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AEW Rampage Thread 2023


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Strange. Triller had the entire show for me. Althought Dynamite did end half-way through Kenny's promo (before Okada came down), then the rest of the promo/beatdown played out on the Rampage feed for me.


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13 hours ago, Lorne Malvo said:

Really enjoyed O'Reilly vs Romero too, those kind of chess-match fights are right up my street. Although every single time I see Kyle I remember someone on here (may have been @Supremo) describing him as being 'dressed like an Inbetweener' during his NXT title run, so I always struggle to take him seriously. Thanks for ruining Kyle for me!

Probably was me. It’s not even as if things have improved, either!

He came back looking like a scruffy student on wash day. I’m convinced after the first few weeks someone took him to one side and said, “look mate, this is international TV, put some effort in and get a wash.” But even then, he turned up the following week looking like his mum cut his hair! The state of him! A man seemingly allergic to looking like a star.



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Finally catching up on everything, I’ve concluded the only way this new Chris Jericho angle should end is him losing the FTW Title to the new King of the Deathmatch, Skye Blue.

Skye and Willow always deliver in these mad hardcore matches on the supplemental shows. I wonder if there’s a reason why they never do them on Dynamite. Seems like a missed opportunity not doing them in front of your largest audience. Guaranteed banger that makes everyone look amazing.

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Caught up with this show myself just now - I was impressed with how they managed to catch Skye Blue asking for the blade, the ref giving it to her (loudly reassuring her it was "right here, ok?") AND her actually blading all in one camera shot! Good match though. 

Two questions re: Bang Bang Gang - 1) what was the 3rd belt Jay White had & 2) why are they still carrying about the pink scissor custom belts The Acclaimed had?

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18 minutes ago, Statto said:

Two questions re: Bang Bang Gang - 1) what was the 3rd belt Jay White had & 2) why are they still carrying about the pink scissor custom belts The Acclaimed had?

I may be wrong,  but I think it was the ROH 6-man title, the pink Acclaimed title and they're also carrying a new Unified 6-man belt. Them carrying the two old redundant belts along with the new belt is very confusing, but it also seems like a very AEW thing to do.

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Rampage 27/04

Chuck vs Trent was amazing, as all of these parking lot brawls have been. If it is Chuck Taylor's final match it was a very fitting way for him to go out, especially with the final Best Friends hug on top of the car before the finish. As LaGoosh says, I'm not sold on Trent in the Callis family but I am sold on OC vs the members of the Callis family. 

Nothing promo from Kyle O'Reilly. His hair looked better than it did on Dynamite at least. New backstage interviewer is a bit bland so far. I think I've heard her name from the other announcers three or four times now and it hasn't sunk in. 

Purazzo vs Rosa they worked very hard, I think they have great chemistry and very convincingly cannot stand each other, but the dynamic of a babyface vs a slightly less over babyface meant it had very little hear. Happy to see Purazzo turn heel after the match. I'd like them to do a bit of a build and run this again now that it's clear who the fans are supposed to be cheering for. 

I'm torn between being happy to see Big Bill doing anything at all and hating that he's in the Jericho vortex. 

Tremendous main event! Shibata/Garcia super team up was a beautiful thing, as was the packed booth with Schiavone/Nigel/Daddy Magic/Ogogo. You'd think four would be too many but the whole lot of them were a delight during this. Shane Taylor promotions is such a reliable mid card heel fall guy act right now. Taylor is violent and imposing enough to remain credible in defeat, Moriarty is extremely reliable and can take the falls, and Ogogo is absolutely right when he says he's the missing piece of the STP jigsaw. I love the running gag of Schiavone being told not to suck up to Ogogo, only for Nigel to do exactly that the whole time he's on commentary.

Excellent Rampage. 

Rampage 01/05/24

Jay White and Dante was a fine enough match, suffered for the very quiet crowd from Dynamite sounding even quieter. Dante looked like such a mug not expecting the post match attack. EVERYONE was expecting the post match attack, it's Jay White, use your noodle lad. Jay scurrying away with way too many belts and a cheeky little smile was funny though. 

Good promo from Purazzo, sounded revitalised after the heel turn. 

Swerve remembering that he's still part of a faction was interesting. They were notably absent when Christian beat him up, despite Brian Cage wrestling Claudio earlier on the show so he was clearly in the building. Swerve teaming back up with those guys is a step backwards for him for sure, so guessing Cage and Killswitch will take them out, or the Embassy will refuse to help Swerve because he left them behind and hasn't really acknowledged them in ages. 

Nice vignette for RUSH, he looks cool as fuck in the suit with the shades. Interestingly no mention of LFI. I don't think he needs them at all so I'm good with that. 

Romero/O'Reilly also a perfectly fine TV match in front of a flat crowd. 

Mariah May vs Harley Cameron was entirely unexpected. Cannot picture what that will look like but could be quite funny. 

Kingdom being mad at Tony Khan for appropriating the NeckStrong hashtag might be the first time I've been mildly amused by something Matt Taven has said. Well done. 

