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Isn't CM0102 free?


You can get it free. I have had issues getting the free version to work in the past. You have to mount things as a disk drive etc with a program like Magic ISO, and even doing that I've never got it working. Not that I tried very hard to resolve the problem. I'm sure a tech savvy type who was suitably motivated could get everything working with ease.


I went on Amazon with the intention of buying the latest Football Manager. Amazon suggested buying both it and CM 01/02 as a bundle. The reviews on the latest Football Manager seemed divided (between "This is awesome" and "This is overly detailed and not awesome"). Plus it was less than

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What's a good mobile app alternative to Spotify? Only recently started using it on my PC at work, and found it pretty good until I downloaded the app for my phone and found that the free version is only shuffle play and only allowed so many track skips. I'm looking for something with a decent library, will let me listen to what ever track I want and can skip as many times as I want. Ads don't bother me (as long as they're not after every single song). Oh, and free.

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What's a good mobile app alternative to Spotify? Only recently started using it on my PC at work, and found it pretty good until I downloaded the app for my phone and found that the free version is only shuffle play and only allowed so many track skips. I'm looking for something with a decent library, will let me listen to what ever track I want and can skip as many times as I want. Ads don't bother me (as long as they're not after every single song). Oh, and free.


I've got Blinkbox downloaded to my phone, allows you to DL playlists to play offline and regularly updates the songs in them

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I'm looking for a website where i can lodge a T-Shirt design and people can order directly from it. Does anyone have any good experience of this?


I basically want a reasonable quality T-Shirt, decent delivery times and a small margin of profit.


Isn't that what Cafepress do?


If that doesn't suit you, have a go with Spreadshirt. Its European operation is based in Germany, does relatively quick delivery and the quality's very good. I've been using it for about three years and had no complaints.

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Both, really. Some of his gig listings pitch him as a parody of shit "LAD" culture, but is he meant to be satirising that kind of div or is he that kind of div? Are people laughing at him because he's shit or with him because they're morons? I can't tell whether it's some kind of Al Murray type deal that people aren't picking up on (or that I've failed to pick up on people taking the piss out of), or just the worst thing that's ever happened. I can't tell what he is or why he's meant to be funny.

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What's the deal with businesses that have the same as each other?


I'm in the preliminaries of setting up a YouTube channel, and whilst there is no other channel with that name, there are two small businesses (one in Scotland, one down south) that have the same name (although offering a different service).


Am I safe, or do I have to come up with something else?

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Both, really. Some of his gig listings pitch him as a parody of shit "LAD" culture, but is he meant to be satirising that kind of div or is he that kind of div? Are people laughing at him because he's shit or with him because they're morons? I can't tell whether it's some kind of Al Murray type deal that people aren't picking up on (or that I've failed to pick up on people taking the piss out of), or just the worst thing that's ever happened. I can't tell what he is or why he's meant to be funny.


I can't really imagine him as a stand up comedian. I'm guessing he is a lad type but turns it up to 11 for his videos. I think some of them are quite funny, but there are quite a lot of shit ones. I find myself parodying lad culture, but I wouldn't want anyone to think I actually was a lad like him. If you've got a brain and some self-awareness, you can take the piss out of the culture and be funny about it. I like

, probably because it's a mix of Brent and Count Fuckula.



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Can someone explain Dapperlaughs?


He's a regular on the London stand-up scene. I read an article about him recently which explained he has the backing of a large management company. As far as I'm aware, he's nothing like that in real life and the whole lad schtick is very much a parody aimed towards girls who gush over any and every bloke on the internet and, you guessed it, morons.

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