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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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Legitimately looking about twenty years younger, telling that prick to go fuck himself, absolutely nailing that incredible promo, then sauntering off into the night with his leather jacket over his shoulder. Fucking good for him. He’s the coolest man in the business. Super special moment.

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Love to see Mox back and incredible main event. Sadly, rest of the show was the absolute shits.

JR sounds like he's dying out there. Hell of a work ethic but if I'm an old bloke coming out of cancer treatment I might give myself time to rest before rushing back to work.

Brian Pillman Jnr is the dirt worst. The more TV time he gets the worse he gets. Absolutely useless.

Jericho's new GFY catchphrase is the lamest thing he's done in a while and that's covering a lot of lame shit.

Why is Archer taking 10 minutes to beat Kazarian?

That mixed tag was all fucked up booking wise and made no sense. If you're gonna do the accidental hit your own partner spot surely the whole point is that your opponents then win? The match ended with Cole winning and he's so annoyed about winning he's challenged OC to a no dq match?! Illogical nonsense. Also Cole literally everyone kicks out of Panama Sunrise I'm not sure why you're so shocked every fucking time.

And of course Cody Rhodes fucking rambles on about fucking nothing in his stupid smug voice. Then remembers he's supposed to be setting up and hyping a ladder match so quickly mentions it after putting himself over for what felt like forever. He's so bad it's painful.

I can't remember the last time AEW put on a top to bottom good episode of Dynamite. October? I don't know what's happening over there.

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Honestly I would've loved a surprise Mox appearance vs an announced one but it is what it is. He's an incredible man and speaks with such an honesty and clarity. So happy to see him back and looking great in front of a 99.99999% respectful adoring crowd.

As an aside I still miss his old theme and Wild Thing does nothing for me but I realise I'm as much in the minority there as that twat in the crowd.

The rest of the show was there. Nothing will really stick in my mind beyond Mox.

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4 minutes ago, Big'Olympic_Hero'Pete said:

I couldn't make out what the prick said, anyone enlighten me please? Must have been pretty bad for Mox to request him be kicked out the arena.

What a complete dick, doing all he could to get himself over. You could tell he was just on day release from his mother’s basement.

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“Get this drunken piece of trash out of the ring” was what I think he said. Haven’t read anything about whether or not he was actually thrown out (I doubt he will have been), but fuck that guy

Might be more suited to the petty annoyance thread, but there were moments where everyone’s timing seemed to be completely off, and rather than sell to fill the gap you had people just standing there waiting for the next spot. The worst example of it was Britt just standing there like an idiot waiting for Statlander to do the pendulum moonsault, which looks absolutely terrifying every time she tries and I’m convinced she’s going to land on her head some day.

Frankie Kazarian’s new nickname isn’t lasting long, I’ll tell you that right now.

Another great promo from PAC, I’m really looking forward to his match with Malakai

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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52 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Why is Archer taking 10 minutes to beat Kazarian?

I've been ranting and raving about this to friends since the Jungle Express/Dark Order match on Rampage. It feels like a problem AEW have had for longer than that where they almost seem afraid to have their underneath guys look weak by being beaten convincingly, so whenever they're on Dynamite or Rampage they have to have these 10 minute plus epic matches like it's the main event of Wrestle Kingdom with near falls etc. 

Cody was particularly guilty of this at times. My guess is that they think it makes the underneath guys look better, when it does in fact make your top guys look weak. See also Cole claiming that the Undisputed Superkliq is the strongest Faction in all of pro wrestling when they've been fannying about with Best Friends for the past 2 months. Danielson showed how you can let your lower down opponent have moments to shine but still beat them convincingly when he was ploughing through the Dark Order. Punk's "have I still got it" match against Lee Marshall kind of fell into the same trap. 

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Was disappointed by the Moxley return to be honest, and I love the guy. Not much of a pop nor much of a promo, though good on him for not letting that heckler knock him too much. I think the time's right for a heel turn (as does he, it seems). His whole tough guy working class hero thing has been done more convincingly by his mate Eddie of late, who would benefit from being given space to breathe as a top babyface character.

Fast forwarded much of the rest of the show. Feels like the company is in a weird rut at present. I worry that Cody's transparently self-serving refusal to turn heel is burning some of the company's good will with the fans, ever so slightly. The arena seemed pretty empty with lots of individual voices from the crowd cutting through. It doesn't feel like the same show as two years ago where the crowd were clearly willing every segment to be a home run.

Edited by Pinc
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