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19 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

I’ll be shocked if we don’t get anything announced now before the summer. They won’t want to put tickets on sale until after MITB because people are chucking money that way. I’d love to be wrong on that though as was hoping for a May or June show.

I'm thinking they won't confirm anything until Double or Nothing weekend now.

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I think Butcher and Blade have the look to become a really good nasty bastard team, given the chance. Butcher especially stood out in that battle royal, but they both have a look that you can imagine they could handle themselves in a bar fight. 

EDIT: Just seen that Jeff Hardy's legal issues seem to have now been resolved. I personally would be happy to never see him again, too much of a liability to himself, the company and public in general.



Edited by Nick James
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18 hours ago, Loki said:

The other interesting factor is... say these people head to WWE, would AEW have the pull to poach some top WWE stars back the other way?

AEW have been good at enticing away midcarders and doing something more with them but who was the last main event (or near) level WWE star they got?  People like Saraya or Punk are coming out of retirement.  Miro?  His stock was already falling.

I'm not sure AEW if they lost Omega, Bucks et al could even make a play for an AJ Styles or a Kevin Owens, let alone a Randy Orton or a Brock Lesnar.

It wasn't that long ago that the direction of travel between WWE and AEW was all the other way, and I wouldn't be surprised if we see that bounce back and forth quite a lot over the next year or so, depending on where WWE's future lies. With Vince McMahon being back involved, and more rumours circulating of him being involved in creative, then a lot of people who were happy to work for Triple H but miserable under Vince are going to be more inclined to at least hear AEW out.

AEW are in a tough spot in that they'd struggle to sell themselves as the land of opportunity, given how many people are sat around doing nothing, but it can only be beneficial for wrestlers to have the choice of multiple companies to work for, even if it's just going to AEW for a year or two to try out new things and freshen up their character before heading right back to WWE. It makes things more dynamic, and as more WWE and AEW contracts start to come to a close, I'm sure there'll be movement in both directions. It doesn't mean that we'll see a Brock Lesnar to AEW situation, but someone who's in WWE and not quite broaching the main event might see a jump to AEW as the opportunity they need to prove that they belong there.

A big one that's getting rumoured a lot lately is Edge; his contract is up sometime this year, and Dax Harwood has teased that FTR vs. Edge & Christian is "more likely than you might think". 

In terms of The Elite to WWE, I can see the appeal to someone like Kenny Omega of going there just to prove to yourself and to your critics that you could be a main event attraction there, and just because if you didn't there would always be a "what if?" hanging over you. The Young Bucks I'm less sure of, because WWE just don't do enough with tag team wrestling to make it worth their while, and I think the novelty would wear off very quickly. For them, I can't see the appeal being anything more than to get matches against the Usos and the New Day, simply to tick them off the list. 

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59 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

It wasn't that long ago that the direction of travel between WWE and AEW was all the other way, and I wouldn't be surprised if we see that bounce back and forth quite a lot over the next year or so, depending on where WWE's future lies. With Vince McMahon being back involved, and more rumours circulating of him being involved in creative, then a lot of people who were happy to work for Triple H but miserable under Vince are going to be more inclined to at least hear AEW out.

AEW are in a tough spot in that they'd struggle to sell themselves as the land of opportunity, given how many people are sat around doing nothing, but it can only be beneficial for wrestlers to have the choice of multiple companies to work for, even if it's just going to AEW for a year or two to try out new things and freshen up their character before heading right back to WWE. It makes things more dynamic, and as more WWE and AEW contracts start to come to a close, I'm sure there'll be movement in both directions. It doesn't mean that we'll see a Brock Lesnar to AEW situation, but someone who's in WWE and not quite broaching the main event might see a jump to AEW as the opportunity they need to prove that they belong there.

A big one that's getting rumoured a lot lately is Edge; his contract is up sometime this year, and Dax Harwood has teased that FTR vs. Edge & Christian is "more likely than you might think". 

In terms of The Elite to WWE, I can see the appeal to someone like Kenny Omega of going there just to prove to yourself and to your critics that you could be a main event attraction there, and just because if you didn't there would always be a "what if?" hanging over you. The Young Bucks I'm less sure of, because WWE just don't do enough with tag team wrestling to make it worth their while, and I think the novelty would wear off very quickly. For them, I can't see the appeal being anything more than to get matches against the Usos and the New Day, simply to tick them off the list. 

