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AEW London 2023

Hannibal Scorch

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2 minutes ago, Cheesy Peas said:

Is Punk still being recognised as a champion? I could’ve sworn his belt was held up before the match.

Not really recognised. It's about as legit as the FTW title.

First Collision, Punk brought out a bag cuts a promo. Weeks go by and it's not always acknowledged. He finally reveals the "Real World Championship" long after it held any interest. He'd already lost to Ricky Starks in a singles match by this point.

No one has really acknowledged it outside of Collision.

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I had a lot of fun at the show but I didn't come away with my opinion changed. Felt like more of a house show than the biggest wrestling show of all time as a lot of the matches felt undercooked due to the lackluster build, and they're clearly heading in a direction that'll make the weekly TV more of a pain to sit through.

Also while the crowd was loud at various points they also didn't have much to root for in terms of emotional investment in a longterm story (apart from the main event, which they all loved and I scratched my head at mostly). Seeing the pop that Hangman and Omega got, and it being wasted on a slapdash 6-man tag, was a massive waste of those two.

Joe/Punk and the coffin match were my MOTN (lost my fucking mind to Seek & Destroy) and the Stampede was very enjoyable as well. I'd go 3 on the main event, nowhere near the 5-star ratings that I heard from other people as I exited up the stadium stairs (I overheard lots of positive praise for the STORY).

I'll probably be at the next All In as my one live wrestling show per year, but I'm happy with putting AEW on the backburner for now and just sticking to the PPVs and TV specials.




Edited by Accident Prone
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33 minutes ago, Accident Prone said:

I had a lot of fun at the show but I didn't come away with my opinion changed. Felt like more of a house show than the biggest wrestling show of all time as a lot of the matches felt undercooked due to the lackluster build, and they're clearly heading in a direction that'll make the weekly TV more of a pain to sit through.

Also while the crowd was loud at various points they also didn't have much to root for in terms of emotional investment in a longterm story (apart from the main event, which they all loved and I scratched my head at mostly). Seeing the pop that Hangman and Omega got, and it being wasted on a slapdash 6-man tag, was a massive waste of those two.

Joe/Punk and the coffin match were my MOTN (lost my fucking mind to Seek & Destroy) and the Stampede was very enjoyable as well. I'd go 3 on the main event, nowhere near the 5-star ratings that I heard from other people as I exited up the stadium stairs (I overheard lots of positive praise for the STORY).

I'll probably be at the next All In as my one live wrestling show per year, but I'm happy with putting AEW on the backburner for now and just sticking to the PPVs and TV specials.




Mental I can find my seat three rows from the back in your photo here. 

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29 minutes ago, Accident Prone said:

I had a lot of fun at the show but I didn't come away with my opinion changed. Felt like more of a house show than the biggest wrestling show of all time as a lot of the matches felt undercooked due to the lackluster build, and they're clearly heading in a direction that'll make the weekly TV more of a pain to sit through.

Also while the crowd was loud at various points they also didn't have much to root for in terms of emotional investment in a longterm story (apart from the main event, which they all loved and I scratched my head at mostly). Seeing the pop that Hangman and Omega got, and it being wasted on a slapdash 6-man tag, was a massive waste of those two.

Joe/Punk and the coffin match were my MOTN (lost my fucking mind to Seek & Destroy) and the Stampede was very enjoyable as well. I'd go 3 on the main event, nowhere near the 5-star ratings that I heard from other people as I exited up the stadium stairs (I overheard lots of positive praise for the STORY).

I'll probably be at the next All In as my one live wrestling show per year, but I'm happy with putting AEW on the backburner for now and just sticking to the PPVs and TV specials.




I think it is difficult to call it a glorified house show. Several titles changed hands, the main event was one that had people thinking either could win and could go different ways, most matches had some build and some a fair bit. I've only started following Aew because I was going last night and the Cole MJF stuff from YouTube alone had me hooked on this.


Yeah Omega in a 6 man tag was probably a bit of a waste, but it was part of a longer storyline with Callis so I think it worked. 

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I was actually really happy that it felt like a proper AEW PPV and didn't lean too much into the temptation of overloading it with fly-in stars and legends and stuff like that.

It was a show that really illustrated how over a huge amount of the roster and their homegrown talent is. And I think that's what I enjoyed seeing the most.

Yeah they didn't blow their load with every single top tier match but they didn't need to.

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I don’t know how many stars MJF and Cole should get and I find it hard to care. The assignment was to apply maximum drama during this very important chapter of a story most of the fan base is extremely invested in. With that goal in mind I don’t think it could have been much better. 

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3 hours ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

I’ve always liked AEW. I was living in the States for the first All In and some of the subsequent shows and got to watch them live at a reasonable hour. I was always a fan.

But, I think, now is the first time I truly, properly ‘get’ AEW.

All the moans about it lacking cohesion, sense or complaining about them occasionally missing the mark or doubling up on spots? It completely misses the point.

AEW is a joyful, triumphant celebration of professional wrestling. It’s people just like us - in the main - getting to live out their dreams, and using their platform to celebrate and pay tribute to the things that have given them such joy. So where you may wear a Terry Funk t-shirt, Mox wields a branding iron. Where you may have a HBK screensaver, Adam Cole tunes up a superkick.

