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24 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

Before Carbomb gets here I'll do the rubbish pun if that's OK with everyone. 

They should cover over one of the eyes of the mask and call him Doyothinkhesaurus. 

That's not one I'd have done, but go right ahead.

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Gold League:

  1. Jon Moxley
  2. Swerve
  3. RUSH
  4. Mark Briscoe
  5. Jay Lethal 🤮
  6. Jay White

Blue League:

  1. Bryan Danielson
  2. Andrade
  3. Brody King
  4. Claudio Castagnoli
  5. Daniel Garcia
  6. Eddie Kingston

After expectations fell to the floor with the new title nonsense and leaving the names quite late, it's ended up looking pretty good. Certainly more interested in the Gold with Mox, Swerve, RUSH and Jay White all people that could be considered potential winners/finalists.


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5 minutes ago, 69MeDon said:

Oh, Jay Lethal's in this? Fuck that. But otherwise, I do like the line-up. It looks like all bangers, all the time match-wise.

I was reminded by your avatar, no Callis Family. Could have put any of them in either the Jay Lethal/Brody King spot and I doubt it would really hurt them. It's not like they're doing anything right now.

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I know MJF was the main event Sunday, and the go home shows he was featured in the "main event" spot, but other than those the whole build up to Full Gear he was pretty much in the mid card, this tournament now feels like it'll again take precedence over the World Title, can already see the main event of dynamite and Collision for the next 6 weeks will be matches for this tournament.

All well and good, but for me the World Title and World Champion should be the focal point of your shows, I don't care what else is going on. It just feels like again this is something that will take away from that. Absolute waste of time a shit tournament.

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41 minutes ago, 69MeDon said:

Oh, Jay Lethal's in this?

Gotta have someone as the job guy I suppose. Personally I would have preferred Jarrett in that role.

Though really Takeshita should be in this.

Line-up looks solid. Brody King is a nice surprise. Mox vs Kingston as a final or Swerve winning would be the way to go.

Edited by LaGoosh
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I think I’m part of the problem here haha. Another tournament/detracting from other stuff/Tony running an e-fed blah yadda yadda yadda. I won’t necessarily disagree with many of the criticisms of this idea, but maaaan aside from Jay Lethal that is a juicy line up and I am salivating at the prospect of some of these matches. So I don’t really care about any other concerns. You can also tell tonnes of stories and make new rivalries along the way if you book this right. 

Gold league is absurd. RUSH vs Swerve, both of them vs Mox, Mark Briscoe the people’s champion trying to overcome the odds against all three of them. Jay White cooking up a list of cool counters for these opponents’ signature spots and trying to beat these violent nutters with his sneakiness. And everyone can beat Jay Lethal I guess. 

Blue league is also full of potential, more wildcard elements and more scope for drama and surprises. I find this block harder to call for sure, not necessarily in terms of who wins the whole thing but the individual matches. I love the inclusion of Brody King. Garcia was already on this trajectory anyway of trying his luck against any killers willing to give him a shot, so this is absolutely perfect for his story. He can look strong in defeat, he can get one big victory, he could surprise everyone and finish higher than we’d expect, so many things you can do with him here.  Also the history with Danielson. 

The list of people who should be in this ahead of Jay Lethal is very long, but yeah if they want it to be this stacked I guess they didn’t want Takeshita or Hobbs or whoever to finish on the bottom.  Couldn’t agree more that it should have been Jarrett if you’re gonna do this obvious last place role. Quite common to have a comedy job guy spot in these things and he would have slayed it. I guess there is the Mark Briscoe and Jay Lethal story. I guess.  

Edited by JLM
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I’m sorry but I think this line up is the dogs bollocks. “Yeah but Jay Lethal”, but you need someone in it you can job out to. 

I see it as a Kingston v Swerve final with Swerve taking home all the marbles. Kingston will be the plucky underdog just scraping through to the final.

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Swerve shouldn't win this. Gotta remember it's for a new title that they are trying to get off the ground. If he wins it, then he ain't going anywhere near MJF for months. This is a Danielson/Moxley type win. As well as that, it's someone that's going to be doing NJPW shows somewhat regularly. The best case scenario of the outcome of this tournament is that they fold the Pure, the ROH TV title and later down the line if they lose the TNT deal, fold that belt in too. 

Some absolute crackers in there it has to be said. How does it work at the end? Do the two winners meet in a straight final? Or do the top two finishers in their group meet again and then winners go to the final? I think the G1 usually has semi finals - Not sure how they usually get there - is it just the last round of the initial round robin is "semi final" night? 

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Swerve vs Lethal tonight 🤮

Like trying to capitalise on the momentum of a kiss with a girl you like by taking her to see your nan’s hernia.

Fuck sake.

Just have Hangman interfere immediately and this Saturday when they put the mega Collision/Rampage 3 hour show up against Survivor Series, we can do Hangman/Swerve in an inferno knife fight or something.

On that, AEW should really try and do the funniest thing ever and hint that CM Punk is back for Collision-o-Page this Saturday.


The state of this… they’ve only just had Eddie cut a promo saying he was defending the belts in each match. State of it. Tony’s got a fetish for messy mid-card tournaments, even when he could have had a simple main event one. Wally.


Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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1 hour ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

On that, AEW should really try and do the funniest thing ever and hint that CM Punk is back for Collision-o-Page this Saturday.

If by some ridiculously minute chance Punk was the masked devil (fairly sure he's not, but wrestling is weird), surely they'd do it tonight in Chicago right? If not then they should definitely hint just to mess with people on Saturday for a bit of fun. 

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