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AEW Saturday Collision

Hannibal Scorch

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Moaning bastards. I thought that was a wonderful episode. Who knew putting Tony Schiavone on the desk was what Collision needed? Even JR sounded interested for the first time in ages.

I really enjoyed the opening segment setting up various threads but it’s clear as day the original booking of FTR and CM Punk is now Rated FTR, which I’m ok with. 

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When it's all said and done the greatest impact House of Black has on AEW could be the Women's division. Julia Hart time will tell, but the mist is being used to instigate Skye Blue and Willow's first heel turns in the company by the looks of it. They're both overexposed in terms of taking countless TV losses. Skye lost to Julia Hart and Toni Storm just before that blink and you'd miss it win against Emi Sakura to give an excuse for the TBS title shot. So I don't have the greatest faith in them getting elevated once it's played out. Properly built Shida or Statlander v. Willow at Full Gear please.

I'd maybe have switched a couple of matches for Fletcher v. Daniels and Juice v. Boulder or Floyd. If Fletcher's flying solo and challenging Omega, give him a win against an actual singles wrestler. Iron Savages or Floyd's partner could have been part of the BCG beatdown to give it a bit more life and maybe set-up a tag/trios for the following week.

Main event and the story that led to it was solid enough. FTR popping back up and making further excuses about being injured nullified last week. Copeland was way too flustered in a live mic environment without a script. No active wrestler should call someone a vanilla midget.

After 5 months RUSH might finally be back. I know it wasn't all paternity leave, with VISA  considerations and getting a new contract signed, but can Sammy Guevara disappear for 5-6 months when his kid is born :)

I thought better of you Dustin Rhodes! AEW World HEAVYWEIGHT championship. That's another one. It's happening more often. Most of the time in pre-tapes. So there's no excuse. It's such a small thing, but it goes to the idea of clear messaging and branding. Can't even get a simple detail like that right.

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Is anyone else feeling a bit fed up of The Acclaimed? They’ve been pretty awful recently, and that segment with Renee Paquette was just dreadful. I think it might be time to have them go their separate ways. 

A random thought - while I’d like AEW to ditch most of its titles, I’d be totally fine with them introducing a super heavyweight division - or some variation of that. They have so many good, athletic larger wrestlers right now - many of whom rarely get TV time - and I’d like to see more of them on AEW TV. Miro/Hobbs was one of my favourite matches in AEW all year. More of that, please. It would at least add some variety in the kind of wrestling on offer. 

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Collision continues to hit the sweet spot for me, when it comes to pacing and a mix of big matches, squashes and segments.

Much better crowd than last week, imo. 

Opening segment was fine in a WWE way. 

Not sure I'd class the Skye Blue stuff as "supernatural" feels more psychological, to me. Which I'm fine with. 

Easily Blue's best performance and I'm on board with a heel turn to give her something to sink her teeth into. They wouldn't turn Willow as well, would they? 

House of Black pretty much vanishing off of TV is odd. 

Miro segment was goofy shit but not as bad as usual. 

Joe Vs. Mack was a lot of fun. 

The Acclaimed stuff is just weird. No idea what they are going for but it isn't working. 

Excellent main event.

Juice and the Bang Bang Gang proving that Dynamite's tasteless, cheap heat shit was completely unnecessary. Thankfully looks like they are already walking it back. 

Yes Rush in coming back. Get in there. 

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24 minutes ago, The King Of Swing said:

House of Black pretty much vanishing off of TV is odd.

When Malakai did a social media video trying to dispel rumours about his back being because of a lack of singles matches, he admitted he was dealing with a different injury.

Julia Hart just got married. The speed through push into WrestleDream seems to have been to allow for a period of time off.

Brody seems to be a trooper and it's a shame he hasn't been given a mini-push like last year when Malakai and Buddy were sulking.

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4 hours ago, Infinity Land said:

When Malakai did a social media video trying to dispel rumours about his back being because of a lack of singles matches, he admitted he was dealing with a different injury.

Julia Hart just got married. The speed through push into WrestleDream seems to have been to allow for a period of time off.

Brody seems to be a trooper and it's a shame he hasn't been given a mini-push like last year when Malakai and Buddy were sulking.

Brody has a broken hand/wrist, he was wearing a cast when he was with Julia the last few weeks.

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Edge running down Starks for dressing like the Rock was proper "Remember how much better it used to be?" Hated that. I get that there's a degree of accuracy to it and they were just sniping at each other but being unfavourably compared to a star you'll never shine as bright as is shite. 

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I guess it's because I watch it in chunks and skip the stuff that won't interest me, but I thought any show that had matches of the calibre of Skye Blue vs Kris Statlander and Danielson vs Christian would have been at least decent. The rest of it must have been absolute dogshit!

They were great matches though. Skye Blue is superb and her evolving character is nicely done into an assumed heel turn. Statlander is a gem too.

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2 hours ago, Gay as FOOK said:

Edge running down Starks for dressing like the Rock was proper "Remember how much better it used to be?" Hated that. I get that there's a degree of accuracy to it and they were just sniping at each other but being unfavourably compared to a star you'll never shine as bright as is shite. 

Reminded me of Edge burying X-Pac with the "1998 called" line. Doesn't do anyone any favours. 

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Saw the opening segment (after a shitload of technical glitching) and yeah, Edge can fuck off with that cheap shit.

Was only interested in the Christian/Bryan match so skipped right to that. As is usually the case whenever these two square off, this was excellent stuff, even if the finish was a little cheap.
I love how Christian has got into the best shape of his entire career and decided to cover it all up with the turtle neck, top level stuff right there.
As someone else mentioned even JR sounded enthusiastic throughout, probably because he doesn’t have to explain away why guys are getting up from 3 or 4 Canadian Destroyers as if nothings happened. Still can’t stand McGuiness though. I know some on here have been coming round to him lately but I don’t think I’ll ever get there with him. Skipping most of the show did mean that I missed his weekly crowbarring of “quid pro quo” though, so that’s another positive 

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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