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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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I watched Chinatown last night for the first time. A fucking brilliant film with one of the most insane shocking out of nowhere but brilliant endings ever. I'm not sure if I really rate Jack Nicholson as an actor too well, even when playing a role that's pretty straight he still comes across as a slightly unhinged crazy guy just because it's Jack Nicholson and he looks evil and insane all the time.




Funnily enough I just ordered the blu ray from Amazon for

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Watched Kalifornia on Saturday night. Wasn't sure whether I would like it but popped it on anyway. Brad Pitt is great in it isn't he? It didn't even register for the majority of the time that it was him playing Earley. He was a bastard as well.


Was abit slow to start but after about 30 mins, I was hooked. Brilliant film.

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I watched Chinatown last night for the first time. A fucking brilliant film with one of the most insane shocking out of nowhere but brilliant endings ever. I'm not sure if I really rate Jack Nicholson as an actor too well, even when playing a role that's pretty straight he still comes across as a slightly unhinged crazy guy just because it's Jack Nicholson and he looks evil and insane all the time.


Chinatown's brilliant - one of those films that only idiots don't like.


Brilliant film. The less said about the 'sequel' the better

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I watched Cabin in the Woods last night. It was great fun, but

<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

I kept waiting for a twist at the end that never came. The whole sacrifice/protecting the world thing was made obvious early on, and having seen loads of "ZOMGWHATATWIST" stuff around, I thought that another shoe was gonna drop. The bit once they get into the lift was great fun. I think on the whole, it's not as clever as it thinks, and it's not executed as well as it could've been, but I'd definitely recommend it.


Why did the girl need to get her tits out? The old fella explained it with "we're not the only ones watching" but that didn't lead anywhere.




[close spoiler]



The stoner fella was really good, I thought.

Edited by King Pitcos
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I watched Cabin in the Woods last night. It was great fun, but

<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

I kept waiting for a twist at the end that never came. The whole sacrifice/protecting the world thing was made obvious early on, and having seen loads of "ZOMGWHATATWIST" stuff around, I thought that another shoe was gonna drop. The bit once they get into the lift was great fun. I think on the whole, it's not as clever as it thinks, and it's not executed as well as it could've been, but I'd definitely recommend it.


Why did the girl need to get her tits out? The old fella explained it with "we're not the only ones watching" but that didn't lead anywhere.




[close spoiler]



The stoner fella was really good, I thought.

<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

Probably referring to the viewers (aka us).


[close spoiler]

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Went watching The Bourne Legacy last night. Well it was quite good if overly long, needlessly so in places


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

It started off with a good premise, and Jeremy Renner was quite good in it, Rachel Weisz spent a lot of the film looking a bit like Famke Janssen I thought. The set pieces were enjoyable and things didnt need to be too long and drawn out.


It was all a bit Matrix like in places though. Green and Blue Tablets, Relentless Larx/Larg-x Killer=Mr Smith, and a finale on a Motorway dealio involving bikes and car crashes, though it's probably only me that thinks that.


Also good to seen some actors like David Strathairn, Stacy Keach and Scott Glenn, as spent some of the film trying to work out where some of them, especially Keach, I had seen before



Furthermore, the house of Rachel Weisz's character, it's been in another film, hasnt it? I swear I have seen it in something before, but the net isnt throwing up anything.



Also watched Submarine, when I got back in on Channel 4+1. Couldnt really get into it for whatever reason, and may try it again if it pops up on Film 4 at one point. The Water Lilies, that followed was a bit duff as well. Yes, it's a coming of age drama, yes, the actors were good in it, however, it just felt like a poor film though, glaringly obvious and trying too hard to be 'edgy'.

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Man, I hated Reign Over Me, everything in it just struck me as entirely put on and unbelievable, I couldn't connect with it at all. The dialogue, the acting, the storyline, all came across dreadfully.


Sandlers hair makes it impossible to take any of the drama seriously.

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Real shame. The end of The Green Mile still makes me imagine of anything else but the film to save the tears that will flood out of me.


I watched the latest Muppets movie (The Muppets) a few days ago. Certainly worthy of all the praise it's received. Funny, daft, sweet and with with just enough goodwill to make you feel less of a feckless cunt.

My only small criticism is the lack of Gonzo; the best Muppet.


The best thing Jason Segel has appeared in. Shame he's not in the follow-up. It better have more Gonzo though.

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I watched the latest Muppets movie (The Muppets) a few days ago. Certainly worthy of all the praise it's received. Funny, daft, sweet and with with just enough goodwill to make you feel less of a feckless cunt.


Buy the soundtrack CD too, it's tremendous. Maniacal laugh... maniacal laugh!!


I enjoyed the film more than my nephew did! Am I man or a muppet being the highlight by far.

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Was watching Wes Anderson's The Darjeeling Limited last night and while the film itself was pretty good I couldn't help but think that Adrien Brody would be a cracking choice if they ever decide to make a big budget Lennon biopic the way they did for Johnny Cash.

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