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4 hours ago, LaGoosh said:

I thought people suggesting Grado vs Jarrett on here we're just joking?! 

Why would booking a Z-list celebrity (in Scotland only, really) that no one actually gives a shit about in a singles match on your biggest show ever be a genuinely realistically good thing? It'd be utter fucking stupidity on every level.

Scotland is part of the UK funnily enough despite the disregard there but leaving that aside for now. Grado was a huge factor in the rejuvenated wrestling scene across the UK. He’s been on ITV wrestling, he’s been in Impact wrestling, he’s pretty mainstream in Scotland - as far as celebrities with a wrestling connection go for your biggest show ever you can do much worse than Grado and if Tony paid for Like A Prayer then he has a pretty viral moment on his hands. People can say what they like about Grado but he’s instantly recognisable in a part of the UK and to disregard his potential to draw a certain viewership is nonsense. In a world driven by internet clicks and likes, that moment at Wembley with that theme is an open goal.

Edit: Also, Jarrett v Grado isn’t just a suggestion off some radio appearance either. The two have actively had storyline beef when they’ve been around shows with each other for a long time.

Edited by FUM
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43 minutes ago, FUM said:

Scotland is part of the UK funnily enough despite the disregard there but leaving that aside for now. Grado was a huge factor in the rejuvenated wrestling scene across the UK. He’s been on ITV wrestling, he’s been in Impact wrestling, he’s pretty mainstream in Scotland - as far as celebrities with a wrestling connection go for your biggest show ever you can do much worse than Grado and if Tony paid for Like A Prayer then he has a pretty viral moment on his hands. People can say what they like about Grado but he’s instantly recognisable in a part of the UK and to disregard his potential to draw a certain viewership is nonsense. In a world driven by internet clicks and likes, that moment at Wembley with that theme is an open goal.

Edit: Also, Jarrett v Grado isn’t just a suggestion off some radio appearance either. The two have actively had storyline beef when they’ve been around shows with each other for a long time.

- yes obviously Scotland is part of the UK but All In is in ENGLAND where Grado is not a household name or draw and especially not in London. Plus the event is being broadcasted internationally, I don't think appealing to the Scottish audience is anywhere near top of Tony Khan's priorities if it's even one of them at all. 

- oh he's been on ITV Wrestling and Impact? Those irrelevant shows that no one watched? And he rejuvenated the British wrestling scene that had already run out of steam and peaked before it was gutted by WWE, COVID and turned out to be full of sex pests? Shit, put him in the main event!

- I don't believe Grado is a genuine household name in Scotland but if I'm wrong and he is, so what? There's no doubt lots of great things famous in Scotland that are famous only in Scotland. Why would you ever want to put any of them on All In?

- licensing Like A Prayer will cost hundreds of thousands if not more. Way more than a YouTube clip going viral would be worth.

But hey, weirder things have happened. I'd be fine with him getting a spot in a giant battle royale or something. 

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I’ve got a feeling they’re going to go with Jarrett/Singh Vs. Big Show/Grado. 

the visual of the two big lads would be great and all (bar Singh) have been on TalkSport promoting the show so far, and it gets the rest of the Jarrett faction on the show. 

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I don't think grado or sarayas brother have any right to be anywhere near this event, they are not known to people outside of a small bubble.

People have purchased tickets to see aew, not aew vs some Scottish reject and a roster members brother. Just stick to what sold you the tickets and not move away from it. If either of them were anywhere near good enough they would already be on the roster as Tony seems like he loves a big roster and they haven't made that cut, so they shouldn't make all ins cut.

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3 hours ago, LaGoosh said:

- I don't believe Grado is a genuine household name in Scotland but if I'm wrong and he is, so what? There's no doubt lots of great things famous in Scotland that are famous only in Scotland. Why would you ever want to put any of them on All In?

If he isn’t, he’s pretty close to being that. Not just through his wrestling career - but he’s done TV work, is on the radio and is generally pretty visible. But as you say, there are plenty of people (and things) who are more famous here than down south and it can be distorting if you live up here. Gerry Cinnamon, Peat and Diesel, Jack and Victor, Oor Wullie, Jackie Bird and George Bowie are household names in at least parts of the country; but they’re worth no more than a shoulder shrug elsewhere in the UK. 

Having said that, the AEW audience is typically a very knowledgeable crowd, so I’d imagine a good number of them would know who Grado is. Jarrett/Grado on the pre-show could be bags of fun.

EDIT: Your battle royale suggestion is a pretty good one actually, and could allow for some fun surprises. 

Edited by RedRooster
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6 hours ago, LaGoosh said:

- yes obviously Scotland is part of the UK but All In is in ENGLAND where Grado is not a household name or draw and especially not in London. Plus the event is being broadcasted internationally, I don't think appealing to the Scottish audience is anywhere near top of Tony Khan's priorities if it's even one of them at all. 

- I don't believe Grado is a genuine household name in Scotland but if I'm wrong and he is, so what? There's no doubt lots of great things famous in Scotland that are famous only in Scotland. Why would you ever want to put any of them on All In?

- licensing Like A Prayer will cost hundreds of thousands if not more. Way more than a YouTube clip going viral would be worth.

But hey, weirder things have happened. I'd be fine with him getting a spot in a giant battle royale or something. 

It’s not about appealing to the Scottish audience as such, it is being pitched as a UK show and will have a large number of Scots in attendance - it’s about appealing to those in attendance.

Grado is just about a household name in Scotland. I imagine you will find little people that aren’t at least aware of who he is or could call out his face. He is in two of the biggest Scottish comedy shows of recent years, one of which does about 2million in ratings every week (Two Doors Down is fantastic, check it out if you haven’t seen it before). He hosts a radio show, has been in a soap opera, has had smaller roles in that Morse prequel and is on the rebooted GamesMaster. I get he is likely far more known in Scotland than England but again it’s a UK show where there will be Scottish fans, a potential viral moment (over 3m on YouTube have watched it happen in ICW) and all it takes is a quick bit of comms and the radio clip to introduce him wider.

Having said all that, it doesn’t need to be Grado. The show just needs something to feel different as right now the card just seems to be heading the way of your average PPV when I think if you’re actively now calling it the biggest event in history then it needs a spectacle.

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Look I absolutely love Grado, but they've nearly sold the fucker out already and Vince McMahon didn't need to add Nick Owen & Anne Diamond to Summerslam 1992.

I haven't got an absolute clue what the Paige's brother wants a spot bit came from. Where is that then.

God I hope they're is still a raffle.

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42 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

I was going to complain that this London topic has gone from moaning about lineups to tickets to bloody Grado.. and then I realised this is the Dynamite thread.

Life is a mystery.

God your right. Can we get back to Tony Khan not knowing how to book women. Genuinely interesting discussion that never seems to crop up.

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