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AEW Rampage Thread 2023


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3 hours ago, LaGoosh said:

QT Marshall being one of the bookers and having both an interview segment and a match when literally no one gives a shit about him doesn't sit right with me at all.

It made sense when he was Cody's boy - jobs for the boys and all that. QT being Cody's Beefcake. But now Cody is gone, the only explanation is that QT is Tony's cocaine link.

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She's been making appearances in the company for about 2 years now. Apart from being dragged out for the hometown pop in Chicago a lot. Can you think of any feuds or storylines she's been in?

A problem for a lot of the roster where they just come out, have matches and then disappear. Not a lot of opportunity to develop beyond in-ring work.

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Fun hour of wrestling.

Enjoyable battle royale, good Hangman showcase, solid main event and a fantastic Lucha spot fest tag match. Vikingo and Nick Wayne should become a regular team. They were amazing together. That one spot where Vikingo seemingly did a Van Terminator, with a bonus spring on the top rope in mid-air? Mind blowing stuff.

Also, Renee continuing to prove why she’s one of the most valuable signings in the history of the company. Her segments with Garcia and Roderick Strong were both brilliant. Great, draft stuff, as everyone struggles to keep a straight face. I don’t know what’s happened backstage but somewhere along the way it became a mandate that instead of just doing endless interruptions and attacks during backstage promos, everyone is now just being as silly and fun as possible to try and make Renee corpse. Long may it continue. It’s improved every show ten fold.

*Throws a shoe from out of frame*

EDIT: speaking of top banter, Santana mentioning a dead dad can only mean one thing!


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It’s a bit weird how they built Orange Cassidy’s story so well as the embattled International Champion, up to the point where our hero headlined a PPV despite being so beat up, injured and tired that he didn’t know if he’d survive… only for him to be broadly fine within a couple of weeks, completely sans athletic tape or noticeable damage and he’s just cocking about in the midcard doing his old schtick.

They really had something. I was hoping they’d build on it.

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Best thing on the whole show was Bullet Club Gold’s backstage promo. All four of them pissing charisma, white hot chemistry, with the added bonus of Jay White hiding behind his own cardboard cut-out, hilariously popping out doing the same pose!

You cannot teach that level of patter. The best faction going today.

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22 hours ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

It’s a bit weird how they built Orange Cassidy’s story so well as the embattled International Champion, up to the point where our hero headlined a PPV despite being so beat up, injured and tired that he didn’t know if he’d survive… only for him to be broadly fine within a couple of weeks, completely sans athletic tape or noticeable damage and he’s just cocking about in the midcard doing his old schtick.

They really had something. I was hoping they’d build on it.

Classic AEW booking - never capitalise on momentum.

Rampage was fine if a bit dull. Main takeaway was the Santana/Ortiz face off which is intriguing. Though if Santana wants to stand out as a singles act he needs to find some unique stuff in ring to differentiate himself from the already stacked singles roster - wanky Cutters and topes is not going to cut it at all.

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