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I didn't know who that is, but just from the thumbnail it looks like ESPN draft analyst Mel Kiper. Obviously when I clicked the tweet its not him, but that hairstyle and glasses combo made me think he was going to come out and tell me Marvin Harrison Jr will be a bust in the NFL. 

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Really enjoyed that, for the most part. 

Yeah the finish was a bit naff but everything else about Copeland Vs. Christian was just two pros doing what they do best. A great, heated match with nothing too bonkers. 

Happy to see Riho back, honestly started to think that she was done with wrestling. Should also give Cornette plenty of material, to feed his simps.

Mox/Rush and Swerve/Briscoe were both great fun. But yeah Rush twatting Mox with a bear was pretty shit. 

Jay/Jay was a pretty dull affair saved by the crowd amusing themselves with Jay shenanigans. 

The Masked Men bait and switch sucked. Rest of the show covered for it, though. 

Mariah May is totally going after Storm, isn't she? May quietly leaving ringside, before Riho's return might mean something. Or not. 

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RUSH is such a wanker man, he was up arguing with the ref before Moxley had even got up ffs, just been "choked out" then straight up like that. Such an unprofessional twat. He won't, but Tony needs to get a hold of him like, it's shit like that thst spawns the behaviour of Perry and Punk and all that bollocks, people in business for themselves and no discipline.

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Solid show.

Looked and sounded like one of the better crowds they’ve had in a while. God knows if it was due the location or them getting a handle on their ticket prices, but hopefully a sign of things to come. Big hot crowds can make almost any old shit work. Look at Raw most weeks.

Speaking of things hopefully being a sign of what’s to come, it was definitely encouraging to see more top guys mixing it up. MJF and Hangman teasing a match, Moxley and Swerve bumping into each other backstage, Hangman confirming it’s not over between him and Swerve. All great stuff. I assume Mox is super motivated to wrestle Swerve. I’d bet money on Texas Death at Full Gear being Mox’s match of the year, if not his match of the decade. Fucking hell though, where do you go from here whenever they do Hangman vs. Swerve again?! Is someone going to pull a knife or a gun?! I’m assuming it’ll be a World Title feud by then, but still. How can you go back to a normal wrestling encounter after attempting murder on each other?!

Similarly, it’s great to see them add some actual depth to the women’s division, bringing back Rhio and making Abadon work more than once a year. Nice to see a bit of variety, rather than the same four or five women.

Further evidence that the Continental Classic rules; not only has it set apart guys like Mox, Swerve and Danielson as being the top bollocks, and not only has it given Eddie Kingston a brilliant redemption arc, but even guys like Mark Briscoe, now that he’s eliminated, I’ve got a huge sympathy for him and want to see him at least get a moral victory in his lasts few matches. And that’s all without discussing the benefit it’s having on Brodie King stepping up as a player and Daniel Garcia potentially getting his flowers. Easily AEW’s best tournament ever, already.

I’m going to give RUSH the benefit of the doubt. Immediately jumping up and contesting a decision is the type of MMA-style shenanigans Moxley likes incorporating into his work, but yeah. Just as likely RUSH is an unprofessional prick, but who’s gonna tell him? He’d rip your face off!

Just to get all the positives out of the way before I start moaning; Copeland and Christian had a belter, until the finish. I was worried this was going to be similar to the AJ Styles and Finn Balor matches, where Edge tried to do a workrate match that completely bombs, but they nailed it. Really great chemistry that had me on the hook for a title change. Top stuff. I’m excited for the inevitable rematch on pay per view, but I do worry - knowing how Tony books - he’s not going to be able to fight the temptation to do a ladder match. RIP Edge’s neck.

Unfortunately though, for as much good as there was on this show, the two biggest things didn’t land at all. Both The Devil stuff and the heel turn in the main event fell extremely flat, leaving a terrible taste in your mouth.

