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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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1 minute ago, KJHenley said:

I think you're giving them undeserved credit there. Punk went full tilt into the 'We are Chicago' stuff that was a clear face promo designed to get a massive crowd reaction, they just weren't there with him.

Yeah, but it wasn't 'this is Chicago, where we get back up, this is Chicago where we're strong', it was this slightly weirder 'Mox isnt man enough to beat me, I'm from Chicago where we eat the weak', after talking about having his life saved during his birth being 'they tried to kill me from the day I was born'. 

It was weird. And Punk can clearly do fiery hometown promos that aren't weird. He's either making a series of some of the weirdest babyface choices any of us have ever seen, or it's intentional.

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15 minutes ago, Matthew said:

Because he was in his hometown? The same reason they made MJF look like a god when they did a show in NJ.

Which by the way, was lauded as great booking, and a great moment.

Now we’re at a time it’s cool to hate on anything AEW show, a similarly booked segment is shit on.

That was a great moment, but that doesn't have any bearing whatsoever on whether this is. 

Stop being so tribal about criticism, though. If you're seeing multiple people say the same thing, it doesn't mean they're doing it "because it's cool"; it most likely means that they are representative of how a portion of the audience is feeling about AEW right now, or at the very least, their handling of this storyline. 

If you like it, great. But I get the impression you'd defend them no matter how badly this angle had played out. 

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The Punk stuff got me straight back into their match. They're trying to go full Rocky mode with him, and I'm down with it. He doesn't know what his foot is going to be able to do, he's not the same guy he was but damn it he's going to fight anyway. 

I'm a bit surprised at the negativity, I wonder if this is something that might work better for American audiences? I agree that it was too much in one segment, and should've happened over a few weeks, but it's what they were stuck with. I thought the crowd reaction was fine, but I wasn't looking at it particularly hard so may well have not noticed.

While I don't think calling someone a fat virgin was in the plan for the promo, it does play into the stuff others have said in Punk feuds, that he talks a good game but is actually completely full of it and you see the nastiness come out when he's rattled. 

The challenge is what you do on Sunday. This still really isn't time for Mox to lose, and I think he loses more by not being champion, but after that set up Punk can't lose right? I mean, unless they go full Rocky and he just about loses but does so in such a way that he goes out strong? Not sure.

I'm still really enjoying AEW, and I'm surprised how much some people have turned on it lately. Not accusing anyone of faking their opinions to be cool though, like what you like, but I enjoy myself every week.

I'm looking forward to Luchasaurus turning on Jungle Boy on Sunday. I'm looking forward to Hanger and the DO against the Elite, and watching FTR against the MCMG (and probably Wardlow powerbombing Satnam Singh). The title match will be heated and really good, I'm sure.

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Yeah what Gay as Fook said. Punk bascially went back on it, and said sorry. That's not what a heel does. It dawned on him that oh no, calling someone fat? and then saying they can't "screw" girls, As if weight has any baring on it, is a bit of a shite move at best and completely problematic at worst. 

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The real issue for AEW here really is that for all it's existence above everything else it's entire selling point has been "WWE is shit, AEW is good wrestling" but with WWE now getting good again* then what is AEW's offer to viewers? Especially with the narrative seemingly changing to "WWE is getting good now and AEW is a mess". 

There is the scary possibility that AEW is in the same position WWE was in for years with Vince where the owner actually thinks this stuff is GOOD SHIT and everyone else hates it so it just continues on as is. I really hope and pray things get better because when AEW is on fire no one can touch them. 

Not sure where the downfall started but if there's one day a "Rise and Fall of AEW" book I would say that the purchase of ROH definitely seems like a key event.

As for Punk/Mox most of it is a good story, just needed more time to play out. If I had the book I would have done the Moxley squash at All Out then spent a few weeks building up to the rematch at Grand Slam.

*apparently. I haven't seen any of it.

Edited by LaGoosh
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22 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

Stop being so tribal about criticism, though. If you're seeing multiple people say the same thing, it doesn't mean they're doing it "because it's cool"; it most likely means that they are representative of how a portion of the audience is feeling about AEW right now, or at the very least, their handling of this storyline. 

Plus we're (mostly) all grown men posting on a wrestling forum about fake fighting. I don't think many of us will be claiming to be cool anytime soon.

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For what is now meant to be a 14 match PPV. The go-home Dynamite really didn't need another segment of Stokely handing out cards for his Scrub Club*

I do like Ethan Page and Lee Moriarty. Gunn Club are alright. W Morrissey just isn't needed. As a combo not at all. As Stokely as the leader not really, it should of been Jade calling him out for this random side project when he should be devoted to the JadeBrand.

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I just can't wait for King Kenny to wear the crown again if he can, he's been by far the best champion this company has had and it was even done in the empty arena era.

I hope Eddie piefaced the skinny fat (I still don't actually know what that means..) twat backstage.

It feels like a lot of the heat in the JB v Christian feud has weirdly cooled off, I may not be a big fan of some of the real life jabs early on but it was still scorching, now? Nah, cold as ice.

I'm always happy to see Hangman, hoping this leads to something bigger.

Edited by Merzbow
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I thought that was a fucking excellent Dynamite. I'm all for nit-picking and detailed criticism, but we got the best 6-man tag in American TV wrestling history, a super fucking fired up main event hyped up for All Out, and some all round excellent pro wrestling across the show. That's an A-show right there, with a bullet.

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I am another who thought the Punk segment, Ace Steel aside, did nothing for me. I am not sure if I am supposed to cheer or jeer him at the moment, and if they do hotshot the belt for a hometown pop, i'll be disappointed as its not made either Mox or Punk look worthy. 

W Morrisey is someone I've enjoyed before, and glad he's sorted himself out, but hope he ends up in ROH then AEW. The mens 4 way and main event were the highlights for me, but the only unnecessary match was FTR/Wardlow. Just seemed like filler for times sake. 

Anyway, hope the news is true about Bobby Fish leaving. Hope the rest of the old UE go with him, though I assume Cole has a long term contract so he won't. 

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5 minutes ago, Accident Prone said:

I thought that was a fucking excellent Dynamite. I'm all for nit-picking and detailed criticism, but we got the best 6-man tag in American TV wrestling history, a super fucking fired up main event hyped up for All Out, and some all round excellent pro wrestling across the show. That's an A-show right there, with a bullet.

I'll agree that the six man tournament has had some absolutely fantastic matches. I've really enjoyed a lot of it.

Sadly the All Out main event isn't feeling "super fucking fired up" to me. It could have. It should have. They've just muddied the waters and taken diversions they didn't need to take.

Glad some people are still hyped for it though! Always great to go into a PPV excited for it. I feel more excited about Drew at Clash than anything at All Out at the moment.

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