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16 hours ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

Well, this is a shame. Between this, and her (and Jack Perry) liking some wallies tweet about MJF ‘ruining the feeling’ of AEW, you just start to wish these guys could speak to one another and get off social media.

A fine Dynamite, everything just feels a bit muted at the minute. The Devil having fonts, graphics and branded gear for his mates felt a bit lame.

I’m rooting for them so hard that they land this Devil thing and get the momentum back they had pre-Wembley.

The Copeland/Christian stuff is fun, and Edge is doing his best work in years. I just wish he’d gone round the AEW houses before landing on Christian. I’d love to see Edge/Omega, Page, MJF etc 

Maybe it's also for the best to get it out of the way now, then let him move onto the other programs as opposed to him being in these other programs while everybody is saying "when is he going to wrestle Christian?" 

I have this awful feeling that Sting's last match is going to be against Flair, when it should be against Darby Allin with a view to passing the torch. 

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8 hours ago, Supremo said:

Whew! Between those Kingston and Danielson promos, and then these? It’s almost like they had a point to prove after someone shat the bed with their promo on Monday night.

Why aren't these on Dynamite?! Or Collision, or even Rampage! They're great and I get AEW definitely appeals more to the IWC, but man actually showing these on your TV would make the product fo much better and more accessible for people who don't follow everyone on Twitter.

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21 hours ago, Loki said:

Otherwise... unlike many here I suspect, I'm not really loving the tournament.  It seems like everyone involved has decided it's a "strong style" tournament which means every match involves the "you hit me, I hit you, who's the hardest" routine, and that's one that I HATE.  I

I can see that argument, but I think the matches on Dynamite were actually pretty varied:

- Lethal/Mox was Lethal countering Mox's agression with limb work and technical wrestling forcing Mox to use his own underrated technical wrestling skills to get the win.

- RUSH/Briscoe was yeah the hard hitting thing you mentioned but that's RUSH's character - "I will absorb everything you hit me with because I'm tougher than you and then hit you even fucking harder until one of us crumbles". Likewise Mark is a redneck kung fu fighter so made sense for him to fight RUSH on his level.

- Swerve/White was more of a two smooth sneaky fuckers try their best to trick, counter and outthink eachother type of match.

But yes I agree, the "you hit me, I hit you" stuff is mostly awful. Similarly I hate the trading exhausted punches routine that seemed to originate in WWE main events about 10 years ago but is now in almost every match in every company.

This was a good show overall, they covered most the match types you could want to see, as well as the above you had a fantastic squash match and a fun spotfest. That Christian/Copeland segment was an absolute all-timer. Masterful.

If I was 11 years old pretty sure Dante Martin would be my favourite wrestler. I'm a Brother Zay fan and praying for the day he ditches the mangled old Hardyz for good.

Worst points of the show:

- Ric Flair's reanimated corpse.

- Wardlow's terrible haircut. Sort it out, lad!

Edited by LaGoosh
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7 hours ago, DavidB6937 said:

Typing Like This Is Embarrassing.


The way that's written, with the first letter of every word capitalised is hurting my brain. Flair needs to get in the bin. It's been embarassing for years, it's just in a different company now. 

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1 hour ago, Doog said:

Why aren't these on Dynamite?! Or Collision, or even Rampage! They're great and I get AEW definitely appeals more to the IWC, but man actually showing these on your TV would make the product fo much better and more accessible for people who don't follow everyone on Twitter.

It's definitely something WWE are guilty of too over the years. Some really strong character insight and building through documentaries and interviews etc but they're only on YouTube or the Network. And they'd be far more effective than some of the stuff they have on programming.

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8 hours ago, DavidB6937 said:

Typing Like This Is Embarrassing.


To give this a bit more context, according to wrestlinginc, people were apparently upset after the disgusting old creep cut a pre-taped promo in which he invited the 18-28-year-old women in the audience back to his hotel room. 

Edited by RedRooster
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If he’s happy to fuck off if he’s embarrassing the company then the whole thing seems pretty cut and dry to me. He’s gone.

Show him that promo from Wednesday. Distilled embarrassment. Rambling on incoherently. Shuffling about like Weekend at Bernie’s. Taking what should be a lovely, wholesome story like Sting’s retirement and making the whole thing absolutely stink of sexual assault accusations. Anyone else performing like that, they wouldn’t even be on TV to begin with, never mind all the baggage that comes with him. Considering the dark cloud surrounding the company, with everyone finding everything to criticise, it would be a big step in the right direction if they binned him off. At a push, let him sit in the crowd at Revolution if it makes Sting happy, but beyond that?

Go Away Forever, You Creepy Old Twat And Take Your Mad Grammar With You.

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Yeah they could have just had Flair show up for the final match, there is absolutely no need for him to ever be on TV again.

Christian/Copeland segment was fucking awesome. These two finally getting the feud that they deserved all those years back. It's the most interesting not(Edge) has been since he came back.

Enjoyed the show. I always like Dynamite, it's just a fun watch really.

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9 hours ago, jazzygeofferz said:

I have this awful feeling that Sting's last match is going to be against Flair, when it should be against Darby Allin with a view to passing the torch. 

I imagine it will be a tag/trios match, won't it?

Sting hasn't had a one on one match since joining AEW so I don't see him doing one for his last match, even though it would be miles better. Would actually like to see Sting/Darby.

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3 hours ago, Doog said:

Why aren't these on Dynamite?! Or Collision, or even Rampage! They're great and I get AEW definitely appeals more to the IWC, but man actually showing these on your TV would make the product fo much better and more accessible for people who don't follow everyone on Twitter.

There's still time. Rampage and Collision haven't happened yet. You'd need some timey wimey magic tricks to have had Swerve's promo on this Dynamite. And while Mox's may have been included on this show. One of the reasons these packages work is because the talent aren't on the clock. Now that the CC is up and running they've been including some the pre/post match promos. Eddie Kingston's post-match promo was on this show.

10 hours ago, jazzygeofferz said:

I have this awful feeling that Sting's last match is going to be against Flair, when it should be against Darby Allin with a view to passing the torch. 

They've made Sting's last match about Ric Flair. Even with the announcement its in Greensboro. I can absolutely see Ric angling for one last turn and him+1 v. Sting/Darby as the match.

The whole situation has reminded me what's been so great about Sting's run. He's a legend that was never bogged down by his history. As AEW had no real links to it. This retirement is now feeling like the WM match with the NWO brought out for the nostalgia.

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Swerve really needs to ditch those Embassy scrubs. It's the only thing holding him back, imo.

Good show.

I know the tournament isn't everyone's cup of tea but I think it's given the weekly shows a solid direction and is a big improvement over the worn out, single elimination tournaments.

Loved the Copeland/Christian segment. 

Hope Rush isn't actually hurt. 

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