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I was going to ask if he was related to Turner the Screw, the late night Ceefax (or Teletext) blue version of Turner the Screw... but when I googled that combo, I discovered that I'm a really repetitive dullard. I suspected as much, but now it's confirmed.


EDIT - Fucking hell. It's like a really shameful part of the 80s has risen from the grave

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Now ive finally moved and got some space ive decided to try and learn how to play the electric guitar


I have a fairly basic guitar and a copy of Rocksmith for PS3 to start. Gave it a little blast last night and can't believe how difficult it is. I struggle to pluck the right string when playing just one note - the professionals make it look a lot easier then it is.


But you have to start somewhere right? So im keen to stick with it and see if I can improve.


Other then lots and lots and lots and lots of practice is there anything I can do / buy / read / watch that will help? I will keep plugging away at Rocksmith and see if that helps.


Thanks for any advice


Get a chord songbook that has songs you know in. These will tell you what chord to play and at what point in the song to do so. You don't need to be able to read music - it gives you diagrams on where to put your fingers and you'll maintain interest as you have something to compare your sound to and you'll be learning a song that you can show people.


Start by learning the chord Em (E minor). Then E (E major). These are easy chords and don't require much to change between the two. Don't run before you can walk. Give chords a bash before focussing too much on picking.


Rocksmith is quite difficult even for people who aren't new to guitar as you have to co-ordinate your playing to what you're seeing moreso than what you're feeling. You also have to get used to remembering what colour string is what. It has benefits, certainly, and might be a good place to start as it's fun, but don't rely solely on it - use it to complement your learning.


EDIT: Now for a question of my own - FISHING


I'm planning on going fishing for the first time with some mates who are also first-timers. It's my idea, so I have to prepare it. How much should I be looking to pay for a beginner's rod? If, say, five of us were to go, is it advisable to all have rods or to share? I know that may sound silly, but if it's cheaper it might get people on board with doing it.


Any other tips for a first-timer?

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Now ive finally moved and got some space ive decided to try and learn how to play the electric guitar



1) Get yourself a tuner.

2) Acquire chord sheets to songs.

3) Play along with either the songs, or to some sort of drum machine/backing track.


This will get some co-ordination between brain and fingers going, and help you develop muscle memory whilst your enjoying yourself. When you can strum and switch chords fairly smoothly, then start working on "serious" technique. The muscle memory you've developed means you'll pick this up quicker, and when you get sick of doing picking exercises and learning scale positions, you can go back to blasting out a hamfisted-but-fun version of Purple Haze. If - like me and many, many others did - you start with the serious stuff, you'll have nothing fun to fall back on.


For drum machine type things, keep an eye on eBay for old keyboards going cheap.


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Keeping the guitar in tune is one of the best bits of advice you can get as you start learning. It drives me nuts listening to somebody play an out of tune guitar when they can't hear anything wrong, especially if they've been playing for a few years.

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Walk before you learn to run. Chords are the foundation. Learn them inside out. Then move to Barr Chords. Then you can look into picking/solos/scales etc. when your hand/eye co-ordination is perfected. Also a bit of music theory (not necessarily reading music) will be a big help, and also learn to read guitar tab (it's really easy.)



But really, it all comes down to practice, and a fuck load of it, if you wanna get past the strumming Wonderwall stage. People often ask me how I'm good at the guitar, and it's down to spending every waking hour in my bedroom as a teenager playing the damn thing. Over and over and over again. You have to be a bit obsessed to get any good at it beyond any natural talent. People think it's a cool thing and get's you laid or whatever, but I was always too busy staying at home practicing to actually have any kind of social life back then.

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For a tuner, this is what you're after.

You clip it on your guitar and it picks up the vibrations from the strings. It has a screen that tells you if you're in tune and how close you are.to being in tune. You won't have to hold a tuner near the guitar so the mic can pick it up like I used to have to when I stsrted too - it's dead easy.



Fuck that. You can get a free guitar tuner app for you phone.

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Heres an odd one, me and my sister have been scouring the net and our brains to try and remember the name of an old kids program, which i want to say would've been on in the early 90s.


Very vague with it, may have been on Channel 4 (in the days of Pugwall,Ramona etc), although my sister thinks it was cbbc, all we can really remember was that the bad guy in it wore round 'john lennon style' sunglasses, think it was either American or Aussie.


I dont expect anyone will know as i've explained it terribly, but its pretty much the only thing i remember of it


The Demon Headmaster?


hqdefault.jpg (not American but he had the glasses)

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Was it that one about a girl who turns out to have been an adopted alien princess, which the authorities find out about when she gets hit by a car and gets taken to hospital?

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It's not 'Round The Twist' is it? I only say that cos it's usually the answer whenever early 90's kids TV shows are brought up. It is Australian although IIRC it was on CBBC not Channel 4


Christ I don't half miss it being acceptable to watch Kids TV. Round the Twist purely for the theme tune was one of my favourite shows to watch as a kid.


Watching kids TV back today just makes you realize how dreadful it was, yet it doesn't take away from the brilliance it had at the time.

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Which football websites do people on here visit regularly? I've been going on Football365 for about 10 years but it's gone absolute shite over the last couple of years so looking for a new decent one, I prefer reading opinion pieces rather than just the news, got the Beeb and Sky Sports for that

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