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AEW Dynamite Thread 2024


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I enjoyed stuff on that but as a whole episode of wrestling television found it a bit unexciting. I find that on some episodes the pacing, layout of matches and segments, random bits of dead air and weird production ticks really take me out of the show. When you find yourself re-booking the show while you're watching it it's probably a sign that you're not really digging it.

Best part of the night was a fun little brawl with Hangman/Juice and a surprisingly strong babyface reaction for Jay White. White is such a great heel wrestler, I'm interested to see how he does as a babyface.

AEW was guilty of one of my least favourite wrestling tropes - using a weak backstage attack to write someone off. For the sake of the story, they couldn't have the Gunns run out at the end of Hangman/Juice, I get that. But Hangman's attack on the Gunns didn't look like it'd would take them out for the next 5 minutes let alone 30. Austin got one chair shot to the back and Colton got...thrown through a door?! As wrestlers and former tag champions it was hard to buy that that would keep them down.

RE the new TV deal: others have commented on it but worth also noting that the new deal means that AEW is now profitable and they have a load of new cash coming in which they will hopefully use to super charge production, merchandise, marketing and everything else to improve AEW as a whole. I really hope they do that anyway. If everything is the same this time next year then I'll assume all that profit has gone back into Tony Khan's giant wallet. 

Edited by LaGoosh
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5 hours ago, I Bent My Wookie said:

I'm honestly so bored of the Heel commentator gimmick.

Two and a half hours of Nigel McGuinness yammering and making himself the centre of attention all evening is a punishment. Ended up playing music with the commentary muted for the most part because he was just becoming awful.

I don't tune into much AEW, more highlights, twitter videos the likes, but has he always been this bad or is it a more recent occurance? 

I think it makes a difference if you’re not a regular watcher. Nigel is the Collision commentator and does an excellent job I think (as do the PWI voters, he won commentator of the year!), but I can understand it might be jarring if you’re not familiar with his work.

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I think for a '5 years anniversary' it was a tad disappointing. This is a milestone episode and I would have thought it would have been treated like a TV Special. Outside opener and Main there were no stand out moments and, true to form, it featured one throwaway women's match.


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Decided to stay up and watch this live, since it was the special Five Year Anniversary.

Chris Jericho doing the shit, lazy, “LOL your relative is dead,” stuff. Fuck this. Straight to bed.

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Posted (edited)

Outside of the fairly solid lineup, it would've been nice to have a strong hot angle to get people talking. Felt like it needed something like that. I don't mean Retribution turning up or anything but just something a little "and THIS is why you should be watching Dynamite!" type deal.

I assume they're keeping some stuff in the back pocket for the PPV but of all the nights - the anniversary and the new TV deal - to showcase your main show and put something a little 'wow' out there, I would've thought that was it. 

Edited by DavidB6937
Can't spell
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I feel largely the same about that as I did about the first episode of Dynamite.

That was a solid two hours of wrestling television. 

It might have been nice to get a bit more sizzle on there but they're head to head with NXT next week and have a PPV a few days after that. Two big matches, a well received return, decent semi repackaging of a day one act and some nice progression of their ongoing stories seems about as much as you could reasonably ask for.


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4 minutes ago, The King of Old School said:

There was a point in that Ricochet/Ospreay match where it looked like they were on Strictly Come Dancing.

Not for me that.

It's annoying because when I watch Ospreay most of the time now I feel like he has progressed past just that style and he's able to incorporate it as part of a wider performance.

But yeah, there's never any more to it when those two get in the ring together. I guess it's accepting that Ricochet is what he is and yeah you either like that style or you don't.

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25 minutes ago, The King of Old School said:

There was a point in that Ricochet/Ospreay match where it looked like they were on Strictly Come Dancing.

Not for me that.

You knew as soon as they announced it they were doing that sequence where they both do the “superhero landing”. Stupid then, stupid now, stupid forever. I’d have preferred it if they just did the DQ finish rather than having a false finish/restart 45 seconds before it.

Jericho with the cheapest of cheap heat bringing dead relatives into things, fuck off you lip-synching jabroni

”Is Jay White back? How long has it been?” - Not long enough

Some dodgy production issues throughout the show as well

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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2 hours ago, theringmaster said:

I think for a '5 years anniversary' it was a tad disappointing. This is a milestone episode and I would have thought it would have been treated like a TV Special. Outside opener and Main there were no stand out moments and, true to form, it featured one throwaway women's match.


So showcasing everything that AEW is....red hot, meh, disappointing, shite, throwaway women's match and Jericho. Top to bottom sums up AEW....but I still love it and for all the shit there is going on in the world is steady enough to forget it all for a few hours a week. Exactly what pro wrestling should be. 

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15 minutes ago, mim731 said:

Like to imagine Vader is furiously seething in the afterlife, wearing a very cosy pair of uggs watching that. 

With his cock out I hate to imagine.

I thought it was mostly solid. You made Takeshita and Jay White feel important and top and tailed with The Mox Gang keeping me interested in where this heads once Mox beats Danielson next week. Wasn’t keen on Jericho using Jay Brisco. Proper cheap heat and unnecessary in the feud. 

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7 hours ago, JLM said:

Felt like the first signs of the fire being lit under him again. I love heel wind up merchant Okada to death but it was still an exciting development to see him all riled up at the end of the show.

I like the way you've described this.

For me, this kind of thing is key to long-term storytelling, but can be frustrating in the short-term. It feels like some people have felt like Okada was coasting or similar, or not being utilised properly. Like anything other than WrestleKingdom Okada is a disappointment.

But that doesn't happen in a vacuum - you have to lay the ground work for the BIG matches to mean something. If we got that all the time, it wouldn't mean anything when we do get it. You can't go all out all the time.

So far, I think they've pitched and paced Okada really well. It feels like they're progressing a bunch of their guys to a higher level. Last year, it felt like Swerve was in a league of his own, and I worried they'd struggle to make his run mean something. But now, it feels like a bunch of people can slip into a main event programme and feel exciting.

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