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13 minutes ago, Supremo said:

The whole angle is built around AEW originals defending the company from The Elite

If it was true AEW originals vs The Elite then Anarchy In The Arena should be The Elite vs Marko Stunt, Joey Janela, Peter Avalon and Michael Nakazawa. I'd watch it.

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1 hour ago, LaGoosh said:

If it was true AEW originals vs The Elite then Anarchy In The Arena should be The Elite vs Marko Stunt, Joey Janela, Peter Avalon and Michael Nakazawa. I'd watch it.

They should book that immediately. The heart attack Jim Cornette would have would register highly on the Richter scale. 

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Leave the memories alone. AEW never recovered from letting Marko fly away like a kid’s balloon. You could genuinely argue it was the beginning of their downturn.

Imagine the bump Marko could take off Blood & Guts! Bring him back! Restore the feeling!

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4 hours ago, Supremo said:

The whole angle is built around AEW originals defending the company from The Elite, 

As keen as I am to see the return of Marko Stunt, I don't think this is quite right. It's about people who embody AEW as it is now vs the Elite, Danielson said it himself on Saturday, AEW has moved on from just being about the Bucks and their mates, and they can't handle not being the centre of attention. 

My major issue with the match is that if there's going to be a team AEW, it needs to have Jon Moxley in it, but FTR and Kingston made sense as already existing feuds, and at least with Danielson he can get attacked before the match and stumble out toward the end whilst Nigel screams "Whose side is he on?!" 


Now obviously I don't know what they've got planned but wouldn't the more logical and significantly more exciting alternative be to book Young Bucks vs Danielson/Castagnoli instead?

It's a way more exciting match. It fits in with the current storylines better. It doesn't have an obvious winner like the two matches above. It gives more story/angle options heading into Anarchy In The Arena. There's no reason to have Christopher Daniels on Dynamite in 2024. You can put Eddie Kingston on commentary to trash talk on everyone. This would also free up TV time for them to do something more interesting with the Don Callis Family if they want. 

The problem with the match you've suggested is that I don't think they want either team to lose. What I'd like instead is Young Bucks vs Danielson/Kingston and FTR vs Okada and Perry, matches which both regular tag teams win, and with some animosity on the babyface side in the former, which keeps both teams strong and creates some interesting matches. That said, I'm keen to see more Jeff Cobb, so I'm happy.

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Yeah I didn’t think too much about the perfectly valid suggestions of more sensible and logical matches above, I just internally squealed with delight when I saw Jeff Cobb on the graphic. I am playing right into their hands. 

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57 minutes ago, Duke said:

The problem with the match you've suggested is that I don't think they want either team to lose.

I think that's a general AEW problem. They seem too scared to regularly book big matches because they don't want anyone to lose. I think fans are a lot more forgiving of losses than wrestling promotions think.

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Bryan Danielson has nothing to do with the story but I don't care. Its bryan Danielson and hopefully we get to hear him say "I'm gonna kick his fucking head in"

I was really exited about mercedes mone joining aew but what does she do exactly?

Bad promos and a dance. I think some wrestlers really struggle with promos that aren't written for them and she is one of them. 

Willow is brilliant though. My favourite female wrestler by a mile. I think it's actually really hard to pull of that happy babyface character but she does it. It just seems like its her real personality. I really hope she isn't turned heel. Perhaps she wins and mone attacks her after turning heel. Because I wouldn't want to see willow loose the title 

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He did in a gimmick in CHIKARA where Stokeley Hathaway bought the rights to the name Chuck Taylor, so Stokeley would wrestle under that name and Chuck cycled through some of the names from that list instead.

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9 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

He did in a gimmick in CHIKARA where Stokeley Hathaway bought the rights to the name Chuck Taylor, so Stokeley would wrestle under that name and Chuck cycled through some of the names from that list instead.

I'd vaguely heard of this, but didn't know Stokely wrestled. Was he any good?

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