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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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I think if Regal asked to go back and they have a no Compete for him to not be on tv, it’s right to release him he’s a role that I don’t think will be missed that Greatly. He was doing guest comms mostly and that wasn’t needed. 

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19 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

Rumour mill has gone from 1 year - 3 years - 9 months in terms of Regal's contract.

Conspiracy theories ranging from a deal was done to it was always that way. With the proper crackpot theory it was always that way because he knew he would be back to WWE with Trips due to takeover. Trips being the one that grassed up Vince to get his job back.

Safe to say nobody really knows anything right now.

Also seen a few people pointing out that Regal tends to take holiday around Christmas to go back to the UK, so this may just be covering that.

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The BCC never played out the way I hoped. On comms was occasionally fun, but trivial. The idea of being paired with MJF didn't thrill me. I'm not that fussed by how this plays out.

The one thing I had been looking forward to was the end of the first UK show. As you know he would have been wheeled out for something. One of those send them home happy goodbyes that seem few and far between these days.

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The BCC were boring, that was the issue.  A group of individuals whose M.O was “ooh, tough, watch me bleed” sounds great on paper but there was no chemistry.  They don’t really tag together or work together, there’s just no sense in it.  Moxley is a loner, why should he care about Claudio Castignoli?

 I’ve found Bryan’s entire AEW run dull to be completely frank.  It’s wrestling for wrestling’s sake.  His match against Dax was great but it meant nothing and I won’t remember it in a month’s time.  

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If Regal actually is leaving, I wonder if there's something around him leaving a performer role to go into an employment role.

If that's the case (with resultant medical coverage), it may be that he's just handed in his notice. If he avoids a performer role, and is just doing backstage, that may not be subject to the same kind of contractual consequences.

Either way, it says a lot about how he's regarded that it's being mostly treated as a shame, not overly negatively. These things don't have to be acrimonious. 

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1 hour ago, Chris B said:

If Regal actually is leaving, I wonder if there's something around him leaving a performer role to go into an employment role.

If that's the case (with resultant medical coverage), it may be that he's just handed in his notice. If he avoids a performer role, and is just doing backstage, that may not be subject to the same kind of contractual consequences.

Either way, it says a lot about how he's regarded that it's being mostly treated as a shame, not overly negatively. These things don't have to be acrimonious. 

If he has got out of the AEW performer contract perhaps he feels like he can't keep up with the traveling these days. This was a man who had trouble with all sorts of drugs over the years and perhaps with being older and broken down he doesnt feel he can keep jetting off weekly to do TV and not end up picking up old habits or it's simply too much/not what he wants.

In WWE he was basically in and around Florida for the most part so a return to the PC .

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12 hours ago, Loki said:

there was no chemistry.  They don’t really tag together or work together, there’s just no sense in it.

I'm pretty sure there's never been a point where Mox, Bryan, Claudio, Yuta and Regal have even all been in the ring together at the same time. It's ridiculous. How can you get a stable over when they barely interact?

Edited by LaGoosh
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The BCC when it first began was my favourite thing in wrestling for a short while, it had so much potential. Then it just, didn't do much of note outside of being referenced during singles matches and the whole Yuta recruitment angle. Its a shame, it could have been great. 

Poor Man in the Mask, who is going to lust after him now? It's like his valentine has moved schools. 

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I don't think the BCC was meant to be a collective unit and it was always a pair of individuals who had some sort of connection with Regal, who wanted to repay him teaching them by teaching the next generation - hence the whole Wheeler Yuta saga. I'm not sure what Claudio has added much other than he's a professional wrestler (though him joining the JAS sports entertainers will end up being genius in my opinion - a potential reunion of The Real Americans?).

But after Yuta, they seemed to stop with that initial premise until Garcia came along and then what looked like could be an interesting storyline of Yuta/Claudio against Bryan/Garcia got abruptly stopped with Garcia rejoining Jericho and not much of Danielson favouring Garcia over Yuta. 

