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A couple of underrated moments from the main event was McAfee making a Little Naitch reference and Charles Robinson ruefully handing The Rock his Mamma Rhodes belt as he helped Reigns out of the ring. Cracked me up.

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I also chuckled when Charles Robinson lifted his arm up in the air as 'Taker chokeslammed The Rock. Reminded me of his reactions during the HBK/Flair retirement match. 

Edited by Lenin
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Oh! I forgot. After the chokeslam and the lights coming back on, the unintentional placement of Rock’s belt couldn’t have been better.

I ran it back to see if it’d been adjusted by someone for the aesthetic, but no. It fell this way and made the visual so bloody good.


Edited by Frankie Crisp
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3 hours ago, Chili said:

Apparently a good show but it was full of people who paraded about who protected and voted a known sexual offender to the board of directors so yeah probably a no.

Glad they finished the bloody story mind.

All rumours and innuendo, pal!

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The main event was pretty great. Probably the best Mania main since 30. I thought it was pretty foul that they then used Cody's title win to get the Vince stink off Prichard, Khan and H though.

There is of course an argument that this whole Rock return run has been an exercise in memory holing the Vince business, but this went a step further. Co-opting fan goodwill to launder the reputations of people who clearly knew (or should have known) what Vince was up to.

If that's a feel good ending for you then fair play, but it felt very grubby to me.

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Jesus Christ they really did deliver a monumental set of show's that in my opinion felt like a new era and everyone also pushed this fact throughout both nights so the backstage feels it too.

Night 1 I watched live and really enjoyed it for the most part. I am so fucking disappointed with Jimmy Vs jay after it being there all time dream and that was what they did Blow's my mind such a letdown from both.

Main event night 1 was fantastic throughout and delivered from all 4 involved and it was contained to just those 4 no other bloodline involvement which was a great decision with the obvious side winning no one in the world belived Cody and Seth would win but it still had so much drama and ease to forget that and suspend disbelief.

Night 2 though was fucking perfect 

I said week's ago we would finally get a successful cash in from priest and fucking hell it was done absolutely perfectly with drew getting that win and nod for what should have been during the pandemic but his own actions were his instant downfall with priest cashing in and I literally woke everyone up in my house and my neighbours when it happened lol sorry.....

The main event was so fucking good and Roman instantly looked like he was more aggressive and getting this win and shutting Cody and the fans up for good was very important and vital for him and the entire match wasn't another paint by numbers Roman match which was needed but refreshing after four and a half years as champion and main eventing . The finish though was a perfect example in the modern era of a real life reaction and emotional response from both Cody himself but the fans and guys in the back also. It wasn't another title change and babyface win for the main event at mania and send the fans home happy mentality and ideology this was real and over 70 thousand people invented and caring about this so fucking passionately and that has been absent in the WWE for a long time 

I fucking hope they capitalize and continue this fantastic run because I am so proud to say I'm a wrestling fan once again and not ashamed I cried for twenty minutes after the Cody Rhodes win because I fucking love this and care and that's all down to them and the work they have done to get this response and passion for the company again.


One of the best mania's of all time in my opinion just phenomenal work and tonight raw will be very exciting 

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52 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

A couple of underrated moments from the main event was McAfee making a Little Naitch reference and Charles Robinson ruefully handing The Rock his Mamma Rhodes belt as he helped Reigns out of the ring. Cracked me up.

If we’re talking underrated moments then mine would have been Randy Orton having a blast on the back of Kevin Owen’s golf cart. Pissing himself laughing telling Owens to slow down. Like a big pair of kids.

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Perhaps a bit of recency bias but at the minute that's going to go down as one of my favourite Mania's I reckon. Loved Night 2. I said in my Night 1 post that I thought it could turn out better and it was about 10 times better than I even thought it was going to be. Just a brilliant show top to bottom.

The main event was near perfect. I too expected Austin to be the one to take out Rock, that would've been the cherry on top but I'm not going to complain about what we got. Jey and Jimmy, Cena and Solo, Rock and Cena, Rock and Taker, Reigns deciding to get revenge on Rollins for the Shield break up and basically costing himself the match and then the Cody celebration with every babyface under the sun at the end. Outstanding. I'm not 100% sure what Cody does next but with him moving to Smackdown, I can see a draft soon with Rollins and Gunther perhaps joining him there to keep him occupied before the Reigns rematch and Rock feud. 

That'd leave Priest, Drew and Punk to scrap over the other title on RAW after Rollins v Drew and that whole opening angle, which was also perfect. Don't expect Priest's title reign to last massively long, he might even lose it to Drew in Glasgow in a couple of months but we could do with a shorter title reign. Absolutely cannot wait for that Punk v Drew match, which I guess might happen at Summerslam.

