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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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12 hours ago, Supremo said:

To be fair to the House of Black, last Wednesday was the best they’ve ever been, just coming out and brutally murdering everyone. They looked awesome.

I have zero faith this will continue though. It’ll be crappy, spooky vignettes for the next three weeks. Back to the fucking hourglasses, pentagons and druids. Bore off, you shit goths!

Yeah, completely agree. They always look great in the build up ... that build up just doesn't come to anything. Miro is the same. I feel like I've seen Miro get started and go nowhere about 1000 times.

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If you had Black and King as a tag team that would work, buddy murphy stands out like a sore thumb and has gone under the radar of signings who have done nothing of note. 

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Murphy could have done with doing something similar to Matt Cardona and just done the rounds building himself up. He has the look, good in ring, but there is just something missing that I can't quite put my finger on. Mind you, he finishes each day going home to Rhea, so who's winning? 

EDIT: Just remembered he is Matthews now, thats how noticeable he is at present. 

Edited by Nick James
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So he is. When I was typing it I thought I had the first name wrong. With his Omega inspired offence, in normal times he could have done with a Japan run, signing with aew and the Visa that brings probably limited his choices 

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Buddy being in House of Black is one of those things where audience's inside knowledge shouldn't be filtering into the show - he seems to be there because people knew he was mates with Malakai Black, but nothing about his aesthetic fits that group at all. He'd be better off doing his own thing and developing an actual character. 

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28 minutes ago, HarmonicGenerator said:

Buddy doesn't need to be there at all, but his 205 Live run was so great that I'll always have time for him. He's capable of fantastic things.

100%, there is something there with him and has shown he has talent, maybe it's because he has always been portrayed as a lacky since his 205 Live days (which is when 205 Live wasn't exactly showered with focus), first with Seth and now with Black, he hasn't been given time to show who or what he is. He would definitely have benefited from a few months over in Impact to show himself out a little. 

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Wasn’t the link that they had both been in the same asylum or something similar? Did Black not mention that Matthews was a guard there or something. Exploring that would have been a better introduction maybe, have Black convinced that Matthews had been there only for Matthews to dispute it and claim Black was unhinged etc. Buddy could have debuted and built up a character etc whilst Black stalked him, let Buddy be the bigger man and refuse to get sucked into it only for Black to keep interfering until Matthews has had enough and challenges him. 

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1 hour ago, Mikeymike83 said:

If/when they split up (Death Triangle). Think he has a similar look to Pac, let them be a pair of nasty bastards in the tag division. More I think of it, id say they'd compliment each other.

He should be the new PAC, there’s only so much he can do as a part timer, I don’t mind pac but I don’t want anyone hanging about the mid-card for years and years. Rosters shouldn’t be freshened every 4/5 years 

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I can’t remember the last time an episode of Dynamite so abruptly fell off a cliff. It was a mostly enjoyable utility show that was chugging along nicely and then in the space of about five minutes it felt like we were barraged with their worst traits one after another, over and over. Brutal. My enthusiasm completely fell out of my arse and never returned.

It started off great. Loved Hangman coming back and brawling with Mox. Loved Mox falling over. Loved Danielson and Dax. Samoa Joe looked better than usual, too.

It all went to shit at the end of MJF’s promo though. I hated MJF turning on Regal. Absolutely hated it. I’m sure there’s a real life reason for it, either Regal really is going back to Papa H or they’re trying to at least play on those rumours, but either way it felt like such an e-fed thing to do. Swerve on a swerve. They never saw it coming, bro. It’s one thing to surprise and subvert things. It’s another to just overcomplicate and make everything messy seemingly for the sake of it.

You hope this is Regal’s swan song and he is going back to WWE because what else can you do with his character now? Turns heel, then immediately gets turned on. What an idiot. Am I supposed to be happy Regal got killed? Or feel sorry for him? Am I supposed to dislike Max for doing it, despite Regal proving to be a treacherous snake? Am I supposed to support Danielson when he inevitably fights for revenge on behalf of Regal? Urgh. Shades of grey shit.

Then straight afterwards Ethan Page came out and tried to make sense of this Diamond Ring shit, but even he didn’t seem to understand how it worked. Not that I blame him. It’s an overcomplicated mess. Winner of the Battle Royale faces MJF for the ring, and then if they win the ring they can cash it in whenever they want on Max for a Title shot? Like Money in the Bank? Is that how it works? God knows. Rubbish.

And then before you even had time to process any of this, Matt Hardy is out there, which in 2022 is offensive enough in its own right, but now he’s somehow part of The Firm after they bought out his contract or something on a show I must have missed? More recruitment?!

Nope. I’m out. I love AEW and when it’s good it’s great. But because of those high standards when it’s bad like this it disappoints a million times more than a WWE show, which you expect to be bad by default.

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It was 2/3rds good but my God was the bad stuff really bad.

MJF channelling 2003 Triple H with the worst dullest longest heel shit you can imagine. MJF is great when he has something to work with but he absolutely is not the guy you send out there with a mic on his own for 15 minutes. Terrible stuff and feels like the wind is already out of his title reign. Send Kingston out there already for God's sake. 

AEW is intent on making The Firm and Ethan Page work. Unfortunately for them (and the viewers) this will never work.

I have no idea what that Jade Cargill bit even was.

That Rampage card, fuck me, you have this roster and you throw that out. Terrible. 

Ruby Soho's return was good but by the end of it I already found her annoying. She's utterly useless.

The good though: that opening was perfect. Willow Nightingale is an absolute star. Lots of small little fun segments showcasing loads of guys. The best kind of Samoa Joe match, him vs a nutty cruiserweight. Bryan and Dax beating the tar out of eachother. Another batshit 6 man. Lots to enjoy sadly overshadowed by MJF dropping the ball.

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