I don’t want to be one of those idiots complaining that AEW is turning into a Sports Entertainment company because they’ve always been Sports Entertainment. Some of their best stuff has been well executed angles or big character moments. And even on this show, I appreciate the effort they’re putting in. It was a cute tease to have Max hit with a beer bottle straight after accusing Hangman of being The Devil. And Nick Wayne’s mum turning on Copeland has that Jey Uso-Drew-Randy Orton cool level of logic and justification (she did after all watch Copeland smash her son’s head in a few weeks ago).

But regardless of how much thought and logic you put into stuff, above all it has to deliver in the execution, neither of which  happened here. Both were fucking terrible.

God bless Nick Wayne’s mum, but the comparison to Jon Stewart was spot on. You don’t really appreciate the timing, rhythm and performance level of these guys until you see a normal person trying to do something as simple as a heel turn. Rough as fuck. Thank God she’s aligned with Christian, who’ll almost certainly save it because he’s the best. Imagine the vignettes of Christian moving in and becoming his new Dad! Gold!

But yeah. I’m tapping out. I’ve been higher on The Devil angle than most, willing them to stick the landing, but I think it’s time to call it. It’s badly jumped the shark. Dickheads running around in silly Devil-branded tracksuits. It’s something straight out of a cut-scene in a Smackdown vs. Raw game. It’s gone on far too long, it’s gotten dumber by the week and worst of all for an angle hinged almost entirely on the eventual reveal; I don’t really care anymore. Even if it is Adam Cole, who cares? It’ll just be him managing Retribution in an ice cold feud straight out of an e-fed.

How long does a smashed up ankle take to heal? I can’t be arsed with this dragging on for another few months.

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22 minutes ago, Doog said:

RUSH is such a wanker man, he was up arguing with the ref before Moxley had even got up ffs, just been "choked out" then straight up like that. Such an unprofessional twat. He won't, but Tony needs to get a hold of him like, it's shit like that thst spawns the behaviour of Perry and Punk and all that bollocks, people in business for themselves and no discipline.

Considering how Moxley talks about MMA and wants to incorporate more aspects into wrestling, you'd probably find things went exactly as planned.

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Fun show.  Personally I love all the sports entertainment bollocks, and sometimes the naffer the better.  I called Mrs Wayne turning a few weeks ago so her performance didn't really bother me.  It's the right direction to go, and sometimes the obvious thing is the most fun thing.

Best bit of the night was the organic backstage face off between MJF and Hangman, and then Joe.  Great stuff, more of that please!

Everyone here seems to be assuming that the tournament is making everyone look better, but personally I think it's diminished a bunch of people so far.  Jay Lethal has never been treated at a particularly high level by AEW but he looks like a jobber now.  Eddie I will give a pass IF he goes on to win it.  Garcia and Briscoe equally just look low-rent.

Having made this complicated tourney system they've not really used it.  Where are the 1 points?  Where are the time limit draws?  Where are the underdogs getting unexpected wins leading to favourites having more pressure on them?  So far it's been top stars beating mid carders mainly with no shenanigans.


Riho's return got a long exhalation from me.  It's a sign of how badly the women's division is going atm - she was an odd choice as champion back when there were like 5 female wrestlers, she's fairly rubbish and if she's the best choice for a next feud, they're in trouble.  The division has never recovered from Jamie Hayter's absence (incidentally, she's been out a LONG time... might her contract run out?  Surely she'll be WWE bound eventually.)

One reason for the odd state of the division could be that they were in a holding pattern until Mercedes Moné signed, which doesn't look like happening now with her also probably going back to WWE.  They've successfully taken all the steam out of Britt Baker, they lost Jade Cargill... bit of a mess.


Like everyone else, I'm bored of the Devil stuff.  It's made the last 4 months of MJF's reign really shit, in fact the lack of a serious heavyweight story is one of the reasons AEW is so listless at the moment.  Joe is RIGHT THERE, in the form of his life.  Have the Devil cost MJF the title, let him and Cole have their silly feud lower down the card, and start booking Joe in some hard, violent title defences.  He's neither face nor heel at the moment, you could happily have him feud with Moxley (also a tweener), Swerve, whoever else.  Wasn't there some Omega guy who used to be a top star?  What happened to him?


Edited by Loki
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