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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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That was one of the good things about having Cody Rhodes about. Whenever AEW had a shit angle like this planned it always went to him and it didn't affect anyone else. He'd have been all over this bollocks. Definitely shouldn't be wasting Samoa Joe's time with this. I'd be building up a Joe/Punk match for Double or Nothing, gotta get that in before Joe gets injured again.

Apart from the final 5 minutes an absolute cracking show for the most part. I think the Starks/Hobbs vs Lee/Swerve match is being overlooked. That was quality. All four men have great chemistry and this great little feud has done wonders for all of them. 

Edited by LaGoosh
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6 hours ago, RedRooster said:

Or finish with the tag title match. The fact that was mid-show made it much clearer that there wouldn't be a title change, switch positioning and it suddenly becomes more exciting.

If that had been the way it happened, then FTR should have come straight down to the ring and face off with the Jurassic Express to tease that match. Rather than the 50/50 squaring off with ReDRagon on the stage while signalling past them to the Express.




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3 hours ago, Duke said:

That debut was really terrible wasn't it? Aside from being a very, very WWE thing to do, it was worse than how WWE would do it. Rather than have the lights go out (again), he should have walked down the aisle slowly to give everyone the time to go "bloody hell that guy's massive" before attacking Joe. Instead it was just "oh lights off. Oh now they're on. Wait, who's that? He's big. Oh, he's terrible"


I don't. BCC? Punk? When the lights went out I thought it was for the House of Black and I got really excited for that match, but I assume that's not who you mean.

I thought it was House Of Black, and I bet the fans in attendence were expecting him as well.

I'd even have taken "that's MBA star whatever his name is sat with Lethal & Sonjay Dutt in the crowd" before they all hop the barricade and jump him over the lights off, lights on shtick. 

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Marina Shafir’s music gave me anxiety. It was like a shitpost “Marina Shafir’s Music but it’s only the first 10 seconds”.

Got to be up there as one of the worst.

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I see for Joe's music they've gone for a "Jimmy Hart rips off his WWE music" vibe as well, it's only about a 30 second loop. I almost expected them to trot out his old Godzilla knockoff music from TNA like they did with Christian, but I was wrong. 

Edited by jazzygeofferz
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Something about this show just didn't gel for me. On paper, it was stacked to fuck, and I enjoyed Punk/Penta, MJF, the tag match, Team Taz/Lee & Stirckland, I didn't hate the JAS stuff and the main event was great until this tall dude appeared. But, taken together, something about how the show was laid out just didn't work for me. Also: I don't want to see loads of ROH stuff on AEW. If I wanted to watch ROH reguarly, I'd have already been doing so prior to them announcing their shut down. Like, Jay Lethal? Sonjay Dutt? I couldn't give less of a fuck.

JR was really bad again, too.

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Didn’t know which thread this applies to, if any, but Fab Cafe in Manchester look like they are having a party like they do for the big WWE events for Double Or Nothing. If like the others, it’ll be the night after and they’re usually really nice. 

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8 hours ago, Supremo said:

The worst thing about that terrible ending was that more people will talk about that than the fact that they haven’t missed yet with Wardlow and he’s well on his way to being a tippy-top guy. Every week is a joy.

Can’t wait for the week where all the security guys are holding him down and suddenly they go flying everywhere and he smashes through the lot of them. 20 in one go.

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Yeah all three weeks of Wardlow doing his best Westworld Terminator has heen brilliant. The segment this week was an absolute home run. Everyone note perfect. MJF, Spears, Captain, Bryce, Wardog, those poor fucking security bodies. The crowd eating it, the creative count out finish. Schiavone pissing himself that Max was going to cry. MJF throwing a proper tantrum and a referee justifiably touching a wrestler and saying 'nah mate.' Wardlow looking like an absolute killer at the end and MJF's 'I've really not took this seriously as I should face'. 

And next week he's smashing into the Butcher. Marvellous. 


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Lights on, lights off. Wax on, wax off.

Other than the dumb finish and TK's Jay Lethal obsession, this was pretty good shit.

I don't know if that was a botch, or if he did it on purpose to add drama. I DO KNOW Punk is becoming one of the best sellers in the history of the game. Tremendous. Time to strap him up.

They've captured lightning with the Wardlow. Big hulks wrecking shit just works. Whenever MJF's contract is up Lil' Tone needs to be backing up trucks. In many ways, he's the heart of the promotion.

The Keith Lee/Swerve team works for me. It's a good way to cover their shortcomings and they're cool as fuck. PPPPPPPPOWERHOUSE. I saw a graph (Brandon Thurston?) that showed how Dynamite rates relatively poorly within the black demographic. It's simple. We need these four and Jade Cargill more regularly on Dynamite, and less Jay bloody Lethal.

FTR getting massive babyface pops is just lovely. Give them the proper belts already. Unification. There's far too many fucking belts knocking about at the minute.

It's not all his fault, but Danhousen (or whatever) is everything I hate about AEW. Bush league, bad comedy and assuming audience knowledge. No thank you.

Main event was a good little war. Suzuki still has that dangerous presence about him and Joe has a bit of gas left in the tank. No way he should be pissing about with Sonya Butt and Jared fucking Leto though. Give him a damn mic already.

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18 minutes ago, Mr Butternut Squash said:

Whenever MJF's contract is up Lil' Tone needs to be backing up trucks. In many ways, he's the heart of the promotion.

I’m hoping Khan has already secured his long term future on a big, fuck-off deal and they’re just keeping quiet about it, so that MJF can continue getting heat by teasing a jump to WWE. AEW would survive losing MJF, of course, but it would take a critical blow.

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MJF plays a big part in getting a lotta indie guys in and signed. He has Tony’s ear and gets to play his character as he wants, he is very smart and knows he’d not stand out in wwe as His act has largely been done for 15 years by the Miz. He’s not one to worry about moving for me 

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9 hours ago, Mr Butternut Squash said:

It's not all his fault, but Danhousen (or whatever) is everything I hate about AEW. Bush league, bad comedy and assuming audience knowledge. No thank you.

This reminded me of something that happened before the (excellent) main event.

Excalibur was going on about the bit in Minoru Suzuki’s entrance everyone sings along to and how it’s his battle cry and JR called him out on it and asked him what it meant. And Excalibur didn’t bloody know. That’s one of AEW’s big issues in microcosm - knowing something Is A Thing is not the same as knowing what that thing is and why it happens. If you can’t explain it beyond “this Is A Thing that happens” then you have a problem.

I don’t think JR did that deliberately; I think he genuinely expected Man With A Mask to know. But if even he just accepts “this Is A Thing” without looking into it more, it makes everything that bit more niche and insider than it needs to be.

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