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TNA… Cross the Line again


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4 minutes ago, Jonny Vegas said:

I don't really keep up to date with Impact other than through this thread but the news of the return to the TNA name on twitter had me watching the promo for it.

Really hope they bring the 6 sided ring back, I think it's something that really set them apart and would be a nice difference to WWE/AEW now too.

Something that did really stick out to me also was Jordynne Grace's physique and also her voice. I don't remember her speaking like that previously. Am I mis-remembering?

An incredible physique however between that and her voice it was hard not to believe she must be quite a heavy user of steroids.

No her voice changed recently after she had a break from TNA to do some fitness competitions and muscled up

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For me, TNA/Impact never got it right with the six-sided ring, i.e. using it all the time, or getting rid of it completely. I never understood why, with the way they promoted the X-Division, they didn't just designate the six-sider the ring for X-Division events, to make that style of wrestling seem more "state of the art" or "high octane", so to speak - that would've made the promotion stand out without devaluing the ring as a novelty. It doesn't really add anything to the promotion as a whole when used as the main ring, other than serving to make things a bit more difficult for the other wrestlers and perhaps disorientate first-time casual viewers.

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47 minutes ago, Jonny Vegas said:

I don't really keep up to date with Impact other than through this thread but the news of the return to the TNA name on twitter had me watching the promo for it.

Really hope they bring the 6 sided ring back, I think it's something that really set them apart and would be a nice difference to WWE/AEW now too.

Something that did really stick out to me also was Jordynne Grace's physique and also her voice. I don't remember her speaking like that previously. Am I mis-remembering?

An incredible physique however between that and her voice it was hard not to believe she must be quite a heavy user of steroids.

Watch an interview from over a year ago and hear the difference. That type of voice is common in female bodybuilding. 

She was actually always muscular I think, just not an 8% body fat and more likely 30 something. She got a lot of abuse and I wonder if this is her trying to combat that.

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4 hours ago, garynysmon said:

Bit of a rarity in terms of most Impact tapings!

Impact/TNA is for the discerning wrestling fan now didn't you know. Those who don't want to argue about empty hard cam sides, ratings or if Punk will show up in Chicago. That comes with an audience in the US who sit there, drink wine, eat cheese and write notes in their pocket book. Clearly the UK is ruining it all again. 

On 10/27/2023 at 8:26 AM, Hannibal Scorch said:

Oh 100%, if not other enhancers as well. It’s jarring.

Didn't quote Garynysmon to avoid the video coming back but I also preferred chunky Jordynne from a personal point of view. She's been doing quite a few bodybuilder comps and there's more and more "supplements" available now that aren't as dangerous. I know they are more legal in the US and some competitions don't test so she's probably been taking some of them. As long as it's safe and she's happy then good for her even if a few weird wrestling fans are less attracted to her.  

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Went to Newcastle show and it was a good night, if a little unrelenting. No interval, and no real break in between matches. There were no video packages, it was just match, minute or so from Tom Campbell, match, minute or so from Tom Campbell, match…

Also sat next to four or so guys who were absolutely pissed and probably the knobheads who started the “we love Eric Young” chant. One of them just kept shouting “We love you, Eric” and “have my babies, Eric” every 10 seconds. It was barely amusing the first time. It wasn’t amusing any of the dozen or so times after.

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On 10/28/2023 at 2:00 PM, Your Fight Site said:

Went to Newcastle show and it was a good night, if a little unrelenting. No interval, and no real break in between matches. There were no video packages, it was just match, minute or so from Tom Campbell, match, minute or so from Tom Campbell, match…

I took my 10 year old nephew to the Coventry house show last night, which was a lot of fun albeit a fair trek.

It never quite struck me until the show just how much of a fall from grace the company suffered, given the last TNA/Impact show I went to was a pretty much full Manchester Arena rather than an academy venue with no tiered seats. It felt more like a big UK indy show with more than the usual number of imports than a massive US promotion.

Was a bit surreal to have Scott D’amore and Gail Kim sat just a few feet away popping in and out between the matches, and the wrestlers casually walking past. Doug Williams was also there. 

But this tour was clearly a testing the waters scenario for TNA, and in hindsight they could probably have booked the Coventry Dome for Saturday instead, given how far in advance that show sold out.

Very enjoyable show and they clearly have a legitimately strong dressing room bond/rapport. The whole locker room came out at the end and drove a steamroller through kayfabe by Grado leading a dance off, which I usually wouldn’t approve of but fuck it.

I remember going to bed sometime in 2016 and expecting to wake up the next morning to read the company had been liquidated or WWE had bought the tape library, so I’m chuffed they’re still around and producing fun shows.

What tickles me the most is I told my nephew I’d pay for him to have his photo taken with one wrestler of his choosing. And despite gently recommending he may want Josh Alexander or Moose. His choice was Rhino.

His taste in wrestling is as left field as mine!


Edited by garynysmon
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