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The John Cena Appreciation Thread

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I'm reading between the lines with that tweet that he might end up winning one of the belts at Mania then and defending it through the year a few times to finish off. I'll likely be wrong, I'm always wrong but that would seem like the logical big time ending. You never know, now everyone loves him we might just get that heel turn lads. 

Cena's never been my favourite but I do appreciate the guy for what he's done in and outside of the ring. Always seemed like an odd but decent guy. His biggest vice seems to have been slinging it in some beautiful women without ever fully committing to them. 

Although we had some boring stints with him, I feel like most years he was invovled I something I enjoyed. Was going to list it but won't. 

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He is absolutely THE guy for a lot of people and quite rightly so. I have a huge amount of respect for him despite not really being my thing for the majority of his run. He carried the company and worked his arse off and definitely deserves his flowers. So it's sad to see him go but not in the same way as some other guys I loved over the years. I'm glad he's getting the opportunity to go out on his own terms and share that with the fans worldwide.

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My sentiments are pretty similar to The Gaffer's, although I did think highly of him when he was the Doctor of Thuganomics and I thought he was going to go into the main event as that, but he is definitely one of the best ever, and one of the last few big names that still feels like a big deal.

I don't know if it will ever be possible, but I feel like a six-man tag of with a Hollywood team of Cena, Batista, and The Rock versus some big up-and-comers would go down well (not that I'd ever see it, but hey fantasy booking is all I have left, so whatever).

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As a man, an absolute oddball weirdo. Fun fact; my brother worked on that recent film of his, Ricky Stanicky, and can confirm he’s as much a robotic freak on set as you’d imagine.

As a performer though, I love him. Thank fuck for Big Match John. Imagine the Dark Years without him carrying the entire company? It doesn’t bear thinking about. Imagine Royal Rumble 2008 without this. Coolest he’s ever looked, posing with his head down like that.

Still. It’s crazy to think how much he’s done, and how long he was on top, and yet he’ll still always remain a huge, “what if?” All that talent. All that charisma. Imagine if he’d come around now, when they write proper storylines? When characters have actual motivations and arcs? Where babyfaces losing has legitimate consequences and they don’t just laugh it off? And most importantly of all, now they actually listen to the fans? Just look at Roman Reigns. Booed for years, and when they finally listen and turn him heel he does the best work of his career, helps bring in a fucking boom period, and looks set to now come back as one of the biggest babyfaces of all time, welcomed and embraced by the entire fanbase. That could have been Cena. Imagine the heel run he could have had. Imagine the babyface run that would have followed. One hundred percent of the audience on his side. “Let’s Go Cena,” chants, without the, “Cena Sucks,” duelling chant. For as big and successful as he’s been, I swear they only scratched the surface.

Anyway, the Final Match is obvious. It’s CM Punk. Career rival. His best promos. His best feuds. His best matches. It was magic enough just seeing them share a ring during Cody’s celebration at Wrestlemania 40. I kept scouring footage just to see them acknowledge or chat with one another. The idea of them doing one final run together would be amazing. Goosebumps just imagining it.

Anyone suggesting Randy Orton, even now Orton has reached his final form, needs to fuck right off. Straight in the bin. The only reason I’d ever dream of doing Cena vs. Orton again is for the hilarity of them trying one more time to do the Stone Cold-Rock staredown from opposite corners, it once again getting the zero reaction it always got. Then. Now. Forever.

Stealing Bryan Danielson’s gimmick of a Retirement Year though! Total Bellas long term storyline! Probably revenge for Bryan forgetting to take his shoes off at the front door or not wearing a tie for dinner. Man’s a fruitcake.

Edited by Supremo
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25 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Anyway, the Final Match is obvious. It’s CM Punk. Career rival. His best promos. His best feuds. His best matches. It was magic enough just seeing them share a ring during Cody’s celebration at Wrestlemania 40. I kept scouring footage just to see them acknowledge or chat with one another. The idea of them doing one final run together would be amazing. Goosebumps just imagining it.

Anyone suggesting Randy Orton, even now Orton has reached his final form, needs to fuck right off. Straight in the bin. The only reason I’d ever dream of doing Cena vs. Orton again is for the hilarity of them trying one more time to do the Stone Cold-Rock staredown from opposite corners, it once again getting the zero reaction it always got. Then. Now. Forever.

The most correct paragraphs ever written on this forum.

No one liked Orton and Cena at the time. They tried repeatedly to make that feud click, and it never worked and the matches were shite.

I'm all for Cena having other matches sprinkled in, but I'd make the final year be about him and Punk. 

Punk wins the title at Mania, Cena wins the Rumble. Punk embraces the dark side to beat Cena in the Mania main event, and even blows him a kiss as he leaves over the barricade when Cena tries to get his hands on him. Cena gets his win back at Summerslam for the title. Cena drops the title to some young hungry Samoan between Summerslam and his retirement match, and Cena retires alongside Punk in a tag match against a pair of Samoans. Big win, big cheers. Thanks Phil, bye John.

Tears everywhere.

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Id be quite happy to see Cena v Orton again as long as it's an I quit match and we get to see Orton string him up again. An absolute ideal would also involve Orton trying to set the pyro off with the button push of doom again*

But yeah, Punk's the better answer. Except if you really want to put LA Knight over big...

*I know, that was the last man standing match.

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Posted (edited)

I'm glad he's going out doing something substantial. A proper retirement tour has the potential to be an amazing story. Taker quietly retiring weeks/months after his last match was a travesty.

2 hours ago, Duke said:

*I know, that was the last man standing match.

It was the Iron Man! I dreaded watching that and the I Quit and loved them both. The I Quit is low-key one of the most violent matches of all time, an extended torture sequence. The HIAC they had like four or five years later where they just went full stupid and did everything won me over, too. What a weird rivalry.

Edited by CleetusVanDamme
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1 hour ago, CleetusVanDamme said:

It was the Iron Man! I dreaded watching that and the I Quit and loved them both. The I Quit is low-key one of the most violent matches of all time, an extended torture sequence. The HIAC they had like four or five years later where they just went full stupid and did everything won me over, too. What a weird rivalry.

Oh man, you're right. I'd completely forgotten that they had a street fight iron man match. Orton was  Cobra Commander to Cenas GI Joe that year.

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19 minutes ago, Duke said:

Oh man, you're right. I'd completely forgotten that they had a street fight iron man match. Orton was  Cobra Commander to Cenas GI Joe that year.

"Was once a man...was a man"

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Also, his Southpaw Regional Wrestling work as the commentator was genuinely funny, and not just wrestling funny.

"I miss my father."

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3 hours ago, CleetusVanDamme said:

I'm glad he's going out doing something substantial. A proper retirement tour has the potential to be an amazing story. Taker quietly retiring weeks/months after his last match was a travesty.

Quietly?  Did you miss his retirement ceremony that closed the 4th biggest show of the year?  The one that made the mainstream news enough that people at my work who don’t watch wrestling mentioned it.

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Fine. I'm happy that Cena is having a proper retirement run. Instead of having a match, sitting out a few months, then saying "that was my last match btw, bye", then coming back 6 months later to do an entrance. Happy now?

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