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AEW Saturday Collision

Hannibal Scorch

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Nick Wayne has been blessed with the most punchable face in wrestling. He's perfect in his current role.

Mama Wayne is also a good addition.

I swear that Nigel is responsible for %65 of my love of Collision. To think I actually groaned when he first showed up. 

He's a riot on commentary. Needs to bring back his Save the Clams, T-shirt. 

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Nigel is fantastic. A great moment this week was Danielson going for the surfboard stretch and Nigel saying "this old move, same old same old from Bryan, boring!" and then when Hicheciro reversed it into his own surfboard stretch Nigel immediately exclaimed "incredible! What an amazing move! I've never seen anything like this!". He's the best.

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1 hour ago, LaGoosh said:

Nigel is fantastic. A great moment this week was Danielson going for the surfboard stretch and Nigel saying "this old move, same old same old from Bryan, boring!" and then when Hicheciro reversed it into his own surfboard stretch Nigel immediately exclaimed "incredible! What an amazing move! I've never seen anything like this!". He's the best.

It'll be tragic if it never results in an actual match, which seemingly it won't.

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19 hours ago, JLM said:

Happy to see Mark Briscoe getting some promo time and some direction. I'll take an ongoing HOB feud over the Hardys team up all day.


The commentary team have bought up his team/friendship with the Hardys a few times the past week, so my fear is that it could be HOB vs Briscoe & The Hardys in a Trios feud.


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This week’s Collision was the perfect palate cleanser after watching WWE fuck everything up this last week.

Basic, logical, fun, lovely stuff, all performed in front of one of their best crowds in ages.

Biggest takeaway is that I want more in-ring promos with Tony Schiavone. Both Swerve and Mark Briscoe had belters out there with ‘Our Tone. Opposite ends of the spectrum, the most lovable man alive, followed by one of the most horrible, scariest men alive. Swerve in particular though. Whew. There’s nothing more exciting in pro-wrestling than watching someone put it all together and click into place. He’s doing it in front of our eyes. Him staring down the camera at the end was incredible stuff. Pure aura. Cannot believe this was the same scrub slumming it with Hit Row.

Time limit draw tonight, with Hangman and Swerve, resulting in the three-way? Or do they subvert all expectations and just have one guy win and further prove that we’re back in the era of wins and losses actually mattering? Could they really do Heel vs. Heel with Swerve and Joe?

Ultimately, I’m ridiculously torn. I want Swerve as Champion, but equally don’t think we’ve even scratched the surface with Joe as Champion. A good problem to have, but one I’d agonise over if I was writing the show.

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there was a really nice bit after Swerve namedropped Kofi Kingston, Prince Nana said something in (presumably) Asante as they're both Ghanaian. Would love to know what he said.

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I really enjoyed that Collision too. To be fair, AEW have been ticking all the boxes for me since the start of the year. I can see that it might be a bit too 'in-ring' heavy for some but it seems the focus at the moment is on simple storylines with characters you can get behind, and it's working for me.

The Patriarchy vs FTR & Garcia was a perfect TV main event. Brilliant stuff.

Daniel Garcia cut a promo after the show (it's on their Youtube) basically confirming he wants a TNT title shot. Yes please!

Good Dynamite lineup this week too!

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30 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Time limit draw tonight, with Hangman and Swerve, resulting in the three-way? Or do they subvert all expectations and just have one guy win and further prove that we’re back in the era of wins and losses actually mattering? Could they really do Heel vs. Heel with Swerve and Joe?

Personally, I want Hangman to win. Not only because Hangman vs Joe will be an absolute banger and that singles matches are always better than three ways but because I want the double whammy of Swerve losing to Hangman and losing his title shot to send him off the deep end and do some diabolical heel shit in reaction to it. They can then come back to Swerve vs Joe a little later down the line.

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8 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Personally, I want Hangman to win. Not only because Hangman vs Joe will be an absolute banger and that singles matches are always better than three ways but because I want the double whammy of Swerve losing to Hangman and losing his title shot to send him off the deep end and do some diabolical heel shit in reaction to it. They can then come back to Swerve vs Joe a little later down the line.

I think we're heading towards a double turn. I'm not sure how they get there exactly, but even though he's one of the most despicable heels AEW has ever developed, it's hard to deny that Swerve has the crowd on his side. Hangman isn't losing the crowd, but his character is quite clearly changing - both in obvious and subtle ways. It could simply be a case of him evolving as a character to remain fresh, but I imagine there's more to it than that. 

I could see Hangman doing something reprehensible to Swerve, causing the crowd to turn on him. But it gives him ammunition to feel a bit peeved by that, given what Swerve has done to him and others (yet the fans cheer him anyway); creating a logical reason for him to turn on the fans. 

I think Hangman could be an excellent heel, but I'm not entirely sure I'm ready to boo the guy...but I think that's the direction of travel. 

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26 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

I could see Hangman doing something reprehensible to Swerve, causing the crowd to turn on him

This is my feeling. I think he could justify it as well while getting the crowd fully on Swerves side. Then have Hangman V Joe and have Hangman lose and start to really ramp up the heel. You could then re do Swerve V Hangman with the roles reversed.

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I could get behind a Hangman heel turn.  Opens up a whole range of fresh new opponents for him and he's worked pretty much every heel in the company. Hangman vs Darby Allin is a match I never considered until this moment and now desperately want.

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I absolutely LOVED Bryan Danielson vs Hechicero!! What a match! I’ve watched so much wrestling recently and this just felt so different to everything else. Bryan Danielson really is the GOAT

Having not really seen much of Hechicero a week ago I am now completely mesmerised by him. I love his look, his entrance, his movez - just everything is great. Even the way he nonchalantly rolled out the ring when Claudio ran in was awesome. More of this guy please Tony!

The main event was great too. Collision is awesome at the moment 

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Thought this weeks show was solid rather than spectacular, but it's set some good things up for the coming weeks. FTR vs BCC will be an absolute banger. And I'd never even considered the possibility of Copeland vs Garcia before and now I can't wait for it.

I'm really liking this Copeland AEW run.

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Wish FTR would just fuck off, a real blight on Collision for me, been enjoying AEW a lot recently but these two marks do my head in. Cash should be prosecuted soon I imagine so they'll dissappear then thankfully.

Let's hope Mox and Claudio remember to shake their hands after their match otherwise there'll be plenty more tears

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