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AEW Saturday Collision

Hannibal Scorch

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12 hours ago, JLM said:

Please god let RUSH choose AEW. Give him a proper contract and let him run wild. If he can’t choke people with cables at ring side then it just ain’t RUSH. 

God listened and has delivered.


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A funny Rush story is you may have noticed that in AEW when he attacks people with the electrical cable from under the ring that the cable is bright green, this is because the first time he did it he didn't tell the production team and grabbed a real cable that if he pulled it out of the socket the entire show would have gone off the air. Aubrey Edwards said the entire TV truck started screaming down her ear ordering her to get him to stop choking his opponent with it. So now it's a gimmick cable that's bright green so he knows which one it is.

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I didn’t even know RUSH had contract issues pending. Seems mad they would run this Andrade angle with House of Black if they weren’t confident they could bring RUSH in.

But yeah. Great news. Hopefully Collision can put a broader spotlight on RUSH the same way it has Juice Robinson and Ricky Starks.

I doubt we’ll see him mixing it up with CM Punk though. Punk’s already complained about Hangman being too stiff. He’d start crying his eyes out if he got in there with RUSH.

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1 minute ago, Supremo said:

I didn’t even know RUSH had contract issues pending. Seems mad they would run this Andrade angle with House of Black if they weren’t confident they could bring RUSH in.

But yeah. Great news. Hopefully Collision can put a broader spotlight on RUSH the same way it has Juice Robinson and Ricky Starks.

I doubt we’ll see him mixing it up with CM Punk though. Punk’s already complained about Hangman being too stiff. He’d start crying his eyes out if he got in there with RUSH.

I think Punk is deliberately trying to work with stiff folks to prove his point that he doesn’t mind that, it’s being slapped in the face he doesn’t like.

I reckon he’ll insist on a good 20 minute fist fight with RUSH.

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1 hour ago, Supremo said:

I didn’t even know RUSH had contract issues pending. Seems mad they would run this Andrade angle with House of Black if they weren’t confident they could bring RUSH in.


Ugh, I never even thought of that - I don't want to see RUSH involved with that nonsense. Have him team up with Callis or something; give him something of substance to do, rather than lumping him in a team in a dull storyline. Plus, RUSH is better placed as a nasty bastard heel, as opposed to as Andrade's pal. 

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Will tonight be the night when the Better Than You Bay Bays Explode!!! It's about the only meaningful thing on the card depending on how much you care about Andrade getting his mask back. That one might be more about who helps Andrade get his mask back 🤘

Otherwise it's a very Dark/ROH vibe.

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I love poster for this show, it encapsulates the situation perfectly.  CM Punk on his own at the bottom.  Nobody wants to work with him…

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How’s Kyle O’Reilly getting on health wise? I’m starting to wonder if we’ll have Better Than You Baby win the tag titles, feuding with a jilted O’Reilly and Strong next.

While I think not having the World title defended at All In would be a massive mistake, I could see the above match taking place at that PPV, with the MJF/Cole match taking place at All Out.

I could see MJF purposely losing the tag match (though the fact it’s deliberate wouldn’t immediately be apparent), only to have O’Reilly and Strong help him defeat Cole; forming a new stable, while also explaining why MJF was so willing to give Cole a World title match; and why MJF purposely lost, as a reward for his new stablemates.

I’d prefer to see the that scenario take place with Cole being the heel (and both title matches taking place at All In), but I suspect we’ll see something along these lines regardless.

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Best episode thus far. First week Collision has been better than Dynamite. Colliders, unite! We're finally cooking!

Even Nigel had a good night. Twice he made me laugh with some deadpan daftness, first pretending to be surprised by Ricky Starks' entrance and then secondly spending the entire six-man tag match referring to Jay White as if he wasn't a cardboard cut-out. Really funny stuff.

Fun opener. Nobody will remember it in two weeks time, suggesting some of the crazier bumps weren't worth it, but still a good time. Hurry up and bring Rush in already!

Horrendous backstage segment with Miro. Amateur hour. I can only assume they shot it live because I can't fathom them pre-taping that and not deciding to shoot it again. Absolute shit. Everyone looked stupid. Is Will Hobbs still with QTV? He fucking better be. The prospect of Miro and Hobbs slapping meat is the only potential upside to this feud. Miro vs. Johnny TV? Or QT Marshall?! No thanks.

Darby Allin vs. Minoru Suzuki! Yes! Exactly what I love about AEW. Insane match pairings Tony comes up with at 3am after a couple of lines. Good match, too. Suzuki put a shift in, which isn't the always the case these days. Did anyone ever do that Suzuki vs. Orange Cassidy match that Covid stole from us? Do it, Tony!

Samoa Joe doing the gravity walk as he avoided the dive. Five stars.

Great CM Punk promo. Finally, we have a direction! Clever use of the belt to give this show something worth caring about, and Punk finally felt like more than just a man trying to find colleagues to work with. He was massively overshadowed by Ricky Starks though, who is easily Collision's greatest beneficiary. Yes Ricky! He's fully back! It's like the last six months of him sulking and going through the motions never happened! Out of nowhere he's completely found his mojo again and instantly feels like a main event star. Brilliant. I'd be half tempted to have him beat Punk for the belt next week, even though I know the chances of that are slim.

Bullet Club Gold haven't missed yet. What a fucking entrance! The Gunns already had one of the best entrances in the game, with phenomenal music,, but add Juice Robison to the mix, twitching and freaking about like Animal from the Muppets? Top tier stuff. Fun six-man tag, great banter with the cardboard cut out. Juice Robinson and Ricky Starks both owe CM Punk their careers. Feels like a distant memory when their feud with each other was the worst thing in the company. They're the new kings of Saturday night.

Is Collision going head to head with Summerslam next week? Love the idea of Tony panicking, realising he needs the top stars to compete, so went with BIG BILL.

Fantastic main event, with an even better closing angle. I would've called an audible and switched the titles, but if you must have FTR retain, then that was the perfect way to do it. Gripping, fascinating stuff. MJF finally tries to be a good guy, and it costs him everything. What drama! Best character in wrestling.

I was convinced MJF was turning, spent the last few minutes holding my breath....and for them to just hug afterwards? Beautiful stuff. Nothing better than when the very best guys subvert and play with tropes like this. I know the turn is likely still coming, but still. Seeing friendship conquer all? Genuinely lovely. Maybe the real Tag Titles were the friends they made along the way.

In a perfect world they never turn on each other and they run with this for as long they can, just to see what's possible. But yeah. Yet another example of why pro-wrestling is fucking brilliant these days; we have genuine competition for heart-warming hug of the year. MJF/Adam Cole or Kevin Owens/Sami Zayn? It's close!

Edited by Supremo
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