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Saw someone suggest that, if Flair must be involved in Sting's final match, it would be a pretty cool spot for Flair to try and betray Sting yet again, except this time - in his final outing - Sting realised it was coming, and wore a cup knowing a low-blow from Flair was likely.

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Just now, 69MeDon said:

Saw someone suggest that, if Flair must be involved in Sting's final match, it would be a pretty cool spot for Flair to try and betray Sting yet again, except this time - in his final outing - Sting realised it was coming, and wore a cup knowing a low-blow from Flair was likely.

Ah, fond memories of a WCW tag where Sting & Flair were facing Arn & Pillman on a PPV. Sting saw it coming and warned Flair "If you swerve me..." in the TV build up. Result - Flair turned on him, and even though he saw it coming, took an absolute shit kicking from the newly reformed Horsemen.

Bless him. Even when he sees it coming, he never sees it coming.

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5 minutes ago, air_raid said:

Ah, fond memories of a WCW tag where Sting & Flair were facing Arn & Pillman on a PPV. Sting saw it coming and warned Flair "If you swerve me..." in the TV build up. Result - Flair turned on him, and even though he saw it coming, took an absolute shit kicking from the newly reformed Horsemen.

Bless him. Even when he sees it coming, he never sees it coming.

Yeah, actually watched that at some point last year as I make my way back through WCW. I found it weird Sting said "swerve" instead of double cross or something else.

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8 minutes ago, 69MeDon said:

I found it weird Sting said "swerve" instead of double cross or something else.

It was probably his copy of The Observer that Hogan burned.

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Great dynamite the week before last. I watch it on itv so not seen this Wednesdays yet.

Aew have really sorted it out I think. Aew was going stale no doubt about it but they really seem to have addressed it. I do wonder if a hangman page heel turn might be coming. Depends on how future crowds react to him. 

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Enjoyable episode. This might be their best PPV build in years.

Good opener. They really got me with the finish. On the heels of the hilariously political finishes in the FTR vs HOB feud, I was convinced this was going to a draw with the time calls. But Mox pulls it out the bag with a submission right at the end. I'll forever be frustrated as long as Moxley isn't a singles babyface in personal feuds, but FTR vs BCC will do me for now. FTR Hair's punches at the end... beautiful.

Another good Copeland match. The finish felt like a genuine transgression that got heat on the heels. Excited for Garcia vs Christian and hopefully a Danny TNT title run. Speaking of promising youngsters, Nick Wayne has really found himself as a heel. Massive upgrade over Jungle Boy.

Samoa Joe was predictably the highlight of the world title segment. Swerve can be awkward on the mic but right now he's got the crowd and presence on his side. This is the most compelling triple threat match I can think of. AEW has a predictability problem, but not this. I've got no idea where this is gonna go and all the potential directions feel good.

It's great to see Toni Storm become the star I always doubted she could be. This is the best AEW women's feud I've seen.

The main event overdelivered and made me forget how dumb the stipulation was. When they cut away from Taven's mental table dive I genuinely thought someone had died for a second. Bonkers.

Weakest part of the show was The Young Bucks/Darby stuff. I appreciate the Bucks changing up their ring style to fit their characters, but it isn't clicking for me yet. Just not very interesting and wrestling in suits is something I just can't get on with. Darby was terrible. Counterproductive meta shite is the worst.

Edited by Mr Butternut Squash
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The triple threat seems fairly predictable to me. There’ll come a point where Page has to choose between trying to finish off Joe or incapacitating Swerve and he’ll choose Swerve allowing Joe to retain. Joe feels better than a transitional champ and it’d be nice for them to make him a bigger deal before crowning Swerve.

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I am trying to envision a way Hangman might end up costing himself the match just to spite Swerve, that wouldn't seem cheap, but would still be clear enough what the intention is. Maybe being caught in a Joe submission and tapping out just as Swerve is about to break it up.

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51 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

I am trying to envision a way Hangman might end up costing himself the match just to spite Swerve, that wouldn't seem cheap, but would still be clear enough what the intention is. Maybe being caught in a Joe submission and tapping out just as Swerve is about to break it up.

