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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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7 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Best moment of the week: Yuta spitting in Danielson's face and Danielson MURDERING him in response. 

Either that, or surely Regal referring to Excalibur as “masked man” had me laughing as I tried to force myself to sleep at 2am this morning, but was too interested in Dynamite.

Edited by Matthew
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1 hour ago, FelatioLips said:

I’m finding lately AEW to be a case of “be careful what you wish for” because when it first started it was genuinely exciting to see who would jump ship or debut to fill out this new roster. Now though, the roster is packed and they’re still fucking going and every new debut is making me roll my eyes; especially in the women’s division who barely get a look in anyway.

It’s starting to look less like an exciting new product and more just NXT + Legends ran by Tony Khan. Don’t get me wrong the show is still good and the PPVs excellent but having ready-made wrestlers come in is going to stop them having to create new stars like they did with Darby, MJF, Wardlow, Jungle Boy, etc.

Not that they were superstars or anything but you do feel bad for the likes of Joey Janela and Marko Stunt who were putting shifts in to help the company start and as soon as someone better came along got binned off. 
There’s been a few wrestlers they brought in early who I was excited to see improving or showing what they could do like Bear Country, Sonny Kiss, Varsity Blondes, The Wingmen and they all got binned off to the depths of Dark unless they’re doing a job. 

I worry they’re going to hit a wall in creating homegrown stars now because they don’t need to.

I understand your point, but Janela and Stunt are probably the worst examples. They absolutely have a ceiling and they reached it ages ago. People like Sonny Kiss and until recently Scorpio Sky I would agree with though.

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Undisputed Elite are a lowlight yet again. I’ve no idea what the oreilly bit was trying to be. All 3 look shit and Unthreatening. Cole when he came in as the 4th guy in the elite was just right. He ain’t a main guy 

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O'Reilly and Fish just don't look like they could be anywhere near the top of the pile. Comedy goofs in a stable, sure, but in the main events with another non-star like Cole just feels rubbish.


Keep the 3 together but they should be feuding with the likes of P&P+Sammy, Dark Order (not related to the main event scene, completely separate), Best Friends, etc.

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3 hours ago, LaGoosh said:

These scrubs need to fuck off. Proper rubbish. Pretty much everything else is working in AEW with over acts and hot prospects all over the card. Everything except these three jobbers. Hangman needs to get away from these heat killers.

Apart from that, good show this week.

I'm pretty worried that Cole is going to win the title. Either that, or Punk's title chase is going to be a long-term thing. Punk facing MJF for the title at some point, with Punk having never been AEW World Champion, is about as exciting a match as I can think of right now. 

As far as Cole goes, I've defended him in the past, and he's definitely over. But he's just generic. Solid in ring, but not stand-out, in comparison to other wrestlers in AEW; solid on the mic, but unspectacular; and he's also ill-defined as a character. I'm open to the idea of enjoying him, once he's found his groove. But right now, the thought of him winning the title fills me with dread. He's really annoying, and not in a good way.

On the whole though, this was a fun show, and I'm really enjoying the Blackpool Combat Club. Wheeler Yuta's match with Danielson was great fun, and I'm really excited to see where this storyline goes from here.

The Jericho Appreciation Society segment didn't really click for me this week. The segment was a bit contrived, and there was no new content in the promo, it was essentially a collection of WWE buzzwords. Hopefully further mic work between Jericho and Kingston in the coming weeks will help light a fire under this feud. 

4 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

Oh for fucks sake

I'm going to caveat this by saying this is the first time I've seen her wrestle, but why the strong opinion on Storm? I thought she looked pretty decent in this match.  

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13 minutes ago, RedRooster said:


I'm going to caveat this by saying this is the first time I've seen her wrestle, but why the strong opinion on Storm? I thought she looked pretty decent in this match.  

I’ll caveat this too by saying that I had only seen maybe 3 or 4 of her matches prior to when she first turned up in the Mae Young Classic, but based on what I saw of her in WWE I just didn’t like her work. 
She was brought in with a reputation that she just didn’t live up to. She seemed sloppy in the ring (oh er), she didn’t look as though she could improvise if needed to and her promos were awful. There was a early episode of NXT:UK were she did a promo and then Rhea Ripley (who she was feuding with at the time) did one immediately afterwards, and the difference between the two of them was night & day.

If you’re anyone that likes her then great, far be it from me to judge, but based on what I’ve seen of her over the course of nearly 5 years since the first Mae Young Classic, she didn’t live to the hype that came with her

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Wouldn't it make sense for Punk to beat Hangman? Its a legit star beating him so he doesn't lose any credibility, and they'll probably have a cracker of a match. Then  you have the MJF feud with Punk for the title at some point.

They're not going to hotshot Hangman/Punk so can build that nicely up

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2 hours ago, Factotum said:

Wouldn't it make sense for Punk to beat Hangman?

Eventually, yeah maybe. Sadly, it doesn't feel like Hangmans reign has really even got going yet. Let him beat Jericho and Moxley and a few others first then yeah sure.

The JAS isn't working quite yet. It's just a bit of an odd group. Confident Jericho will sort it out, he usually does. Can't help but feel that Men of the Year would have been a more natural fit than 2.0. Not many match combinations I'm looking forward to seeing from this JAS vs PnP/Kingston feud. Kingston vs Hager could be cracking though. Guessing they might bring in a few more people to even the odds (Homicide and Hernandez?).

Edited by LaGoosh
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