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17 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Blood & Guts is apparently scheduled for July 19th. Can't keep up with all the good stuff in AEW right now, what a summer. Is Kingston going to be off at the G1 by then? Shame that Danielson is likely to miss it due to injury (for the second time no less!). Assuiming it's some variation of The Elite vs BCC I'm not sure the Young Bucks are well suited to Blood and Guts as their near-fall focused style isn't possible in a match that is basically brawling and bleeding. I'm excited whatever the team combinations are. 

Given the cage match they had with lucha brothers, stadium stampedes and anarchy in the arena, and that blood and guts is just selling for the face side till all men are in the ring, can’t say I Carry any your concerns that they don’t have the style to work such a match 

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28 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Blood & Guts is apparently scheduled for July 19th. Can't keep up with all the good stuff in AEW right now, what a summer. Is Kingston going to be off at the G1 by then? Shame that Danielson is likely to miss it due to injury (for the second time no less!). Assuiming it's some variation of The Elite vs BCC I'm not sure the Young Bucks are well suited to Blood and Guts as their near-fall focused style isn't possible in a match that is basically brawling and bleeding. I'm excited whatever the team combinations are. 

G1 is July 15th-13th August. So Eddie's off the board.

Kenny, Hangman & Bucks v. Mox, Claudio, Wheeler, & Takeshita then 4v4 still works. Not sure it's the place I would debut Ibushi.

I kind of want Don Callis to get a little too cocky since The Elite don't have a 5th man and say he'll sub in for Danielson. Then it either ends up 5v4 or there's a surprise. Just don't have it be Matt Hardy like the original B&G plan in 2020.

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20 hours ago, The King of Old School said:

Get Punk in for Danielson if he's fucked, you know it makes sense.

You have to think the plan is to fully turn him heel and get some bodies around him in a faction type deal, right? I actually think that if they don't royally fuck it up, this second half of his AEW run could be amazing.

I've never really been a fan of smiling, babyface Punk. 

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They should just rebrand as All Mox Wrestling at this point, just Mr Dependable when needed.

I do fear he's going to end up like Michael Douglas in Falling Down if he never gets that holiday, though.

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Every wrestler has to cut their first "you people" promo sometime I suppose. 

I saw someone suggest TK should license Welcome to the Jungle as his new heel theme, which I'm sure is prohibitively expensive, but would be tremendous. 

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I might be alone in thinking this, but the BCC/Elite feud is starting to feel a bit long-in-the-tooth for me. I genuinely don't know why they're still feuding from a storyline perspective, let alone why a Blood and Guts match is on the horizon.

I'd like to see the transition towards singles feuds from here. Forbidden Door proved that there is still potentially a lot of meat on the bones for another compelling Moxley/Kingston singles feud/story. I'd be perfectly happy for them to be treated similarly to how Owens and Zayn are in WWE.

As far as Jungle Boy goes, his heel turn has been massively wasted on Hook. They had a perfect - and arguably more logical - opportunity to do it, by continuing his interactions with Darby, but Hook has cooled off to the point it's going to be hard to make this feud mean something. 

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I think the BCC/Elite feud is a bit of a victim of how well the stories around it have been going, and how excitingly they've become integrated - that episode the other week that had a really hot ending, with the constant stream of new people getting involved, that's superb, but the bulk of the feud at the heart of is kind of forgotten, especially with Forbidden Door.

Bryan Danielson wanting to prove himself as the best in the world against Okada fits his character and BCC's ethos of testing themselves against the best in the world, but it means he wasn't involved in the big BCC/Elite match at Forbidden Door and now, thanks to his injury, he won't be in the next one either.

Kenny has been busy feuding with Don Callis, and by extension Takeshita, but also with Will Ospreay, who's also now with Callis, and none of these people are part of the Blackpool Combat Club. Takeshita was in the multi-man, but Kenny wasn't, and Don Callis wasn't there, so as great as he was in the match, he didn't really feel part of the feud underpinning it.

Claudio has his beef with Eddie Kingston, who also has an interesting dynamic with Jon Moxley, but he's not part of the Elite. Tomohiro Ishii is part of CHAOS, but he was there for the hell of it.


Moving on to Blood & Guts, Danielson won't be there, Kingston likely won't be there either, so it'll probably be another case of some of The Elite vs. some of BCC, and while sometimes (and in this case, I'd say usually) that kind of cross-pollination of storyline works, I can totally see why it feels like they're losing focus on the BCC/Elite feud as a whole. 


In terms of who subs in, and what they do with Danielson - it's wishful thinking, but I'd been assuming we get some Danielson/McGuinness interaction at All In, at least some kind of physical altercation if not a match. In Danielson's absence, they could do a lot worse than slotting McGuinness in as a temporary ally of the BCC, and that cause a rift with Danielson when he's back.

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27 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

I genuinely don't know why they're still feuding from a storyline perspective, let alone why a Blood and Guts match is on the horizon.

For the same reasons they've been feuding this whole time: the BCC want complete dominance of AEW and to do that they have to destroy The Elite, The Elite are defending themselves and AEW from the BCC.

The story has definitely been sidetracked by the other stuff branching off it but I wouldn't necessarily say that a big story with multiple interesting strands that involve other wrestlers is a bad thing at all. It's fucking great when that happens. But all it'll take is one hot angle to refocus it on the BCC/Elite before Blood & Guts. 

And even if you don't like it, well it'll most likely finish at B&G in a few weeks, the match will be amazing and everyone will go off into new, exciting things.

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