaurant, in India and ordering chicken korma and chips).

Edited by Kaz Hayashi
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I absolutely get the power of nostalgia in music - Faith No More will likely get be on the dancefloor as well - but for a lot of these guys there seems to be nothing else. Like they just decided that the music they heard then was enough, that'll do, no need to ever listen to anything else. Last time around, there was one lad - two hours into a metal night - complaining that, "it's not a proper rock night, I could hear this stuff anywhere, why won't he play some Slipknot or something?" while something you definitely couldn't hear "anywhere" was playing. It seems like if it wasn't on Kerrang in 2001, it doesn't matter.

And then, yeah, there's the kids who are only 18-20 now, but they're still only asking for the same stuff, so they don't even have the nostalgia excuse, they still want to hear Soil and Disturbed and Slipknot. I could make up some explanation about how it coincides with the change in consumption of media, and how the bands/songs I've mentioned represent the point right before traditional media ceased being the primary way people consume music, but I can't really back that up, it's just a hunch.

Also, if you're at a metal night, you probably don't have to request all this stuff, because it's definitely getting played later. That's just how it works.


I've always had a bit of a bee in my bonnet about requests anyway. When you're paying to be somewhere, and the DJ's being paid to be there, you should probably assume that they have a better idea of what they should be playing than you do.

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too much Amen dislike in here for me.

Anyways... i was never a big club night goer, ive always been more of a live music guy but club nights wherever ive been do always play the same batch of tunes. Good tunes, but overplayed to fuck. Id remember Last Resort, followed by Chop Suey, followed by something ny Reel Big Fish, into Down with the Sicknees. Not that many people complained, most people appeared to be having more fun than i was ? i always remember them annoyingly cutting the music during the "Trusst innn myyyy" bit at the end bit of Chop Suey too, fuck off.

but yeah, Amen were not shit.

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The club night we went to seemed to go in phases through the night.

It would start with some stuff that the DJ liked because there was fuck all people there at the start, then you'd get Nightwish followed Lacuna Coil or vice versa because it was the law as both had female vocalists, then you'd get the 'Kerrang Hour' which was all the stuff we've been reminiscing about here, then you'd get the old school section, randomly topped off with Andrew W.K. if you pestered the DJ enough, then the 'indie'ish hour would start around midnight upto around 1am, then you get two ska songs which was always (and I mean every fucking time) Sublime - Date Rape followed by Capdown - Ska Wars because I think it was part of the same MP3 that the DJ played from. Last hour was back to whatever the DJ felt like because folk started to go home.

We tried for years to get them to play anything by Manowar or Rollins Band, but to no avail, until we went again about 10 years later and they played Manowar - Warriors of the World completely out of the blue. We were a bit shocked, but also felt really fucking weird as we were easily the oldest people there. Still never got Rollins Band though

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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