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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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The Sessions - Extremely original and great film. Its based on a true story, about a man who is essentially paralysed from the neck down wanting to lose his viginity. Funny and touching film.


Right, bottom line this for me, brother. None of this artistic merit nonsense, does Helen Hunt get in the raw much?


Yup. Quite a few times showing the lot, too.

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Couple of recommendations from me. The first is Untouchable or Intouchables if you want to use the French name. It got a Bafta nom in the Foreign Language category this year - the one about a paralysed millionaire and his new caregiver. It's bloody WONDERFUL. Uplifting, funny, everything you could want if what you want is to be happy and have your heart warmed. Can't recommend it highly enough.


Secondly, Paperman, the Disney short with the Oscar nom this year. Disney have put the full film (6 minutes long) on YouTube. I'm a bit late to the party as it's already at over 13 million views and is being shown before Wreck It Ralph, but I've watched it several times today and it's brought me close to tears of joy every time. After each time I've reasoned with myself and told myself I'm overreacting and just being sentimental - then I watch it again and am still just as moved and caught up in it as I was the first time. It's just beautiful.

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Watched Les Mis last night. not seen the play, but wanted to give it a watch. Spent the last 10 minutes sobbing like a kid who got no presents at christmas. I have a few things going on in my life right now and dont know if it was down to that, but my god it got me. Will see the stage show now

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Just got back from Die Hard.


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

I LOVE Die Hard and have been left disappointed :( As a stand alone action film it's good, but it's just not a Die Hard. Somethings missing. The villains are dull, the script is awful, John McClane just isn't John McClane and the direction is terrible. John Moore should never touch a Die Hard again. Also the continuity and editing was cringe worthy.

Special effects however was awesome.


Edited by Kookoocachu
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I made the mistake of watching This Is 40. Try and think of Judd Apatow at his very worst attempting to make an American remake of Outnumbered, and you start to get an idea of how shit this movie is. A likeable enough 1st act, an overly long and meandering 2nd act which just delays the painfully obvious and drawn out 3rd act. Pretty much like every Apatow film, except with every one of his usual sins taken to it's most extreme. The fact it was a sequel/spin-off from Knocked Up seemed pretty quickly forgotten and made the whole film feel like the uninteresting B-story from a marginally better movie. I saw a review for it titled 'This Is 40 (Minutes Too Long)', and I think that may have been overly kind as it felt like it lasted about 3 days.


Yeah, even if you're the most hardened Apatow fanboy the most I can see you getting out of this a not-bad-but-pretty-forgettable couple of hours.

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Just got back from Die Hard.


As a stand alone action film it's good, but...

The villains are dull, the script is awful.... and the direction is terrible... Also the continuity and editing was cringe worthy.





What? How could it have that much wrong with it and still be good?


Please don't say just this -

Special effects however was awesome.


Oh wait... you liked the Transformers movies, didn't you? :(

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Watched a few films over the past week.


Looper - Not quite what I was expecting. I thought it was going to be a full on cat and mouse action film, and whilst there was a cat and mouse aspect to it the main plot had a bit of a Matrix feel to it. It caught me by surprise a bit because I didn't see any of that from the trailers. It actually turned out to be OK despite some of the negativity I have read. Well worth a watch.


Hit and Run - Shit. Pointless. Unfunny.


Safe House - I did expect better from this film, mainly because of my love for Denzel. It tried to overcomplicate itself in places and felt quite rushed. It was still decent but could have been better.


Savages - About as average a film as you an get. The pay off was awful. Again I did expect better, but it was just tedious. It killed a couple of hours on the coach ride though.


Lawless - I have already seen this at the cinema, loved it so much I wanted to watch it again. Loved it just as much. Great cast with some memorable moments. Best film of 2012 or me.


Road Trip - OK it has aged a little, but for me this was much better than American Pie and still is. If anyone still has not seen this, it's well worth a watch. Laugh out loud funny in places.

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I made the mistake of watching This Is 40. Try and think of Judd Apatow at his very worst attempting to make an American remake of Outnumbered, and you start to get an idea of how shit this movie is. A likeable enough 1st act, an overly long and meandering 2nd act which just delays the painfully obvious and drawn out 3rd act. Pretty much like every Apatow film, except with every one of his usual sins taken to it's most extreme.


This is what bugs me about Apatow films.


I liked 40 Year Old Virgin, Knocked Up, and Superbad but all were between 2 and 2.5 hours long.

Before those, I don't remember any of my favourite comedy movies lasting beyond 1.5 hours.

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Looper is pretty fun actually. More like 12 Monkeys than I was expecting, not at all the action romp the trailers made it out to be, as you said Steve.


I feel for Gordon-Levitt though - he looks much cooler and harder in the prosthetic Bruce makeup than he does in normal life. If he really looked like that he could make a decent action career.

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I feel for Gordon-Levitt though - he looks much cooler and harder in the prosthetic Bruce makeup than he does in normal life. If he really looked like that he could make a decent action career.


Can we not call it "Bruce makeup"? Because he clearly looked nothing fucking like Bruce Willis. That montage that shows him "aging" into Bruce was really quite unintentionally hilarious.


Anyway, as much as I want to like Joseph Gordon-Levitt the evidence is stacking up against him. I think he may just be a bad actor.. or at least have pretty bad taste in films, anyway.


Premium Rush was one of the stupidest fucking things I've seen in a while.


We'll see!

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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