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Chris B

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4 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

Nick Khan says hello, plus many others. Is Trips even the at the tip top of the foodchain here?

Stephanie and Nick are at the top. Does Nick have any say in creative? I thought he was a purley business side type. I'd be surprised if he even watches the shows.

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13 minutes ago, Chris B said:

Maybe the sticking point is that Punk wants to go back to UFC.

A few months ago, I'd have said that wouldn't happen, as Dana White publicly said he should stop now, but then he's booked three matches for Mike Jackson, the photographer who beat Punk in his second match (and had the win overturned for weed), who is an absolute joke.

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I know money is money and wrestling os a thicko industry somewhat, but I think both AEW and WWE leaving him to his payout and fucking off forever is honestly the best bet. Well for me, generally he's just left an awful sour taste where I just don't care about what he does. 

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27 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

He signed up for WWE Backstage. If he can get the same superstar part-time deal he used to complain about, he'll be happy to sign on the dotted line.

He signed with FOX on that. Nothing to do with top brass. I actually think Punk would go back if Vince was there, but not Triple H

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3 minutes ago, Factotum said:

He signed with FOX on that. Nothing to do with top brass. I actually think Punk would go back if Vince was there, but not Triple H

If there was real hatred there he wouldn't have signed up to talk about WWE for a living.

Don't get how all these talents that had real heat with Vince, yet went back and worked with each other. Yet the hatred between HHH and insert name is meant to be so strong that it'll never happen.

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11 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

Don't get how all these talents that had real heat with Vince, yet went back and worked with each other. Yet the hatred between HHH and insert name is meant to be so strong that it'll never happen.

Wasn't the main catalyst for most of the names in recent years coming back, Triple H? Certainly was with Sammartino so that could be the difference.

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1 hour ago, Carbomb said:

A few months ago, I'd have said that wouldn't happen, as Dana White publicly said he should stop now, but then he's booked three matches for Mike Jackson, the photographer who beat Punk in his second match (and had the win overturned for weed), who is an absolute joke.

Ben Askren retired 3 years ago then got merked by a Paul brother. If anyone wants an easy comeback, now's the time.

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Saw a clip from an Inside The Ropes live show with RVD yesterday where he talked about Punk. He said when he came back from his 30 day suspension for weed right after he won the ECW belt Punk pulled him aside saying he was going to do a locker room meeting with all the wrestlers due to stuff going missing. I get the feeling Punk has gone into AEW thinking he's gonna be their Undertaker locker room leader type and they've just gone nah you're alright mate which is why he was crying about people not taking his advice etc 


Here's the clip anyway since I'm hopeless at typing at what I want to say at times


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