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Yeah, Woy. Still no luck, gutted.



Edit. The Conan show's sometimes on CNBC, they seem to alternate every month or so between showing that or Leno, It's always a few days behind though.


Edit 2:Judgement Day. Is there any chance then that my ISP might just be a bit late removing it from the bad list?.

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Yeah, Woy. Still no luck, gutted.


Maybe it's taking a while to filter down to your ISP or something.


If it stops working again, there's a high chance I will kill myself.


And yeah, but like you say, a few days behind. Not good enough in 2011. If the technology's there, I want it right away. And something like Parks and Rec, the funniest show on TV, is well into its third season and still not airing here. They can't be making the world all tiny with iPhones and shit and still wanting people to stick to the entertainment of their specific territory.

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It'll come back around again. Every few weeks there's a work around knocking about that allows you to download as much as you want. Hopefully it'll end up sticking. Its been shit not having the ability to download from filesonic and fileserver. Megaupload and hotfile are still seeing me through though.

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Still no luck here. Although earlier on it gave me a "You need to wait x0000 seconds before downloading again" message for a nice change of pace. I'll just keep hope that TalkTalk are being slow in updating what's allowed.



Megaupload, Hotfile etc just aren't the same. :cry:

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Has anyone got a Nokia N8?


Are they any good?


I've got it. The only reason you should get it is if you like taking a lot of evening/night time pictures, because with the xenon flash, they will come out better than all your mates pictures taken with phones. I wanted a phone with xenon as I'd had the N82 before, and this seemed to be the best of a limited range of handsets with the xenon flash. It takes excellrnt pictures.


But........ I'm on my 3rd one. There are known issues with the handsets completely dying and not powering on which I experienced twice. Apparently though this is fixed now, so you shouldn't have this problem with a new handset. I think Android is a better OS though, and has a better range of apps. I really wish I could stick my camera on my girlfriends HTC desire.

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Ive not purchased flowers for some one for donkey's years ( not a firm believer, but know the effect they can have), and last time I did was all sent by interflora type peoples


Now we are in an age where these things are sent by post? Thats surely not very romantic? whatever happened to the florist pitching up?


Im confused by the whole thing, because there are so many different things to consider and need some help, so any pointers would be great as lost in a morass of differing websites



What I'am after are flowers that cover these situations


a) A cheaper set of flowers for the missus at work this week, its leading up to relationship 'saver' weekend, but was just trying to show Im making the extra effort without breaking the bank cos Ive not got the cash


b) Some flowers for me mate who is in need of cheering up. Has been through a very rough run of late and could do with the surprise to show that they arent as alone as they think they are and put a smile back on their face.


Budget for a) is about 20/25 quid and b) is whatever is cheap but looks nice. I know not great but Im hardly Baron De Rothschild. Both would be going to their work address.



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Sarah Palin ("I've yet to find a redeeming quality in this woman... that tweet after the shooting in Arizona made my blood boil. A vile human being." - Dead Mike).


From the Twatlist thread. What was it she said?

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Umm. I don't think that's how it went down did it?


I believe she was using the slogan "don't retreat, reload" as part of that win back the 20, crosshairs map campaign, but that was all before the shooting. Which is what brought the heat on her for using all that violent imagery and rhetoric.


I'm no fan, but I don't think even she'd be that dumb and heartless to say that after the fact..?

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