People will be watching how Cody Rhodes is handled over there and some will definitely get itchy feet. The more I think about it, Cody's presentation hasn't really changed. What has is the place at the top of the card (which, let's not forget Cody gave up months into AEW by having that match with MJF where losing meant he could not get a world title shot ever). But as I have said before, very few of those stars in AEW are going to get the Cody treatment. They could get more money, but they would lose a lot of independence and a much heavier schedule than they would be used to. But if they feel they are being undervalued on AEW TV, I could see a few take the risk.

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3 hours ago, RedRooster said:

If good wrestling is all you need to enjoy a show, power to you. However, I feel like there are people on here who would praise a show consisting entirely of Tony Khan snorting lines off a dog’s penis, providing there was a good match going on in the background.

Girl Door GIF

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40 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

People will be watching how Cody Rhodes is handled over there and some will definitely get itchy feet. The more I think about it, Cody's presentation hasn't really changed. What has is the place at the top of the card (which, let's not forget Cody gave up months into AEW by having that match with MJF where losing meant he could not get a world title shot ever). But as I have said before, very few of those stars in AEW are going to get the Cody treatment. They could get more money, but they would lose a lot of independence and a much heavier schedule than they would be used to. But if they feel they are being undervalued on AEW TV, I could see a few take the risk.

Full Gear 2019 against Jericho. Which funnily enough wasn't even the main event as Omega & Mox had their lights out match.

I don't think there's anyone in AEW that comes close to Cody in WWE. As Cody is the very definition of a corporate champion. You could have Cody rinse & repeat his Ogogo feud v. Gunther and it would be treated like Rocky IV with the crowd chanting USA.



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Cody is perfect for WWE because he's all about moments above anything else. For years WWE has been all about capturing moments rather than actually taking the time to properly build up to something, they will always take the short cut to the quickest gain, tell you the story they want to tell rather than the one actually playing out and then completely move on like it never happened. Cody has the same philosophy. Left to his own devices in AEW he booked endless moments for himself with zero connective tissue between any of it, it. Cody will cut a promo about ending racism, then turn up in the Lex Express, then dye his hair black for a week to show how dark he is, cry about his Dad, split up with his manager then get back together again shortly after, then fake retire before returning a week later and never mention any of it again. The AEW fans saw through it but with WWE's mostly short term moment chasing booking philosophy it'll be a perfect fit.

Edited by LaGoosh
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I haven't watched WWE for a number of years now and haven't seen any of Cody's return there but is one of the reasons he's getting that level of treatment because he's an old WWE lad anyway? Whereas Omega would come in somebody who made his name and fortune elsewhere and rather than embrace that, WWE (or moreover Vince) would try and tarnish his name. Similar to what they did with the likes of DDP, Booker T and Steiner when they got WCW and as people often said Vince done even with those who came up through NXT. It may have changed over the last five or six years that I've stopped watching, so apologies if this isn't the case anymore.

I think Jade would be foolish to move right now. Although she's not main eventing or even appearing on Dynamite every week, she is treated as a star. While I'm guessing WWE would want her in NXT for a few years to hone her craft in the ring before giving her the main roster treatment, so by the time she turned up on Raw or SmackDown she'd have lost a lot of the attraction in seeing her in WWE. 

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1 minute ago, JimmyAnderson said:

I think Jade would be foolish to move right now. Although she's not main eventing or even appearing on Dynamite every week, she is treated as a star. While I'm guessing WWE would want her in NXT for a few years to hone her craft in the ring before giving her the main roster treatment, so by the time she turned up on Raw or SmackDown she'd have lost a lot of the attraction in seeing her in WWE. 

As others have said Jade is already absolutely minted, being a mother is her current priority and being a wrestler is basically a fun hobby/side project for her. It's unlikely she's going to WWE to put up with their bullshit and endless schedule anytime soon.

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33 minutes ago, JimmyAnderson said:

I haven't watched WWE for a number of years now and haven't seen any of Cody's return there but is one of the reasons he's getting that level of treatment because he's an old WWE lad anyway? Whereas Omega would come in somebody who made his name and fortune elsewhere and rather than embrace that, WWE (or moreover Vince) would try and tarnish his name. Similar to what they did with the likes of DDP, Booker T and Steiner when they got WCW and as people often said Vince done even with those who came up through NXT. It may have changed over the last five or six years that I've stopped watching, so apologies if this isn't the case anymore.

Or does Omega get treated like AJ Styles? He wasn't an old WWE lad.

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There was a time where Eddie Kingston was one of my favourites in NWA/AEW but these days every time I see his name he’s just having a cry on Twitter. He moans when he gets a push because he doesn’t have any confidence and he moans when he doesn’t get a push because he’s not getting a push. It’s no surprise they don’t bother with him anymore he sounds like a pain in the arse.

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