As for MJF turning on Regal, I thought it made sense from a character point of view. He feels he's above the wrestling world so he'd use anyone and everyone to get what he wants, he did that with Regal. It makes Regal look a bit daft for trusting somebody like MJF but makes sense from MJF's point of view. And while his promo went on a bit, he was saying everything his character would. Again, he feels like he's above everybody else so he won't be wrestling for free on Dynamite. If you wanna see him in the ring, you pay for it. He's obsessed with money so talking about how much he's gonna earn is in line with him. And his whole storyline now is about jumping to WWE in 2024, so claiming that he's gonna be champion until then and use the championship to drive an even bigger paycheque out of both parties. I was hoping he was gonna mention Punk when running down former champions with long title runs. 

And they're obviously desperate to keep him heel and this was the best way for them to do that. But he did at least acknowledge that he's been getting cheered of late. 

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I’d love to know what the plans were for the Blackpool Combat Club if Moxley hadn’t been tasked with carrying the torch all year long when everything involving Punk kept going tits up. The few tags they had together were great. I still reckon Mox/Danielson/Claudio vs. The Elite has TV main event of the year written all over it.

I’m endlessly fascinated by what’s gone on with Regal. This can’t have been the plan all along, surely? I just can’t buy that they’d go this route out of choice. Turn Regal heel, never even allow him to give an explanation, then have another heel immediately write him off, so you don’t even get the catharsis? It’s so backwards.

Assuming the news will eventually break that Tony Khan was blindsided with Regal’s departure, and Regal is heading back to just shouting, “WAR GAMES,” once a year, I really wish it had been Moxley who had killed him. Not only do you get the satisfaction of Moxley getting some type of revenge, but MJF could have milked that for months on end, teasing he’s going to WWE and he’s got Regal on speed dial.

Edited by Supremo
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Bryan's run in AEW has been such a disappointment. His debut was great and the match with Omega felt fucking mega, and was great as well. His feud with Hangman was OK, and there have been some really good matches...but meh. Nothing has really meant anything. He's so fucking good, he should be top of the card. I want Bryan in meaningful feuds. He's played second fiddle throughout his time.

Fact if the guy should have been positioned as one of their top stars. Instead, does he even feel special anymore? How have they fumbled this? I know with his injuries and family he's not going to be at 100mph every week, but this feels very Bret Hart in WCW vibes (not as severe as that!)

Anyway, Dynamite ratings were pretty awful this week. They need to bring the fun back into it.

Edited by Factotum
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4 minutes ago, Supremo said:

I’d love to know what the plans were for the Blackpool Combat Club if Moxley hadn’t been tasked with carrying the torch all year long when everything involving Punk kept going tits up. The few tags they had together were great. I still reckon Mox/Danielson/Claudio vs. The Elite has TV main event of the year written all over it.

By the sounds of what Dax Harwood was talking about, they were about to launch into The Firm vs CM Punk/FTR/Wardlow, so presumably BCC would have been in the thick of all of that.

Also, yes. BCC vs The Elite could and should have happened.

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Danielson has just reached his natural level as small bearded guy who does moves. He’s happy on his retirement run just having matches and not having to do much publicity wise so this so what you are gonna get the next 20 months 

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57 minutes ago, Louch said:

Danielson has just reached his natural level as small bearded guy who does moves. He’s happy on his retirement run just having matches and not having to do much publicity wise so this so what you are gonna get the next 20 months 

I'm hoping we're getting him V MJF as the feud. That might kick both into gear.

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1 hour ago, Factotum said:


Fact if the guy should have been positioned as one of their top stars. Instead, does he even feel special anymore? How have they fumbled this? I know with his injuries and family he's not going to be at 100mph every week, but this feels very Bret Hart in WCW

I don't think anyone has fumbled anything to be honest.

Seems like this is what BD wants to do, and TK is happy for him to get on with it.

The beauty with Danielson is that he's the sort of character you can slot into title feuds easily enough too.

Sure, as fans we would like to see him in feuds every week that mean something, but it seems pretty clear that isn't what he wants and fair enough.

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