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More importantly, why does anyone think it's funny? There's been a bit of an increase in bargain-basement ButchReedMarks recently, and even Butch has gone quiet.


Oi! I'm not sure sure if that's a compliment or not. And also people need to stop saying variations of "Pound Shop". That's mine.


Neither a compliment nor an insult. I'm not commenting on your sense of humour (which, to be honest, I do find funny, but you do go overboard sometimes), just saying there are people ripping you off who simply aren't funny.


Basically I was happy to read Ironic Indie Lad messing about in that thread, because I'm sick of lipstick lesbianism rearing it's ugly head. Not that I should ever have to explain and justify why I enjoy something.


Will agree with you on that one.


So the moment anyone asks for people to have a bit of perspective about fetishes, they're a bunch of "goddamn tree-huggers"? Why is one extreme preferable to the other?


More importantly, why does anyone think it's funny? There's been a bit of an increase in bargain-basement ButchReedMarks recently, and even Butch has gone quiet.


Recycling TripleA's wankery? Poor show, that.


If you post on an open forum that you like being piddled on or watching your other half take a stranger's pork sword then you are fair game for a ribbing. No-one has really taken it badly there, and you are bordering on doing what Khemical was doing, really.


Someone using it before (and I didn't know it was TripleA) doesn't make it invalid. The whole laddish humour thing has been done to death recently.


And no, I'm not White-Knighting. I'm just saying I think behaving like an arse is just as bad as wringing your hands, especially if it isn't funny. Like I said, his exchange with jasmine was funny, and you could tell.




"Hold it! I've noticed a tendancy on these forums to get rather silly. Now I do my best to keep things moving along by not getting silly. And those last two threads I posted in got very silly indeed. And that last one about the sexual fetishes got even sillier. Now, nobody likes a good laugh more than I do. Except perhaps my wife and some of her friends. Oh yes, and Chest Rockwell. Come to think of it, most people enjoy a good laugh more than I do...but that's beside the point! Now I'm warning this forum not to get silly again!"



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Like I said, his exchange with jasmine was funny, and you could tell.



I didn't find it that funny....mostly because I still don't get it. I don't have weird eyes :confused:


Sincerely hope I havent made you self conscious, babes. I was only having a laugh :thumbsup:


Not self conscious...just confuzzled. Anyhoo...

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  • Paid Members
So the moment anyone asks for people to have a bit of perspective about fetishes, they're a bunch of "goddamn tree-huggers"? Why is one extreme preferable to the other?


More importantly, why does anyone think it's funny? There's been a bit of an increase in bargain-basement ButchReedMarks recently, and even Butch has gone quiet.


Recycling TripleA's wankery? Poor show, that.


If you post on an open forum that you like being piddled on or watching your other half take a stranger's pork sword then you are fair game for a ribbing. No-one has really taken it badly there, and you are bordering on doing what Khemical was doing, really.


I don't necessarily disagree with that - there's context after all. But he was throwing around insults after posts in which people were discussing fetishes in general, not even their own fetishes. I think that was going overboard, and going from being funny to generic trolling.

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"Hold it! I've noticed a tendancy on these forums to get rather silly. Now I do my best to keep things moving along by not getting silly. And those last two threads I posted in got very silly indeed. And that last one about the sexual fetishes got even sillier. Now, nobody likes a good laugh more than I do. Except perhaps my wife and some of her friends. Oh yes, and Chest Rockwell. Come to think of it, most people enjoy a good laugh more than I do...but that's beside the point! Now I'm warning this forum not to get silly again!"


I nominate this.

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This one tickled me just right, from the Sexual Fetishes thread :


I'd say the thread has "jumped the shark", but that's probably a fetish.



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I'll second that




"Hold it! I've noticed a tendancy on these forums to get rather silly. Now I do my best to keep things moving along by not getting silly. And those last two threads I posted in got very silly indeed. And that last one about the sexual fetishes got even sillier. Now, nobody likes a good laugh more than I do. Except perhaps my wife and some of her friends. Oh yes, and Chest Rockwell. Come to think of it, most people enjoy a good laugh more than I do...but that's beside the point! Now I'm warning this forum not to get silly again!"


I nominate this.


and third this

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Well, in all the crazy history of this place, I believe this may actually be a UKFF first.


On Tuesday night, I was visited at my flat by the police, who were following up a complaint against me personally for harassment of her son. Yes, they were talking specifically about an entry in the "Shit List".


It was a rather strange experience trying to explain to two coppers exactly what the UKFF was, what the UKFF UK50 was, and how it worked ("Are you the Ben Corrigan who writes for the UK Fan Forum website?"..."Erm......Yes?!"), though they seemed happy enough with my co-operation. They suggested that I add a disclaimer to entries to reiterate what I had already stated, in that these were not my own personal views and opinions, just a collation of those from all the fans/wrestlers/promoters that had contributed to the list.


As such, I have decided to remove most of the text from Surf Grafitti's "Shit List" entry. While I'm not sure exactly what the law actually is, and whether quoting the stories that other UKFFers contributed as a write-up actually constitutes harassment, but at least this way it prevents future complications or further complaints from the party in question.


Carry on...


If it's a rib, it's funny. If it's true (and I hope to god it is) it's even funnier.

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