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6 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

I don't pay too much attention to attendances etc, but is there an obvious reason why their crowds are so shit?

Buildings too big? Running the same areas too often?

They're putting on some really fucking good shows so I'm curious as to why they're struggling in that department.

They book shows at too short notice, run the same areas too closely to eachother and too often, do a really lousy job at local promotion, the ticket prices went significantly up in price last year and they book massive venues that they can't fill.

They've very recently hired a new live events manager who is ex-WWE and I assume it's his job to turn this around.

Edited by LaGoosh
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Hangman and Swerve might be the first time I’ve wanted “fight forever” to come true. These two should want to destroy each other for eternity. Their little backstage moment was just brimming with brilliant hatred for each other.

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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1 hour ago, DavidB6937 said:

I don't pay too much attention to attendances etc, but is there an obvious reason why their crowds are so shit?

Buildings too big? Running the same areas too often?

They're putting on some really fucking good shows so I'm curious as to why they're struggling in that department.

Because people who buy the tickets week in week out don't agree with your assessment of how good the shows are can be the only explanation really. That and over saturating the market at times. Too many shows to close together geographically. 

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47 minutes ago, HarmonicGenerator said:

Hangman and Swerve might be the first time I’ve wanted “fight forever” to come true. These two should want to destroy each other for eternity. Their little backstage moment was just brimming with brilliant hatred for each other.

The backstage bit was the best bit on the show beyond the Toni Storm segment. I know Swerve is getting big pops but I love that Magnum Page still has the fans too, it'd be shit if they did some double turn, only way it'd work is if Hangman T.A. went all Bret '97 because after Swerve starting it, justification is difficult. Brilliant feud, I love how much they detest each other. Hangers best feud since Kenny and Swerve's best work in AEW.

"New year, new me, dumbass!"

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AEW started with the kind of good faith and momentum you could never really buy or plan for. It's unbelievable, looking back. Just the sheer fact that they outdrew TNA's biggest ever gate on night one. By 2018 there had been a crucible building for years online with people dissatisfied with WWE's tone deaf, spiteful booking but nobody quite new how big that disenfranchised audience was. It turns out if was more than enough to do 10k in major markets and get a TV deal. 

And they rode that wave for a few years. Honestly, whilst last year was rough it's not like the product really changed that much despite what a clickbaity subgenre The Rise & Fall of AEW has become. I think the buzz just wore off. WWE getting better and half the audience taking the handling of the Punk thing as a big wet fart whereupon Tony 'failed' his first massive hurdle in taking the promotion to the next height didn't help, but I do think both those factors merely happened along a trajectory that was always going to see the promotion cool down a bit. 

The thing with AEW is the PPVs were almost always shit hot, you got that nice part-of-a-movement alternative bloom on the rose and for the first few years you were just seeing them for your first few times in your local market. First shows in the Chicago area. First shows in the LA area. First shows in the Tri-state area. That gets you a decent few return gates. Big ones you can count on one hand. Decent ones you can count on the other. 

Now you're counting on your toes, the "Is this the guy to take them to the next level" moment's come and gone, and really they're just at the exact level a number two promotion should be at, but the internet's hysterical and tribal and awful so it is being viewed as a massive failure by the kind of self-loathing wankers who complained about no competition for years that now find it hilarious that a second place for wrestlers to go and for fans to watch is doing 'bad'. 

That's why their current 'respectable' streak is probably the best thing they could be doing until the next spark comes along. If we were in the Dixie timeline, Mojo Rawley and Fandango would have been snapped up by now. We're still doing pretty good. But yeah, book smaller venues. 

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1 hour ago, HarmonicGenerator said:

Hangman and Swerve might be the first time I’ve wanted “fight forever” to come true. These two should want to destroy each other for eternity. Their little backstage moment was just brimming with brilliant hatred for each other.

Eddie Kingston/Jon Moxley makes me feel that way  - I’m not sure I could ever get bored of their interactions. Whenever they’re together - as friends or foes - they’re pure gold.

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Hook coming out the week after a star-making performance to absolute crickets set the tone for what was a pretty good episode of Dyno with an all-time bad crowd.