As for the rest, there was nothing bad on this card. LA Knight v AJ was surprisingly a bit of a banger, the Triple Threat was incredibly fun and I'd love an Orton/Owens odd couple tag team, Baylev v Io was also a great match and even the Philadelphia Street Fight didn't outstay it's welcome at all.

Edited by AndyUK
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3 minutes ago, FLips said:

If we’re talking underrated moments then mine would have been Randy Orton having a blast on the back of Kevin Owen’s golf cart. Pissing himself laughing telling Owens to slow down. Like a big pair of kids.

They're an absolute delight at the moment. Everyone just seems like they're having fun and being themselves at the moment, no-one more than these two.

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1 minute ago, AndyUK said:

Perhaps a bit of recency bias but at the minute that's going to go down as one of my favourite Mania's I reckon.

Nah, I think you're being harsh on yourself if you suggest recency bias. I've been watching Manias at/around the time since Mania IX, and in terms of the stuff that I loved on the first watch, keep reflecting on and saying "that was great, that was" and know I'll go back and watch again, this was easily the most I've enjoyed one since XXX. EASILY. And when I watched XXX, I immediately considered it one of the best WrestleManias of all time.

It wasn't 17 which was objectively the best ever. It wasn't 19, which was subjectively a personal favourite. But I'm considering it a strong contender for best of the rest.

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Poor Punk only got a pre-show entrance. Rollins coming out dressed as Mardi Gras Gandalf was certainly a choice. Opening match was a lot of fun, but the post match angle with Punk and then the cash in was better. I had completely forgotten about Priest, so that was a nice surprise. It furthers the Hunk/Punk feud on one hand, on the other it’s Damien Priest as the new champ. Give it to Dom instead. 

Snoop on commentary was a great idea. I’m up for him coming in full time and ditching Graves. The accidental table break was probably Karrion Kross’s fault. Useless fecking lump.

I didn’t pay much attention to Knight and Styles. The distracting Slim Jim ads made me yearn for the halcyon days of LA Knight and Bray Wyatt when only one match on the card had an overbearing sponsor. Now it’s nearly every one and I hate it.

Triple threat was fun. Logan Paul is annoyingly great. I had no idea who the guy in the Prime bottle was. Maybe I’m old as fuck, but the only celebrities I knew were Snoop and Vanessa Hudgens. All the others at ringside are a complete mystery to me. I know even less about streamers than I do NFL players. I wish WWE would consult with me first about who I’m aware of and plan accordingly.

The Peacock ad for some gladiator show briefly made me incredibly excited that they somehow managed to cajole Anthony Hopkins into doing a promo for an upcoming PPV. 

I didn’t have a clue what the Egyptian theme for Bayley’s entrance was about. Evidently I missed the reference on commentary. The build up to this was pretty poor, so I was on my phone for most of it. When the crowd went berserk in the closing stretches, I went back to the beginning and watched it properly. I’m glad I did as it was a really solid match. Aside from Bayley’s finish looking a bit naff, I enjoyed this a lot.

Nice to see the Bucks and Kenny in Cody’s video package. The Skeletor mask wasn’t quite as bad as HHH’s Terminator getup from a few years ago, but definitely a close runner. I loved the pop for Brandi. Get her wrestling again, immediately. The main event was spectacular. I sat up when Cena’s music hit, shouted when The Shield’s music hit (even if was the worst member) and I totally lost my shit when the gong went off. A wonderful clusterfuck of an ending. I punched the air with both hands when Cody won. And when he handed the belt to Mama Rhodes, I started to tear up. But then the hug for Michael Cole truly set me off for some reason. Bastards. The happiest of happy endings. 

Overall, I preferred night 1. But if they edited them together and gave us Rhea Vs Becky, Sami Vs Gunther, Rock & Roman Vs Cody & Seth from night 1, Drew Vs Seth, Bayley Vs Iyo, the triple threat and Cody Vs Roman from night 2, that’s all all-timer Mania right there. Long as fuck mind. 

Stick me in the fan club for Samantha Irvin. Was that Negative 1 in the ring at the end? Looked like him. 


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28 minutes ago, FLips said:

If we’re talking underrated moments then mine would have been Randy Orton having a blast on the back of Kevin Owen’s golf cart. Pissing himself laughing telling Owens to slow down. Like a big pair of kids.

Brilliant underrated moment for me was Michael Cole taking such obvious cathartic delight in using the words 'professional wrestling' on air after Cody's win. Bless him.

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10 minutes ago, Dr. Alan Grant said:

Was that Negative 1 in the ring at the end?

He never misses a big PLE these days. "Bloodline" is a 9 letter word.

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