Yeah it has to be better than a finger poke of doom for sure. To be believable it has to be a rush of blood moment where Page lets his obsession get the best of him because obviously pinning Joe would be the best way to deny Swerve.

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I think it needs to be more Hangman's hate for Swerve causes him to lose focus and make a massive mistake rather than him deliberately losing just to cost Swerve the title. 

Edited by LaGoosh
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Could they redo the Summerslam 97 finish with Hangman going for Swerve with a chair, clocking Joe, with Swerve then throwing Hangman out of the ring and pinning Joe for the 3. Hangman inadvertently gives Swerve the title and he becomes more unhinged.

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Dynamite 14/02/24

Real slobberknocker from Dax and Moxley to start. Very much on board for this BCC/FTR feud. 

Takeshita vs Osprey will be absolutely bananas but it feels like an excursion Takeshita match where he loses to wrestler X because the match will be brilliant. Is Takeshita a victim of being too good at his own job? He can reliably have an excellent match with anyone, but that shouldn't be his only role. I was happy when he turned heel and joined the Callis family because I wanted any sort of substantial direction for him but it's been the same stop-start frustration with him. 

Wardlow figuring out that if he moves he can make big Wardlow on the screen move was adorable to watch. In all seriousness I quite like that spot. 

Garcia/Copeland was fantastic. Very deliberate pace from both of them, working limbs, letting everythng breathe and letting the heat build. Copeland leaning into his grumpy vetaran side here and helping nudge the crowd from 50/50 split to pro-Garcia. The slow burn pace meant I was engrossed and just waiting for it to hit its final gear and pay off all the groundwork they'd set up when the bastard Patriarchy ruined it. A very successful example of the crowd (and me) not being mad at the promotion for booking a non finish, but mad at the heels for spoiling everything. Good post-match angle too. Completely invested in Garcia vs Christian now but I'm still sold on Christian/Copeland 3 whenever they want to do it as well. Once again the booking of both Garcia and Copeland lately has been excellent. 

World title segment was the highlight of the show. All three of them brilliant here. "You've been added to this match" from Hangman was hilarious. Joe's closer though, holy shit. Worried that a triple threat based around the Hangman/Swerve feud makes Joe a third wheel in his own title match? Not a fucking a chance mate. This match feels huge and I cannot call how it will end and I can see a ton of potential in any outcome. Really exciting stuff. 

Storm/Purazzo build continues to be good stuff. Liked the contrast between Toni getting her tattoo altered and creating a promo in the form of a short film, and Deonna responding with a once sentence promo. 

It's a good thing the Sting/Darby vs Bucks match doesn't need any further build beyond the bloody white suit beatdown because I don't think the Bucks' promos have been great and Darby's wasn't either. They're still wearing the bloody suits Darby, you don't need to reveal the back story of why you never liked the Young Bucks for political reasons. Darby was celebrating winning a title with his mentor on his mentor's retirement tour. Career highlight for Darby, an amazing moment he wants to remember forever, now forever tainted by what The Bucks did. Don't know why he overthought this so much.
Willow and Skye Blue was one of Skye Blue's best matches to date I thought. She seems more comfortable playing this heel character and her timing has improved loads. Willow is always great of course. The Stokeley thing is growing on me, but I hope the speculation about it being a set up for him managing someone against them is true. I don't want it to break up Willow/Stat or turn either of them heel. I do like the idea of a babyface team having a heel manager and them having to decide how they feel about his shenanigans. I also enjoy that he likes Statlander but doesn't like Willow. How can you not like Willow. 

Main event was nuts. I typically find The Kingdom to be incredibly dull, but man Matt Taven put a shift in here. Easily the most I've ever enjoyed him. Deathmatch Orange Cassidy was even better though. He has been sufficiently provoked so we get to see his inner Jon Moxley emerge. Thoroughly entertaining wild and bloody brawl. Great heat throughout and some jaw dropping high spots. Surprised by just how much I ended up enjoying this.

Very excited for Revolution, and my excitement is increasing incrementally as I watch the weekly television building up to it. Imagine that. 

Edited by JLM
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