If they booked smaller, unique, intimate venues and packed them out it would look so much better than generic arenas being 75% empty and all the lights being turned down to hide the low attendance.

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Equally I think as a fan if you attend a show and there's barely anyone there it'll probably put you off going again, even if the show is good.

Daily's Place the other week felt like a breath of fresh air just because it didn't feel like your standard US arena. They should be booking  visually unique and memorable venues with a packed out but smaller crowd rather than these cavernous generic buildings with the hard cam side completely empty..

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While I've been really enjoying AEW the past few weeks, it's frustrating that Acclaimed and Bullet Club Gold joined forces because both were victims of Undisputed Kingdom and both groups have seemingly forgot about their issues? There's just little frustrating storyline inconsistencies that pop up in AEW quite often and even when the shows are hot it can lead to a feeling of 'well that's a missed opportunity'.

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First show I've watched in a few weeks, and it was pretty decent. Amazingly, Jeff Hardy vs Swerve was really good, and Edge vs Suzuki I enjoyed too. 2000s WWF alumni getting it done. 

EDIT: Oh yeah the Bang Bang Gang and The Acclaimed have merged? That's proper shit. Who wants a face Jay White? 

Edited by gmoney
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26 minutes ago, Lorne Malvo said:

While I've been really enjoying AEW the past few weeks, it's frustrating that Acclaimed and Bullet Club Gold joined forces because both were victims of Undisputed Kingdom and both groups have seemingly forgot about their issues? There's just little frustrating storyline inconsistencies that pop up in AEW quite often and even when the shows are hot it can lead to a feeling of 'well that's a missed opportunity'.

Isn't it just a basic "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" type deal? Not that I want to see them together because it's shit, but I almost get the logic to a point.

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4 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

Isn't it just a basic "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" type deal? Not that I want to see them together because it's shit, but I almost get the logic to a point.

I've probably not worded my original post very well but the inconsistency is that Acclaimed initially wanted to join forces with Bullet Club so they could get back at the Undisputed Kingdom. But both Acclaimed and Bullet Club over the past three weeks have seemingly forgot that they want revenge. They may revisit it going forwards but it's just odd that the Undisputed Kingdom element of the story has seemingly been dropped.

Edited by Lorne Malvo
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3 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

Isn't it just a basic "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" type deal? Not that I want to see them together because it's shit, but I almost get the logic to a point.

It is, and I think they're playing it reasonably well (and it will probably be a short-lived thing when one team turns on the other), but they seem to have forgotten why they're doing it. Why is Jay White helping The Acclaimed beat the Gates Of Agony (and why are the Gates Of Agony getting a Trios Title shot when the last time we saw them they were losing a different set of Trios belts?), rather than all of them collectively going after the Undisputed Kingdom? If the whole point of the alliance is to get their own back on the Undisputed Kingdom, why aren't they focusing their energies in that direction?

It's the problem with Undisputed Kingdom in general - the whole Devil angle was entirely focused on MJF, and then the night of the reveal is the last time we saw MJF, so they have to shuffle the decks to get them doing something else. Except Adam Cole is still injured, so he can't really do anything, and the rest of the group are left feuding with Best Friends. I love Orange Cassidy as much as the next man, but "feud with the Best Friends" is as blatant a time-filling midcard angle as you can possibly get in AEW, and it's going to be a struggle to heat them back up. 

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9 minutes ago, Lorne Malvo said:

They may revisit it going forwards but it's just odd that the Undisputed Kingdom element of the story has seemingly been dropped.

Every element of the Undisputed Kingdom should be dropped. The one major stain on TV at the moment. Just a pointless and terrible group.

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1 hour ago, LaGoosh said:

They should be booking  visually unique and memorable venues

Forget size for a moment *WilliamsGif* You see this is something I don't understand with both AEW and WWE. They seem to go to great lengths to make every venue look the same for the TV shows. WWE might throw in a double decker bus in the UK but apart from that, nothing, everything looks the same. Even backstage is homogenised. 

I'd love AEW to actually give some thought to the venues, hopefully this new live events guy will change it up. People like Swerve, Joe, Hangman TA, Christian, and Danielson deserve better than rattling round 20% full NBA arenas. If they want that they can go and play ball for the Pistons 

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