It’s fucking… glorious. We should root for each and every one of them, including Tony, because they’re crafting a love letter to the thing that we’ve all been besotted by for decades.

And then there was Punk. I’ll start my quick whip through of the show here. I’m a Punk fan. He has great matches, delivers big moments and can speak arses into seats. But, he doesn’t belong here. Where their tributes are loving, his are arch. Where they use their platform to bring us ‘all in’ to celebrate something, he excludes and gatekeeps. 

AEW allowing wrestlers to follow their inner muse isn’t the weakness of a billionaire coke fiend, it’s the wide net that allows them to find so many diamonds.

So, Punk’s match was great. Fun at times. It had a good finish and was a great start to the show. But his toxic melodrama doesn’t belong here. He’s a man with sharp elbows in a world of warm hugs. I hate to say it, but I’d rather he wasn’t around.

The six man was good, if a little scruffy at times. Ibushi still doesn’t seem at the races. I loved seeing Hangman, his energy crackles when he’s in the ring. 

The FTR/Bucks match was superb. The best match I’ve ever been present for, and I punched the air for the finish. Regardless of where you sit on the divide of Elite/CMFTR; these gentlemen worked well together, professionally and The Bucks did a clean job. Wrestling at its absolute finest.

Mox has an insane presence and charisma from up close. A genuine superstar aura. The match was - obviously - a car crash, but a fun one. The genuine definition of people ‘giving everything’ for what they love.

I’m not a Saraya fan, but that moment was special.

The Coffin match was such fun. I’m sorry to go back to it, but if a genuine legend and megastar like Sting can get along with this company, anyone should be able to. The criteria for fitting in with AEW seems to be simply ‘love what you do and do what you love.’

Seeing a 64 year old man throwing himself about with a reckless abandon, having the time of his life, was beautiful. Oh, the table didn’t break? ONE MORE TIME.

Jericho/Ospreay was good and I enjoyed seeing Ospreay get his moment. In my 20’s I trained a bit - a very little bit - at Lucha Britannia, and Ospreay was there then. He was so effortlessly athletic and graceful, and by all accounts hard working, so even if I don’t always enjoy his stuff, I was happy to see such a local lad get the moment in the sun.

Brody King has big star presence. Malakai Black has less presence than I assumed he would. Fun match to keep the crowd warm going into the main event. @Supremo - one for you - isn’t Billy Gunn massive in person??

Main event. What can you say? MJF is the guy and, I’m amazed to say, Adam Cole isn’t too far behind. They’ve BOTH been elevated by this story. It’s given them a perfect platform to show their range of abilities. They had the crowd in the palm of their hands. Incredible.

I love wrestling.

I love AEW.

Perfect post. My thoughts exactly. 

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1 hour ago, Accident Prone said:

I had a lot of fun at the show but I didn't come away with my opinion changed. Felt like more of a house show than the biggest wrestling show of all time as a lot of the matches felt undercooked due to the lackluster build, and they're clearly heading in a direction that'll make the weekly TV more of a pain to sit through.

I went into the show as someone who hasn’t watched an episode of Dynamite in months, so the choice of Adam Cole v MJF as main event did sound quite weak as I wouldn’t have considered either, Cole particularly, among the AEW’s top tier.

I appreciate that apparently its been playing out on tv but I was totally confused why smarky heel MJF was trying to garner confused babyface reactions, which also clouded the main event for me.

Loved Sting coming out to seek and destroy, just a shame that his AEW run is tarnished by being so closely associated with that fucking Darby Allin.

All in all though, I managed to sit through a 4 hour odd show and it looked fantastic on TV. Doubt it’ll make me watch Dynamite or Collison on a regular basis but fair play, good show.

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37 minutes ago, Chili said:

Just caught the pre-show and RJ City isn't being paid enough or I hope he's raking it in. Especially when he met two fans from Phoenix Arizona and was just beside himself in frustration that his link was fucked. Styled it out great.

It's an absolute injustice that he wasn't even nominated for Best Non-Wrestler at the 2022 UKFF Awards. Sort that out this year, everyone!

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I much prefer the glorified house show loop of All In when compared to the last stand alone AEW PPV Double or Nothing and quite a few of the recent PPVs considering how they'd been hampered by injuries & Brawl Out.

Double or Nothing 2023

  1. World Title: MJF v. Sammy v. Darby v. Jack Perry
  2. Women's Title: Jamie Hayter v. Toni Storm (sub 5 minutes to write out the injured Jamie)
  3. TNT Title/Ladder Match: Wardlow v. Christian
  4. TBS Title: Jade Cargill v. Taya Valkyrie
  5. TBS Title: Jade Cargill v. Kris Statlander (maybe a minute or two)
  6. Tag Titles: FTR v. JJ & Lethal
  7. Trios: House of Black v. The Acclaimed
  8. Blackjack Battle Royale for the International Title
  9. Anarchy in the Arena: BCC v. The Elite
  10. Unsanctioned Match: Adam Cole v. Chris Jericho
  11. Hardys & HOOK v. Ethan Page & The Gunns
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