Belter of a main event. Willow and Skye Blue is such a consistently great pairing. Skye is at her best against Willow in-ring, this was also one of the best performances I've seen from her in terms of character work and presence. So much confidence, ad libbing little lines ad winks to the camera, responding to fan heckles and reveling in the carnage of it all. Willow in a Street fight is also a guaranteed seal of quality at this point. Great match and definitely should have been squeezed onto the Dynamite card. 

Rampage 11/05/24

"Something's not right with Adam Copeland". HOB have got Papa Shango involved now, this can't be good for the Rated R Superstar. 

I wondered if Claudio leaving during Danielson's promo was meant to be a thing or not. He doesn't condone his pal accepting this dangerous match in his last year. Awww. 

Dalton Castle's first AEW main show appearance of 2024. I'll take what I can get I suppose. Good match, Dalton didn't crush Trent down into a marmalade and feed him to all the baby ducks as promised, but only because that piece of shit Trent Berretta kept going to the eyes. 

Loving the RUSH vignettes. "Everyone in AEW, they're going to find out WHY I kick them all in the face". They messed with the bull, obvs.

Bryan Keith vs JD Drake. Maaaan I really love Bryan Keith's theme but do not particularly care to see him wrestle. JD Drake dressed like an Author of Pain instead of letting it all loose with the trunks. Disappointing. Very short but good fun as JD Drake matches always are.

Purazzo promo was good, she's sounding much more comfortable as a heel. Enjoyed the match with Lady Frost, who never fails to entertain me and almost always shows me something new each time. Interesting finish from Purazzo. Don't think I've seen someone hit a spear against an opponent in the tree of woe before. Looking forward to Purazzo/Rosa 2 if they give Purazzo a bit more air time to establish herself as a heel.

Actually thought The Acclaimed video was decent. Sounded like an unused Kanye West beat and was a well put together montage of their best moments. Still not sure where they go from here though as they have never been colder. 

Scorpio Sky is in a perpetual state of returning. Cannot say I am enthused. 

Main event was right up my street, I am a full fledged fan of the most TV-ready couple in AEW. It's such old school hokey heel/heel valet stuff but it just works. I love them. Solid match with Pac and another good promo from Jay White to close. That way he's found to wear all three belts at once is tremendous. I though it was a bit clunky them still carrying all of the belts at the same time at first, but I think it's adding to the act so I say keep them for now. 

Nice breezy little variety hour. A very non-essential Rampage but I had a good time with it. 

Edited by JLM
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Rampage 18/04/24

O'Reilly/Moriarty is essentially a mirror match so not surprising it was pretty good. 

Max Caster's promos are increasingly difficult to get through. Bloody hell. 

RUSH vs Cody Chhun was my favourite match on the card. I know it was about 10 seconds long but god damn that Bull's Horns. Rewatched it about five times. I don't understand how he does thay without shattering people's faces. Just a wildly unnecessary post-match beatdown too. So very, very unwarranted. I couldn't stop laughing. I bloody love RUSH. 

Purazzo/Renegade was a fine semi-squash. I enjoy the Purazzo/Rosa feud, and it's much more effective now that Purazzo is doing more shithousery and ducking Rosa. Look forward to the rematch. 

Danielson vs Singh is clearly Danielson on his final full time year setting himself a challenge and I can't wait to see if he pulls it off, but Sonjay saying it's a paid hit arranged by The Bucks was quite a fun explanation. 

Max Caster's rap also not good. He seems to have completely checked out. Bowens vs Cage was decent. 

Nothing much going on in this episode, RUSH murdering a guy for no reason was the best bit. 

Edited by JLM
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Rampage 24/05/24

Solid opener from Romero and Pac. Pac's bumps off DDTs are truly nutty. 

Samoa Joe trying to mentor Hook and save him from the Jericho vortex is the only thing I'm currently enjoying about this angle. 

Credit to Isaiah Kassidy, the Hardys/Brother Zay stink made him fast forward material for me for a good while there, but he was excellent in that Samoa Joe match recently and even better in this one against RUSH. I like that they teased exactly the same squash as last week. Good fire from Kassidy when he finally started to show signs of life and stand up for himself. The crowd was completely asleep during the initial ass kicking and he got them engaged by the end. Can't wait for RUSH to get stuck into something real, it's so great to have him back. Marq Quen's return was very short lived wasn't it?

Main event was fine. It definitely seemed like Statlander was in Willow's shadow during their entrance here. She went for high fives and hugs and then just sort of half heartedly copied what Willow was doing instead. I really don't want Statlander to turn but the hints have definitely been there. Would have liked to see a bit more of Alex Windsor as I know she's pretty highly rated. What she did get to do looked good though. Post match did the job. So intrigued to see what happens on Sunday and hope they have the bottle to let Willow win. 

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Roddy Strong claiming he was the next man to enter the Casino Gauntlet on Wednesday, but then Ospreay winning ended the match before he even came out. Good shit. Makes an already brilliant match even better, imagining Roddy warming up at the curtain only to hear the bell ring, throwing a fit.

They should make that a running joke, where he never makes it out in time. Like Jimmy Kimmel apologising for not having Matt Damon on because they ran out of time. Run it into the ground!

Edited by Supremo
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