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The Queen Is Dead, Long Live The King


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The old cunt popped her clogs and here in Northern Ireland, everything's shut. Bring on a United Ireland. Happy for the folks who don't have to work but man, some old biddy dying? You'd think the world had ended. Some Brits are a weird breed.


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5 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

Drinking in the morning. It's what she would've wanted.

Sometimes you gotta get drunk to take the crazed Brits who worship ol' Lizzeh and her family racist, imperalist and rapey cunts. 

Oh and up the RA.


Tiocfaidh ár lá

Edited by TheDude
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Major and Blair were stood by each other in a bit I saw earlier and Blair looked loads older than major (I checked wiki and apparently there's only 10 years between them) . 

I remember major always looked "old" but hasn't seemingly changed much in years where as Blair looks suddenly drained, like he's midway through opening the arc of the covenant. 

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31 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

I like the way you called yourself TheDude on this account so it was very plain to see you weren't pretending to be female anymore.

I'm beginning to come around to the idea of a hard border, to be honest. 

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