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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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1 hour ago, Matthew said:

But to say he’s not a great booker, while then coming in a few days later saying what a great show this week’s Dynamite was, which will have been booked by TK, is a nuanced contradiction. If you don’t like it being pointed out, stop contradicting yourself 

If you're not Tony Khan posting under a burner account, you're definitely wearing rose-tinted spectacles.

It's not a contradiction at all. We know how AEW is booked, and we know this because multiple wrestlers have gone into detail about the process. There are a group of wrestlers who are trusted to book their own stuff - the likes of Jericho, Punk, MJF, Omega, Eddie Kingston, The Bucks and Moxley - and these wrestlers, funnily enough, are consistently involved in the best storylines. I think it's pretty logical to give them credit for their own ideas. 

Allowing creative freedom is a plus, and Tony Khan should be commended for this. However, when you look outside of this group of wrestlers, AEW is a bit less consistent. Dynamite is frequently booked in a way that doesn't give big moments the time they need to sink in. Sometimes you need that to really feel an intended emotion, or even just to feel how "big" an angle is. But shows often rush forward to the next happening. 

There's also that annoying tendency to assume knowledge - perfectly demonstrated by the Dynamite debut of the Trustbusters last night. Khan seems to assume that everyone is as immersed in the AEW universe as he is. 

I think it's quite reasonable to suggest that Dynamite would be stronger if someone else was head booker. The issues Dynamite has are as consistent as its strengths. Khan either can't identify them, or doesn't think they're a big deal. I do. I'm not saying Khan should be frozen out of the booking process, but ultimately, he's just a different version of Vince McMahon. They both have their quirks, and these quirks can be the difference between a good show and a great one; or, a bad show and an average one. 

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4 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

If you're not Tony Khan posting under a burner account, you're definitely wearing rose-tinted spectacles

Rose tinted glasses that avoid you seeing anything bad about Tony Sniff?  They’re called Beaky Blinders. And yes, that’s my new one. 

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13 minutes ago, FelatioLips said:

What happened with this week's show? On Fite the episode starts in the middle of a picture in picture during Brody vs Darby and Brody is pissing blood.

I watched live. Basically the US feed didn’t get turned on. If you find the Spanish version on fite it’s got the whole show

Edited by Hannibal Scorch
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27 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

There's also that annoying tendency to assume knowledge - perfectly demonstrated by the Dynamite debut of the Trustbusters last night. Khan seems to assume that everyone is as immersed in the AEW universe as he is.

I'm not really sure that is the perfect demonstration.

Familar faces in a backstage segment in the Best Friends. Get interrupted by a big scowling guy that towers over everyone and steals the microphone from Tony Schiavone, skeezy guy in the suit doing the talking, and a weak link lackey type who ends up holding the microphone. 

Ari explains that he's now rich after getting his trust fund. Wants to take OC to superstardom by dumping the Best Friends. OC says no. Ari then follows up saying OC will regret crossing Ari Daivari to sell who he is as the button. Cuts to commentary who say that's the Trustbusters Ari Daviari, Parker Boudreux and Slim J who are on a recruiting spree and OC just turned them down.

Clear heels, clear dynamics in the group (leader, muscle, lackey). Nothing new in a rich kid trying to buy success. It doesn't really require any previous knowledge to know exactly what's going on.

Compare that to something like Stokely Hathaway debuting the in the middle of a PPV match replacing Mark Sterling in Jade's managerial role with little explanation

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1 hour ago, Infinity Land said:

Confirmation that Statlander was out again was easily one of the low points of this week's Dynamite. With the build up to All Out and Grand Slam it was a safe bet she was going to get something to do as part of the TBS title scene.


I watched the match on dark and thought that didn’t look like selling. Tough break as she was getting momentum again

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I skipped all the women's stuff so this ended up being a cracking episode of Dynamite. I have only two complaints: JR back on commentary for the full show and, if you're going to have people bleeding in the main event, don't also have them bleeding in the opener (although I did enjoy that coffin match a lot).

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10 hours ago, Factotum said:

Fuck me what a show and what an end. That's everything wrestling should be. MOX/Jericho was great and Punk being an absolute surprise was superb.

100% this. Moxley/Jericho felt like a big time main event and I got a sense as it went on that we might be getting Punk at the end. I’m very happy I was right because that was ace.

9 hours ago, RedRooster said:

I really enjoy Erik Redbeard's AEW appearances, but I'm a little sad to see "Beardhausen". I feel like Danhausen is cheating on Hook. 

100% this too. Heartbreaking to see them on their little boat in the ad breaks like old times.

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Oh come now, HOOKhausen will pop up again. 

Great episode, Coffin Match was fun mad bollocks with a video game finish. 

Sonjay Dutt really amuses me for some reason. 

Main Event was really great. Good big match atmosphere. 

Good lad Hangman, tell em to fuck off, you can't have him back that easy. 

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All Out is shaping up to be an excellent card. At best guess I can see a show along the lines of:

Jon Moxley vs CM Punk to unify the world title

Chris Jericho vs Bryan Danielson

Eddie Kingston vs Sammy Guevara

Thunder Rosa vs Toni Storm vs Britt Baker doing a triple threat for the women’s title

Jade Cargill vs Athena for the TBS title

Ricky Starks vs Powerhouse Hobbs

Christian Cage vs Jungle Boy

Sting & Darby Allin vs House of Black

Trios final which will have the Young Bucks and Hangman Page involved somewhere

Lucha Bros vs Andrade & Rush with some definitive stipulation, hair vs mask maybe

That’s 10 matches without even including Wardlow or the Tag Team Titles (Casino battle royal maybe?). Plenty of options to make a great overall card at the moment.


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It’s AEW’s style to have every single belt on the line at the PPV. I’m expecting FTR to go for (and win) the Tag Titles and Wardlow to defend against against Satnam Singh, with the big spot being him hitting Singh with the giant power bomb.

Side note - I only realised hours after the fact that FTR backing up Wardlow was a callback to them all being members of Pinnacle together! Nice little Easter Egg. 

As far as the PPV goes though, nothing is more exciting than Mox in enemy territory!


Remember before Mox went to rehab when he was practically running fans over? I hope he causes a riot storming through the Chicago fans.

Edited by Supremo
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